Chapter 56 Crisis, 13.3 level monster No. 9!

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After learning the news of the appearance of the monster.

The fifth expeditionary force where Chen Mu is located.

And the first expeditionary force where Ming Haixian is located.

They all rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

That is, Shinagawa District.

Because the area where Chen Mu and his team are located is closer to Shinagawa District.

So they arrived at Shinagawa District before the first expeditionary force.

At this time, Shinagawa District was already a sea of fire.

Don't underestimate the damage that monsters can cause to the city.

Not to mention the strength, just the huge size of the monsters, any movement is a disaster for the city.

Not to mention, monsters are not just huge in size.

Some monsters with special abilities really have the power to completely destroy an entire city.

In the face of such a powerful destructive force.

How could the death situation not be tragic?

Fortunately, Chen Mu and his team arrived in time.

The monster's rampage has not spread.

Therefore, the casualties are barely acceptable.

If they came a little later

, the casualties caused by these monsters would become a terrible astronomical figure.


After arriving at the scene, Chen Mu said nothing.

He flew into the air first, and then"exploded the gravitational spectrum". He first cleared out some of the monster-level monsters.

Then, he landed again and came in front of the team members.

Ignoring the team members' eyes that looked at him as if he were a god.

Chen Mu said in a serious tone:"Do you remember what I said when you joined the team?"

"You came to the Fifth Expeditionary Force not to enjoy yourself, but to suffer and seek death!"

"Now, the opportunity has come, it is time to prove that you have awakened"

"Soon, a large number of the original beasts and other beasts will emerge from the huge hole in the ground."

"I only ask of you to kill those damn monsters!"

"I hope you won't disappoint me!"

At this moment, all the members of the Fifth Expeditionary Force looked extremely serious.

However, no one showed a timid expression.

Who are they looking down on?

Compared with the monster, Chen Mu is more terrifying.

The team members are used to being tortured by Chen Mu every day.

Compared with him, the monster is harmless.

Of course, this idea must not be said out loud.

If you say it out loud, you may not die at the hands of the monster.

Instead, you will be beaten to death by Chen Mu.


After the pre-war words, Chen Mu had nothing to explain.

Because he couldn't wait to start a killing spree.

So, he quickly said the last words to the team members.

"Go to battle!"



Just as Chen Mu said.

Soon, a large number of monsters crawled out of the huge hole in the ground.

These monsters look varied.

Some look like snails, some look like pythons, and some look like ants...

But without exception, the strength of these monsters is not too strong.

A small number are at the level of the original beast, and most of them are at the level of the remaining beasts.

However, Chen Mu did not really think that the monsters were just that.

In fact, these original beasts and remaining beasts are just appetizers.

The real main course is still to come.

Sure enough, not long after.

With the first numbered big monster-level guy jumping out of the huge hole in the ground.

More and more numbered big monsters have also appeared in the city.

At this time, in the headquarters base of the defense force.

The shrill alarm made everyone nervous.

Even Shinomiya Isao couldn't calm down.

It's too exaggerated.

This time the lineup of the monsters is really a bit too exaggerated.

"The energy of 7 numbered monsters was detected"

"The energy levels are: 9.9/10.1/11.3/11.5/12.1/12.4, and the most powerful, 13.3!"

"How could there be so many powerful numbered monsters!"

The intelligence lady in charge of reporting was about to cry.

This lineup was a bit too luxurious. It was so luxurious that even Shizhimiya Isao, who had the most confidence in Chen Mu, began to worry.

At the same time, Shizhimiya Isao also guessed why a group of such powerful numbered monsters suddenly appeared... It

's very simple.

Star Guide Civilization!

During this period, except for Neon, there were frequent incidents of numbered monsters being hunted and humans with more than 90% of their combat power being attacked in other places.

Shizhimiya Isao was not very familiar with this matter before.

He had not realized the seriousness of the matter.

But at this moment, Shizhimiya Isao understood.

Those attacks and hunting incidents were not isolated cases.

They were premeditated.

It was through these hunts and attacks that the Star Guide Civilization obtained the genes of many powerful humans and monsters.

And used these genes to create this group of powerful numbered monsters.


Shinomiya Isao's guess was not quite accurate, but it was generally correct.

But the difference is that the mastermind behind all this is not the Star Guide Civilization.

It is Monster No. 9.

Monster No. 9 has not been idle during this period.

The purpose of making trouble all over the world is to devour enough strong people.

Then raise its own evolution level.

This is also the main reason why Monster No. 9's current energy level is as high as 13.3.

This is also the most terrifying ability of Monster No. 9 itself.

Unlimited devouring evolution.

As long as the material is enough, Monster No. 9 can even turn itself into a Titan monster-level existence.

Even surpassing Titan and reaching a whole new height.

However, this is only for monsters.

From the perspective of monsters, Monster No. 9 is indeed unsolvable.

But Chen Mu is not a monster.

He is a superman!

The limit of monsters is not the limit of supermen.

Monster No. 9 thinks that after a wave of evolution, he can defeat Chen Mu.

I can only say that you don't understand Superman at all!

It's not just Monster No. 9 who doesn't understand.

In fact, even the Star Guide Civilization behind Monster No. 9 didn’t understand.

They had no idea what kind of existence Chen Mu was.

They had no idea how disastrous the consequences of being an enemy of Superman would be.


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