The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

Chanyuan Shan snorted coldly, "It was just a moment of carelessness."

It was a shame that he failed to take down the waste Chanyuan Shen'er and was almost hit by him!

"Don't worry, I'm not"


The giant rock hand burst open, and Chanyuan Shen'er, who escaped from the trap, appeared next to Chanyuan Shoulang in an instant.

"Old man, sneak attack?"

The hot Youyun swung and hit the old man hard.


Chanyuan Shoulang flew ten meters away and lay on the ground, his life or death unknown.


A man with a naked upper body and long black hair who looked like a berserker raised his fist.

The next moment, countless giant fists smashed towards Chanyuan Shen'er.

"Who is it?" Chanyuan Shen'er felt that the man in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn't remember.

"Never mind."

Anyway, he was also a piece of trash from the Chanyuan family.

Chanyuan Shen'er dodged in the gap of the giant fist, and in a few breaths, he came to the front of Chanyuan Shenyi in the air.

"Go to hell!"

The three-section stick wrapped in flames rushed straight to his face, and Chanyuan Shenyi's pupils shrank into sharp points.


A human-shaped pit appeared on the ground, and all the Chanyuan Shen'er who looked like Shura next to him did not dare to move for a while.

"Trash, is this the only level?"

Chanyuan Shen'er glanced around with contempt, and everyone who was touched by his eyes bowed their heads in shame.

"Those who are not Chanyuan are not magicians, and those who are not magicians are not human." This concept has been instilled in them since childhood, but at this moment, they are intimidated by Chanyuan Shen'er who is at the bottom of their contempt chain...

How can they not feel ashamed?

"Come on, all of you!" Zenyuan shouted, "No matter how strong this guy is, he is only one person. What can a guy without spells and curses do? Let's go together. I don't believe he can handle it all at once!"

Yes, without spells and curses, how can one person handle the siege!

"Come on together!!!"

"That's right! There is always someone who can beat him!"

"Kill him!!!"

Hearing the encouragement, the surrounding Zenyuan magicians released their spells one after another.

Facing dozens or even hundreds of curse attacks at the same time, even Zenyuan Jiner couldn't help feeling the pressure.

"I originally wanted to leave it to that kid, but now I'll use it against you first."

The frequency of the sun's breathing increased, the muscles tightened, and the veins bulged.

The flame-like lines gradually climbed up Zenyuan Jiner's cheeks...


"It's really lively outside."

In the main house, the current head of the Zenyuan family, Zenyuan Naohito, drank a little wine and listened to the noise with great pleasure.

"This kid Shier has grown braver after going out, and he dares to come back and make a scene... Hahaha! It's really interesting!"

"What? Shier is back?" A young man with eyes hanging down and a somewhat evil look heard such words as soon as he entered the house, "Is it Shier who made the noise outside? Yes, that's right, it must be Shier! Who else has this ability besides him?"

"No, I want to see Shier!"

The foot that had just stepped into the house was immediately retracted, and at the moment when Zenin Naoya turned around


A knife hit his back neck, causing his body to soften. Seeing that he was about to fall, Zenin Naohito grabbed the back of his collar.

"Take him to his room."

Zenin Naohito threw his troubled son to the servant beside him.

Really, I don't know when this rebellious son started to be crazy about Zenin Shier, and his madness is comparable to...

"How did you say it, it seems to be Mengnan?"

If other sons were not even more useless, Zenin Naohito would not want this son.

"It's really bad."

Zenin Naohito returned to his seat and continued to drink wine.

As for the movement outside?

If the clan leader has to take action for everything, what are the clan members for?

Give the people below more opportunities to perform!

Zenin Naohito raised his wine glass, and the wine leaked from his lips and slid down his neck into his clothes, but he still looked absent-minded.

"Will you be the one who changes Zenin?"


Zenin's house, backyard

A servant was walking hurriedly, and suddenly a figure appeared in front of him. The next moment, his eyes went black and the servant fainted.

Jingu Tsukasa turned his body to the side and let the servant fall to the ground.

"Thank you."

Just at that moment, he had already known the location of the Zenyuan family's collection of spell tools and the library through reading memories.

Now, while the noise was being made, Zenyuan was very

Attracted, he was about to collect the spoils.

That's right, Jinguji came to Chanyuan's house today not only to make Chanyuan Shi'er make a fuss and get rid of his inner demons, but also to vacate the Zenyuan's house.

"Well, just think of it as the dowry of that guy Shi'er. Chou Bao, don't you think so?"

Jinguji touched the head of the insect-shaped curse spirit on his shoulder and said.

In order to ensure that the Chanyuan house was vacated, he first borrowed the ugly treasure from the Chanyuan Shi'er before starting.

Not to mention, this little thing still looks ugly after looking at it for a long time.

With happy steps, Jinguji headed towards Jiku first. As for the people he met along the way, without exception, they were stunned by his illusion as soon as they met.

As for waiting for them to wake up...

Hey, the passive hands and feet they remember are gifts given to someone by Jinguji.

Hope the guy likes it.


The conjurer guarding the treasure house just found Jinguji and collapsed to the ground after seeing the strange eyes.

"It's good to be young, just fall asleep."

Jinguji stepped on the bodies of the two and looked at the door of Jiku.

"Looks like you need a key? This is really bad news."

He didn't have a key, and the two guards didn't look like they had keys.

But the next moment, Jinguji's tone became cheerful.

"The good news is that I don't plan on using the key either. Shinra Tenzheng!"

Jiku's door was instantly blown away by Hong Fei.

"Wow! I'm rich!"

Looking at the dazzling array of spell tools, Jin Gongsi's eyes lit up.

"Special skills, first-level, second-level...the total of these magic tools must be worth tens of billions."

It’s a huge profit, and it costs zero!

Purchased for zero yuan, I like it.

"It's up to you, ugly baby."

The Secretary of the Shrine raised Chou Bao above his head, and Chou Bao opened his mouth in cooperation.

Six Paths·Heavenly Path!

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

In an instant, under the strong gravitational force, the magic tools and the shelves in the Jiku flew towards the direction of the Shrine, and then were swallowed into Chou Bao's mouth one by one.

The cooperation of one person and one magic spirit is like a super-efficient vacuum cleaner, sweeping away the Jiku in a matter of seconds.

Looking at the clean Jiku with only the walls left, Jinguji nodded with satisfaction.


He is such a nice guy, he even helps clean the Zen Yuan home for free.

"The next step is the library."

Curses are valuable, but knowledge is even more valuable. The thousand-year-old books that have been circulated in the library are the true heritage of the Chanyuan family.

After all, if you run out of magic tools, you can still buy them again. If there is a gap in knowledge, it will really be a gap.

Just as Jinguji was on his way to the library, something unexpected happened.

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