Speaking of empty fantasies, Yukinoshita Haruno couldn’t help feeling a little resentful. This thing is really bad!

“The so-called fantasy hole refers to a region that one day suddenly links to a different world with extraordinary beings!”

“This alien world is like Neon, with only a very small area connected to Neon. The specific connection area is uncertain, and the initial size is also uncertain, but what is certain is that if it is not handled, the connection area will gradually become larger!”

“This kind of growth is endless until it comes into complete contact with this world. At that time, any corner of this world will be able to enter the opposite world. What is more terrifying is that afterwards, both worlds will inexplicably accept the other side and finally become one world!”

“What Bai Jun inquired about in the southern part of Chiba Prefecture was just a fantasy hole that had just taken shape!”

“And, the Occult Research Department…,”

After saying a lot of information, Yukinoshita Haruno hesitated again when she mentioned the Occult Research Department. After a pause, she gritted her teeth and said

“The Occult Research Department and the entire demonic world behind them came to this world through the fantasy hole! This group of demons and their allies now rule the world with a clear conscience and shamelessness!”

“I see, can I understand it this way? Once the illusion appears, if it is not dealt with, a new worldview will be grafted onto this world, and you nobles who originally ruled the common people on this earth will inexplicably have a group of big daddies above your heads?”

“Things like demons and gods appearing in the world are really annoying for the nobles, right?”

Bai Hua teased mercilessly, and he also understood the extraordinary rules of this world.

From time to time, there will be travelers from a world similar to today’s Neon, and from a world very different from this world, they will completely squeeze into this world, expand this world, and become a part of this world.

In this process, the ones who are most hurt are the indigenous nobles of this world. They used to be able to exploit the common people, but suddenly they found themselves becoming Muggles!

A group of extraordinary monsters took over the world lightly, and they were excluded from the center of power and order!

Facing Bai Hua’s ridicule, Yukinoshita Haruno excitedly refuted

“The Yukinoshita family is not unwilling to see their wealth and status fall into the hands of others, but these monsters have no respect for humans at all. My father was executed in public just because he had an argument with the devil over the name of the high school!”

“The Yukinoshita family will never forget this hatred!”

Yukinoshita Haruno’s eyes were red and her expression was agitated. She could no longer maintain the elegance of a noble lady. After all, the hatred was so unforgettable!

“Ha, so that’s how it is. My father-in-law is no longer with us? This is really good news… Well, I mean my condolences.”

Bai Hua has no hatred in his heart and will not be led astray by Yukinoshita Haruno. He knew it after a little analysis.

The demons came to this powerless world, and naturally they would do their old business again, continuing to be high and mighty with peace of mind, influencing and ruling the world.

It’s just a new batch of humans below, it doesn’t matter at all. Humans, who only have a lifespan of a few decades, are not worth caring about in the eyes of most demons. Killing a human noble to establish prestige is probably just a matter of convenience!

This also explains why the high school that Yukinoshita Yukino and he attend now is not named Chiba City Sobu High School in the original book, but Kuoh Comprehensive College. It turns out that the head of a local noble is involved here!

Bai Hua was not sad at all and even wanted to laugh. There was no sympathy in his tone, and he even talked nonsense unscrupulously! Yukinoshita

Haruno took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and showed no expression of Bai Hua’s gloating, and even took up this offensive remark.

“If Bai Jun can prove his worth, then even betrothing my younger sister to Bai Jun is totally fine!”

Yukinoshita Haruno had no expression on her face. Although she had controlled her emotions, she had no intention of arguing with Bai Hua. She was sure that this bastard had no empathy for their family’s suffering and only coveted beauty!

Why? Are all extraordinary beings so vicious?

Can power really make people less human?

“Huh? No, that won’t do. Yukino is not my type. I have three criteria for choosing a partner. The first is that the partner must be a beautiful girl, the second is that the partner must have a cute sister, and the third is that the partner must have a sexy mother. Yukino only has a scheming sister, which is totally unacceptable!”

“On the contrary, Yang No-chan is completely in line with the requirements, after all, she has a cute sister like Yukino!”

Bai Hua continued to unscrupulously provoke the Yukinoshita family, and his purpose was naturally to see how many cards the Yukinoshita family still had!

In the face of such provocation, what can you come up with?

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