Chen Mu still had some impressions of Yukinoshita Yukino.

He had seen her once before.

But that was all.

He knew that such a person existed.

But he had never thought about what would happen with Yukinoshita Yukino.

There are so many beautiful women in the world. Does Chen Mu have to sleep with every one he sees?

Compared with these, he would rather spend his mind on improving his own strength.

Therefore, Chen Mu quickly forgot about Yukinoshita Yukino.

But Chen Mu never expected that he would suddenly see Yukinoshita Yukino today.

No, this style is not right.

Yukinoshita Yukino, can you and the expeditionary force have the same style?

Although he was surprised, Chen Mu did not dwell on it for too long.

In such a complex world.

The trajectory of the characters has long been disrupted.

If Nishiki Chitsuki can come to fight monsters, what else is impossible to happen?

Therefore, although Chen Mu was a little surprised by the appearance of Yukino, it did not last too long. He just nodded to Yukino as encouragement.

Then he followed the procedure and came to the high platform in front of the crowd.

After thinking for a while, Chen Mu said,"I don't know what you think led you to take part in this assessment."

"Maybe they thought the Fifth Expeditionary Force would be safer."

"Or maybe he feels that he will grow faster under my guidance."

"If you think this way, I can only say that you are wrong."

"The Fifth Expeditionary Force, although a newly formed force, is by no means a vase, nor a cradle of comfort."

"On the contrary, the Fifth Expeditionary Force will be the hardest and most dangerous force in the future."

"You will fight the most powerful monsters, face the most terrible crises, and endure the most brutal tests."

"If you are not ready to die at any time, if you are not prepared to live in hell, then quit now."


When he said this, Chen Mu paused and looked at the reactions of the people below.

Seeing that no one interrupted or left, he continued,"Since you are all prepared, I won't say much."

"The assessment begins!"

It's not chicken soup, it's just an advance notice.

Chen Mu is very honest.

He said that the Fifth Expeditionary Force will be the hardest and most difficult in the future.

That's the hardest and most difficult. If you can't hold on, then get out.

Chen Mu will not indulge anyone...

After Chen Mu finished speaking, the third round of assessment officially began.

The more than 300 people who participated in the assessment put on the standard monster enhancement suits.

Then soon, the liberation of these people's combat power was displayed on the big screen.

"Longxia Village 1, unlock combat power 18%!"

"Currently, Wild Vine, unlocked combat power 17%!"

"Shinami Nogi, unlock combat power 13%!"

"Inoue Takina, release force 44%!"


As Shinomiya Chikoru continued to release data one by one

, the people who were called had different reactions.

Some were on the lower side, with dejected faces and eyes full of unwillingness.

Some were on the higher side, with high spirits and increased confidence.

But when it came to Inoue Takina's released combat power, everyone fell silent.

No one expected it to be so high.

Even Shinomiya Chikoru looked at Inoue Takina with surprise.

The initial released combat power of 44% is already a very exaggerated data. It is even stronger than her.

Although Shinomiya Chikoru's original data was as high as 46%, it was not the initial release data.

The gold content is not as high as Inoue Takina.

As for Inoue Takina herself, she was also surprised when she heard the data.

But she recovered quickly. She turned into a cold face again.

Her personality is like this. Although it cannot be said to be cold, it can still be considered cold.

Under normal circumstances, her expression is well maintained.

Unless she can't hold it anymore......

After the episode with Inoue Takina

, the test continued

"Hikoda Kumaichi, Unleashed Combat Power 21%!"

"Bourbon Yunogi, unlocked combat power 11%!"

"Yukinoshita Yukino, unlocked combat power 47%!"


Shinomiya Chikalu couldn't read on.

No, what happened this year?

Why are there so many geniuses?

Obviously, when she took the test before, there weren't so many abnormalities.

Of course, Chen Mu doesn't count.

He's a monster.

If we leave Chen Mu aside and only count the average level of Shinomiya Chikalu's class, we will find that the average level this time is much higher than the last time.

Not to mention the little geniuses with more than 20%, there are even those with more than 40% of the initial released combat power.

And there are more than one.

It's hard for Shinomiya Chikalu not to be hit.

She has always been called a super genius in the past.

As a super genius.

It's okay if she can't beat Chen Mu.

How come now, she can't even beat these juniors?

Although she kept muttering in her heart.

But Shinomiya Chikalu didn't give up.

The assessment continued.

She continued to read.

Then, soon.

The big one came.

"This, how is this possible?"

"No way, this must be fake!"

"Initial liberation strength, 60%!"

Shinomiya Kikuru was dumbfounded.

Nishiki Chitsuki, who was watching from the side, was also dumbfounded.

Even Chen Mu was a little surprised.

This data is almost the same as when Chen Mu participated in the assessment. It is only 1% less than Chen Mu at that time.

But the problem is that Chen Mu cannot be calculated according to normal circumstances.

He is not a normal human being at all.

Naturally, Chen Mu’s original liberation combat power data cannot be used as a reference.

However, this one in front of him is different.

Her data is real.

As the person involved.

Busujima Saeko faced many shocked or envious eyes. Her expression was always calm.

She really didn’t expect such a result.

But, just this was not enough to move her.

In fact, she was a little curious in her heart.

I don’t know how much the gap is between her data and Chen Mu?

The reason why Busujima Saeko came to participate in this selection.

In essence, she came for Chen Mu.

However, unlike Yukinoshita Yukino, who coveted Chen Mu’s body, she came to defeat Chen Mu.

Defeat the strong, or fight with powerful monsters.

This is the purpose of Busujima Saeko's participation in the assessment.

Now it seems that she has a chance to achieve this goal?

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