Because it is a fusion world.

Many things in this world are different from what Chen Mu knows.

For example, the third expeditionary force is actually not just two high-level combat forces.

But three.

They are known as the"Three Giants of the Suppression Force".

These three people are captain Abai Mina, vice-captain Soshiro Hoshina, and a special team member, Nishiki Chitsuka! The three people are good at different fields.

Captain Abai Mina is good at long-range sniping.

Vice-captain Soshiro Hoshina is good at close combat.

And Nishiki Chitsuka is good at medium-range assaults.

It is also under the cooperation of these three giants that the third expeditionary force is called the ace of aces.

In the past, the three of them even had a record of conquering a level 8.7 monster.

Therefore, when they learned that the three big guys had joined forces again, the other members of the expeditionary force who were originally nervous about the level 8.5 monster also felt relieved.

And Chen Mu didn't know all this...

On the battlefield, Chen Mu has been fighting with Monster No. 9.

It has to be admitted that Monster No. 9 is powerful and terrifying.

In front of Monster No. 9, Chen Mu is now completely suppressed.

Whether it is speed, strength, or other aspects.

Chen Mu is at a disadvantage.

In the end, the time spent in the sun is too short, and the degree of fusion of the superman template is not enough, only 4%.

Another reason is that the monster enhancement suit Chen Mu is wearing is too lousy.

This monster enhancement suit is made of the life core of a monster at the level of Yu Beast.

Even if its combat power is released to 87%, it is still not enough. It is okay to fight with this beast, relying on Chen Mu's own foundation, it can barely be used.

But facing the existence of the big monster level, it is a bit weak.

However, fighting is not just about numerical crushing.

Combat experience will also play a very important role.

And this is Chen Mu's advantage.

Monster No. 9 may have been bullying before.

There is not much experience in fighting with powerful opponents.

Although Chen Mu didn't have much combat experience, he had a quick mind.

The 4% superhuman template meant that he possessed some superhuman wisdom.

This allowed him to grow at the speed of light in battle.

Almost every moment, his strength was stronger than the previous second.

He also became more and more accustomed to the attack methods of Monster No. 9.

In this way, Chen Mu was able to barely maintain the situation and avoid being directly crushed and killed by Monster No. 9.

But that was all.

The absolute gap in numbers made it impossible for Chen Mu to defeat Monster No. 9.

He could only maneuver.

But even if it was just this, it was shocking enough.

At least Shinomiya Chikoro was dumbfounded.

"This guy is really a monster!!!"

Shinomiya Chikoru, after witnessing Chen Mu's rapid improvement, sighed for the umpteenth time.

However, she did not just stand there in a daze.

Chen Mu is indeed a monster, that's true.

But she is also a genius.

As a genius, she also has her own pride.

How can she just watch Chen Mu perform and be a passerby?

The most important thing is.......

"I have never thought of abandoning my companions and running away alone!"

Roaring, Shinomiya Chikolu raised his gun and pulled the trigger at Monster No. 9.....

Shinomiya Chikoro can be said to be a typical tsundere.

With her blonde twin ponytails, it would be a pity if she wasn't a tsundere.

However, tsundere, being a bitch, and even foul-mouthed are just aspects of her daily life.

But in battle, Shinomiya Chikoro is undoubtedly the most trustworthy comrade.

She would never let her teammates sacrifice themselves while she escapes.

For example, now.

When Chen Mu was being beaten by Monster No. 9.

Shinomiya Chikoro threw away her fear of the big monster. She chose to fire directly at Monster No. 9.

Although she knew that doing so would likely result in her being killed instantly by Monster No. 9.

But in Shinomiya Chikoro's heart, cowardice is more terrible than death......

Specially modified firearms can fire bullets of different powers according to the talents of the users.

In the hands of a person who has released about 5% of his combat power

, the bullets fired by this firearm are no different from those of ordinary assault rifles.

However, in the hands of a genius like Shinomiya Chikoro, who has released 46% of his combat power, every bullet fired is comparable to a high-explosive RPG.

As for Monster No. 9, because its attention was focused on Chen Mu, it failed to dodge the bullets.

With bursts of explosions, Monster No. 9 was immediately submerged in the smoke.


Just when Shinomiya Chikoro felt that she had done a great deed.

Chen Mu yelled at her directly:"Run, idiot!"

How could Monster No. 9, who could not even be hurt by Chen Mu's violence, be hurt by Shinomiya Chikoro?

Shinomiya Chikoro also reacted.

But it was too late to think about running at this time.

The gray figure of Monster No. 9 was like a ghost, and it quickly flashed in front of Shinomiya Chikoro.

Then, with one hand, Monster No. 9 pinched Shinomiya Chikoro's neck.

Lifted her directly from the ground.

Looking at Shinomiya Chikoro, whose little face was red due to suffocation.

Monster No. 9 said in a voice without any mercy:"Bugs, you should be pinched to death!"

Seeing that Monster No. 9 was about to strangle Shinomiya Chikoro to death


With a roar, a blue beam shot from a distance. It accurately broke the arm of Monster No. 9.

Yabai Mina, the captain of the third expeditionary force and one of the strongest in the defense army, dealt a heavy blow to Monster No. 9 as soon as she attacked.

Along with Yabai Mina, there were two other people.

""Da da da da da!"

Along with the sound of machine guns, countless flesh and blood immediately splattered on Monster No. 9's body.

The girl with short white hair stood not far away with a gun and kept shooting at Monster No. 9.

At the same time, the deputy captain Hoshino Soshiro, holding two swords, had also rushed to Monster No. 9.

With the flying of the two swords, the body of Monster No. 9 was chopped into pieces.

The three giants of the third expeditionary force, come on!

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