As the edf directional army, the punitive force among the punitive forces, and the ace among the aces, the status of the third punitive force has always been very high.

This can be seen from the fact that the third punitive force can choose people first.

After they have finished selecting the personnel, the rest will be selected by other punitive forces.

Of course, this does not mean that the people they choose will definitely join the third punitive force.

After all, the list they have in their hands now is just a list of"physical fitness assessment".

To become a member of the"punitive force", physical fitness alone is not enough. You also need talent.

The talent to adapt to and use the power of monsters!

If the talent is not enough, then even if the performance in the"physical fitness assessment" is good, you will be persuaded to quit.

This also ensures fairness between different punitive forces to a certain extent.

After all, the third punitive force only selects some good seedlings first.

But whether these good seedlings can become talents is still an unknown.

It's like gambling on stones.

Before it is really cut, no matter how good the face of the stone is, no one can guarantee it.

The same goes for selecting people.

Before there is a real test of"talent", no matter how good the physical test is, there is no guarantee that you will be able to join the expeditionary force.

It is precisely because of this that the small privileges of the Third Expeditionary Force will not be resisted by other expeditionary forces.

Back to the topic.

After screening by several team members and vice-captains, a list of nearly fifty people was soon drawn up.

In addition to Chen Mu and Shinomiya Chikulu, this list also includes the names of Kafka Hibino and the short-haired handsome boy Ichikawa Leno.

After the list was confirmed, the vice-captain Soshiro Hoshina said,"These are probably the personnel."

"Go report to the Defense Forces, and have these people come to our Third Expedition Force base as soon as possible to complete the talent test."

"Yes, Vice Captain."..

Fifty people selected by the Third Expeditionary Force.

Soon, under the guidance of the staff, they took a car to the combat base of the Third Expeditionary Force.

As soon as they got off the car, they saw a smiling man waiting for them.

Many people recognized the identity of this man.

It was the deputy captain of the Third Expeditionary Force, Soshiro Hoshina.

After the newcomers got off the car, Soshiro Hoshina said some polite words as usual.

Then, he led everyone to the inside of the base.

First, he used some monsters kept in captivity inside the base to scare the newcomers.

Then, it was time for the highlight of this time.

That is, the talent test.

The content of the talent test is very simple.

All you need to do is let these newcomers wear specially made"monster enhancement suits".

After wearing the"monster enhancement suit", personal talents will be visible at a glance.

With the help of the staff, Chen Mu also quickly put on the"monster enhancement suit" assigned to him.

Before coming, Chen Mu, who had made up for some"monster knowledge", recognized the origin of this"monster enhancement suit"

"Developed by Izumo Technology, the product code is G-X4552"

"A mass-produced monster enhancement suit that can display the combat power of the monster at the level of the monster itself when it is fully utilized."

"It's a very good product!"

Because of the monsters.

The technology tree of this world is not a little bit crooked compared to Chen Mu's previous life.

Many special products based on monsters have been born.

The"Monster Enhanced Suit" in front of Chen Mu is one of them.

And this one is still the most common monster enhanced suit.

It is said that the high-level officials of the expeditionary force also have some specially made"Monster Enhanced Suit".

Those"Monster Enhanced Suit" can exert more terrifying power.

But that kind of thing is also very precious, at least it is not something that Chen Mu can get his hands on now.

But there will always be a chance in the future.

Concentrating the distracting thoughts in his heart, Chen Mu changed into this"Monster Enhanced Suit".

The first feeling after putting it on was comfort. It was like the whole body was wrapped in a hot spring, and the whole body was full of a warm feeling.

When this feeling subsided, Chen Mu felt that all parts of his body had been strengthened a lot.

Of course, this strengthening is relatively ordinary for Chen Mu.

Because his foundation is too strong.

2% of the Man of Steel is still a Man of Steel.

Compared with the Man of Steel, the improvement brought by the Monster Enhancement Suit is just so-so.

But for ordinary people, it is a completely different matter.

Many people showed obvious excitement on their faces after wearing this"Monster Enhancement Suit".

It felt as if everyone had become a superman, ready to take off at any time.

While many newcomers were adapting to the"Monster Enhancement Suit" and the improvement in their strength.

The commander of the third expeditionary force, Kokoroki Yoshimi, was measuring the talents of the wearers.....

If you want to see if a person has high talent, the method is actually very simple.

You just need to measure how much combat power the wearer can release from the"Monster Enhancement Suit".

The more combat power that can be released, the stronger the person's talent is.

And vice versa.

Soon, Kokonogi Yomi got the specific data and reported it out.

"Ichikawa Leno, liberation force 8%"

"Izumo Haruichi, unlock combat power 18%"

"Kagura Mu Kui, unlocked combat power 15%"

"Guqiao Yichun, liberation force 14%"


After hearing these data, people had different reactions.

Some were calm and composed, obviously knowing the data a long time ago.

Others were unwilling to accept that they were lower than others.

At this time, Hoshina Soshiro's voice sounded again.

"The liberation of combat power represents the extent to which the capabilities of the monster battle suit can be utilized."

"Generally, after training, it can reach about 20%."

"It is already very good to be able to reach more than 10% for the first time wearing a monster battle suit."

In previous years, the passing standard for the third expeditionary force was 6%.

You can imagine how strong this batch of newcomers is.

Just when everyone listened to the deputy captain's explanation and felt that they were not bad.

Okonoki Yoshimi's shocked voice sounded:"Shinomiya Kikuru, the release of combat power 46%!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.

We are all freshmen, why are you so outstanding?

46%? Is this the quality of a super genius?

Being watched by everyone, Shinomiya Chikolu also showed a proud smile.

He took out a bottle of water and planned to drink a few sips and say a few pretentious words.

As a result, just as he put the water into his mouth, Shinomiya Chikolu heard the numb voice of Xiaojinmu Haomei:"Chen Mu, release the combat power 61%!"


Shinomiya Chikolu sprayed the water directly.

Then he looked at Chen Mu with an unbelievable look.

After hearing this answer, Chen Mu also grinned at Shinomiya Chikolu.

But this smile looked like a provocation to Shinomiya Chikolu.

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