The next day, early in the morning

Sitting at the table and eating a delicious breakfast, Naoko Ieiri spurted out the miso soup in her mouth when she saw the two people coming out.

"Puff! Hahaha! What's wrong with you two? Pandas?"

Jingong Si and Zenin Jiner each had two obvious dark circles on their faces, which were so conspicuous that they didn't need to put on eye makeup even if they went to the zoo to cosplay as pandas.

Jingong Riki, who heard the noise, also came out of the kitchen and asked in surprise after seeing the two:

"Ashi, Jiner, did you two not sleep well last night?"

Jingong Si: "What do you think?"

Zenin Jiner: "Hehe."

The two looked at each other and turned their heads away in disgust.

Seeing this, Riki Kamiya guessed, "Are you quarreling?"


The two said in unison, then they were stunned, turned their heads and glared at each other, and then turned their heads away.


How could it be just a quarrel? They wanted to kill each other directly!

Looking at the two generals who were so tacit, Riki Kamiya was thoughtful.

She had heard others say that boys' quarrels were a symbol of good relationship, and sometimes the more quarrels, the better the relationship.

In this case, let it go. It would be bad if she intervened and destroyed their relationship.

So, Riki Kamiya no longer cared about the two and walked towards her seat with breakfast.

At the dining table

Ieori Naoko felt the tense atmosphere and was so uncomfortable that she always felt that the two would overturn the table and fight in the next second.

This was a bloody experience. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru were like this. They were fine in the last second, but they started fighting in the next second.

There is no logic at all.

But with Sister Riki here, the two shouldn't fight...right?

"I'm done eating!"

Forget it, I'll just run away!

Ieiri Naoko ran to the kitchen with the plate.

So there were only three people left at the table. Jingu Riki happily ate breakfast, and the other two occasionally had a fight.

Zenin Jiner bit the bread viciously, as if what was in his mouth was not bread, but someone's meat.


When he thought of last night, he felt his anger rising straight up.

Last night, he had slept well, but the dream became more and more wrong. The garbage of the Zenin family, the enemies he made during the mission, and all kinds of weird cursed spirits, all the annoying things appeared one after another.

If it was just like this, it would be fine, but those things were so fucking feminized!

When he thought of the old man Zenin in women's clothes and the cursed spirits flirting with him, Zenin Jiner still felt nauseous.

Although it was just a dream, it was still vivid in my memory. Even just thinking about it...


"Shin'er! What's wrong with you?"

Seeing her fiancé suddenly retching, Jinmiya Riki panicked.

Jinmiya Tsukasa guessed maliciously, "Maybe morning sickness?"

"Ah Si!" Jinmiya Riki scolded, and then continued to ask with concern, "What's wrong? Is breakfast not to your liking?"

But she always made it according to the previous standards.

Jinmiya Riki was puzzled.

Zenin Shin'er waved his hand, "It's okay, I just suddenly thought of something disgusting."

He glared at Jinmiya Tsukasa fiercely.

This bastard actually disgusted himself in this way.

Jinmiya Tsukasa snorted coldly and ate breakfast slowly.

Wouldn't it be better to just roll over and sleep on the floor? He also didn't sleep all night.

Tianyu Jufu's strong physique also has a certain resistance to illusions, so in order to maintain the intensity of the illusion and prevent the other party from waking up, Jinmiya Tsukasa spent the whole night with him.

"Hey, Jingu, if you don't hurry up, you'll be late!"

Ieiri Naoko reminded.

"That's right! Today is Monday, and we have to go to school!" Jingu Riki clapped her hands and stood up in shock, "Ah Si! Hurry up! Otherwise, we'll really be late!"

"Don't worry, we'll make it in time." The person involved was not in a hurry at all, "There are still ten minutes, and we'll definitely make it in time."

"You'll make it in time, you idiot!" Jingu Riki roared, "It will take at least eight minutes to get to school, and you can make it to the classroom in two minutes?!"

During the period, you have to change into indoor shoes and climb stairs...

"No! Hurry up and leave now!" Jingu Riki came to Jingu Tsukasa and pulled him up with force, "Hurry up! And there's a schoolbag, a schoolbag!"

The flustered movements made people who didn't know think that she was the one going to school.

Zenin Jiner sneered, gloating over the misfortune.

Not hiding anything.

"How pitiful, you still have to go to school."

Jinguji retorted, "Illiterate, shut up!"

What is this guy who doesn't even have an elementary school education, no, kindergarten education, barking about?

Zenin Jiner didn't care at all, "At least I don't have to go to school."

Illiterate? Illiterate, anyway, he's not busy at all now.

Jinguji Riki threw the schoolbag into Jinguji's arms and pushed him towards the door.

"Don't dawdle! Otherwise you'll really be late!"

"Hi hi hi!"


Above the school

Jinguji, sitting on the Dark Raven, seriously discussed with Ieiri Naoko, "I think the school should build a helipad on the roof. The rooftop is too small for students like us who fly to school."

"No, it's totally unnecessary." Ieiri Naoko ruthlessly complained, "I think no students would use flying tools."

Even if they are high-profile, they are just luxury cars. Who would fly to school!

"It's called being prepared." Jingu Si said as if it was a real matter.

Jiairi Naoko chuckled twice, letting someone experience it for themselves.


The Dark Crow descended to a certain height, and the two jumped onto the rooftop.

"It only takes two minutes on the way, and there are still eight minutes. Isn't there plenty of time?"

Jingu Si took out his mobile phone to check the time and said easily.

Jiairi Naoko had already arrived at the door of the rooftop, "Does it matter to you whether you are late or not? Anyway, you can use illusion to deceive the teacher."

"Really, in Naoko's eyes, am I the kind of person who abuses my ability?"

"Isn't it?"

"...That's right."


Soon, the morning class flashed by, and with the ringing of the lunch break bell, Jingu Si, who had been sleeping on the table for a day, got up on time.

"Ah! So comfortable!"

Sure enough, school is a good place to catch up on sleep, and it's so comfortable to sleep.

"Hey, are you awake?"

Si, who was sitting next to her, raised her eyes and continued to immerse herself in her mobile phone.

For them, the courses in both elementary school and junior high school are too simple, and going to school is just for coping. They basically do their own things during class, and the teacher doesn't care because of their excellent grades.

For Ieiri Naoko, she either reads medical books or plays with her phone during class. As for other daily activities -

I have no interest. After all, they are not really the same age, so they can't play together at all.

Similarly, Jingu Tsukasa is similar. He sleeps, reads comics, and plays games. He does everything in the classroom except not attending class.

"By the way, what are we having for lunch today?" Jingu Tsukasa asked, lying on the table.

"Hmm..." Ieiri Naoko made an unknown tone in her throat, "I got it! How about this restaurant?"

The lit phone screen was pushed in front of Jingu Tsukasa.

"Snake and Love Meal?"

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