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The people directly adjacent to the Chanyuan harassed and controlled them at the opportunity, while the other magicians attacked from a distance. For a time, the Chanyuan was completely at a disadvantage due to their cooperation.

"What are you doing?"

One time, his photo was turned into a photo and shot away, which made the Zen Yuan even think about retreating.

After all, if it was just for revenge on the Zen Yuan, it would have been destroyed to this extent. Coupled with the brat's success, the loss of the Zen Yuan this time would definitely be debilitating, and the Yusan Family might even be expelled.

How about withdrawing now?

There is absolutely no hope of winning!

As for the signal the kid said?

Hey, never mind him.

Don't do it if you encounter difficulties. You've already made money anyway, so why bother persisting?

No, there is no word insistence in my dictionary.

Anyway, I have been a bad person since I was a child. I have never been expected. Giving up is completely commonplace. After all, no one would ask a loser to persist, because a loser can't do anything...

Suddenly, Jingu Rixi's face flashed through Zenyuan Jin'er's mind, and Zen Yuan Jin'er suddenly smiled.

That's not right, there are still people looking forward to him.

He also has someone to stick to, someone to stick to for the rest of his life!

If you say that...have you changed?

Chanyuan Jin'er was shocked by his own thoughts.


Yes, I have left the garbage heap and my life has changed tremendously, so do I also need to change myself?

At least give "persistence" and "effort" a try.

Thinking of this, Chanyuan Shi'er gave up his usual behavior pattern and started to be passive aggressive again. This change was naturally noticed by the people directly adjacent to the Chanyuan.

"It seems that you have changed a lot after going out, really."

The person directly next to the Zen Yuan said with a smile.

Originally, he thought he was about to call it a day, but he didn't expect to continue working overtime. He really didn't know how to respect the elderly at all.

"It's up to you to take care of it, old man. Don't forget that I'm no longer a Zen monastery, so you can't take care of it."

Chanyuan Jin'er replied unceremoniously.

The person directly next to the monastery just smiled at this, and the movements and rhythm of his hands had no effect at all.

As long as they keep it up, they will win.

"Tsk." Chanyuan Zhener curled his lips.

Sure enough, the provoking method is useless, this kind of experienced old thing is trouble.

Confirming that the outside moves were useless, Zenyuan Jian'er completely calmed down and concentrated his attention wholeheartedly.

One moment, just one moment!

Just one hit and the balance of victory will be completely reversed!

With the blessings of the sky, the curse, the breath of the sun, and the stripes, Chanyuan Shi'er's power has reached an indescribable level of terror.

The old arms and legs of people directly adjacent to the monastery will be completely knocked out as long as they are hit from the front!

Therefore, the first thing to do is to clearly see the actions of the people directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan!

With the utmost mental concentration in the monastery, the five senses are greatly amplified, such as sight, hearing, smell and even touch, and the whole body is used to feel the surroundings and capture the movements of people directly adjacent to the monastery.



call out!

Although it was such a noisy environment, the Zen Yuan Jian'er felt a strange sense of tranquility when he devoted himself wholeheartedly.

No, it wasn’t that the environment was quiet, but that his heart was quiet!

Perhaps Chanyuan didn't even notice that his movements began to become more natural, unnecessary movements were reduced, and every move became more effortless.

It's almost, it's almost, it's still a little bit...

Although he didn't know what was missing or what the end was, his body and intuition told Chanyuan Shi'er that he was still a little short.

Chanyuan Shi'er's consciousness became more immersed and even gradually separated from the battlefield, but his movements did not slow down or make any mistakes.


The Zen Yuan was frozen again, but the people directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan had their eyes widened with disbelief.

Stinging at the tip of the nose and burning sensation afterwards...

"I almost got hit."

Exploration flashed in the eyes of those directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan.

"Is it a coincidence or..."


With a whip kick, Chanyuan Shi'er was knocked away again.

The people directly next to the monastery looked at the monastery on the ground. Their long beards moved with the corners of their mouths.

"Let's try it again!"

Whether it is a coincidence or not, you only need to try it again to find out whether it is true or not.

Chanyuan didn't even notice the abnormality of the people directly next to the Chanyuan. He was still immersed in what just flashed through his mind.

"what is that?"

Just now, a blur

The figure appears directly in the mind, and the movement is very fast, but in the Zen Yuan's "eyes" it is very slow.

The figure wanted to attack him, so Chanyuan Jier subconsciously defended himself...

He raised his head and looked at the injured nose of the man directly next to the monastery.

"Is it the old man?"

what happened?

"It's really confusing."

Saying this, Chanyuan Shi'er rearranged his posture and let himself enter that state again.

At this moment, his thoughts were in sync with those of the people directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan——

"Really? You'll know if you try it."

The person directly next to the monastery moved, as fast as ever. Only an afterimage was left on the spot, and the person disappeared.

Once again, the second time is familiar, and the Zen Yuan instantly enters the state just now.

That figure appeared again! And it’s clearer than before!

It can be roughly seen that it is the outline of a person directly adjacent to the Zen monastery.

The speed is very fast and very slow, and he can even predict the opponent's movements.

"Left side, huh?!"

On the left, as soon as the figure of the person directly adjacent to the monastery appeared, the wandering clouds wrapped in flames attacked his face.

After narrowly avoiding it, a crack appeared from top to bottom in the clothes like a knife.

The people directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan ignored the shock in their hearts and disappeared before the next attack from the Zen Yuan Shi'er.

"It doesn't seem like a coincidence."

The person who appeared in front of the magicians sighed.

This makes the situation worse.

Although I don’t know what method Zenyuan Jier used, the other party can indeed see through his actions.

In this way, there is no advantage on our side. No, it can basically be said that the defeat is certain!

"Will the Zen Yuan be destroyed today?"

The people directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan had a bitter look on their faces.

There is no hope of victory in sight. When they lose their only speed advantage, only destruction awaits them.

And with Chanyuan Jin'er's character, how could he let go of this opportunity.


The person directly next to the Zen Yuan sighed again, as if he had seen the scene where he, the last patriarch, was disliked and criticized by his ancestors after his death.

At this moment, the state of the Zen monastery opposite was very strange.

His mood was not filled with the joy and excitement of being about to win and destroy this garbage heap that he had hated for a long time. He was only calm, as calm as a lake without any ripples.

At the same time, the world gradually became clearer in his eyes, his vision seemed to be expanding, and the world was becoming transparent...

"What is this?"

"How can it be?!"


Screams of near despair rang out all around, and the calm mood of Zen Yuan Jian'er was also broken. He looked up at the sky and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"This movement is really loud!"

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