The two of them were very happy.

"Of course not!" Natsume Takashi hastened to assure, "I will stick to it even if I am alone!"

"Hahaha, that's good." Jingu Tsukasa smiled and patted Natsume Takashi's shoulder, "Then keep going, Natsume. I hope you won't let me down next time we meet."

"Yes!" Natsume Takashi straightened his back.

He only thought that this was Jingu Tsukasa's encouragement to him, but he didn't know that behind this sentence, there would be a big "surprise" for him soon.



Ieiri Naoko looked at Jingu Tsukasa with surprise, "Why do you suddenly want to move?"

Jingu Tsukasa lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling blankly.

"Well, there are various reasons anyway."

"Tell me in detail."

"It's so troublesome. It's tiring to explain."

"Speak." Ieiri Naoko said coldly.

"Alas." Jingu Tsukasa sighed helplessly, "First, it's about the last time the Zenin family made a scene. Now the Zenin family has suffered heavy losses and has no time to take care of this side. When they have recovered a little, they will definitely come to find us."

Even if the Zenin family does not have the strength to retaliate, it is disgusting to just monitor from the side, just like having a fly around you all the time.

As for destroying the Zenin family directly?

It's not impossible, but the Zenin family is still useful, so let's keep it for the time being.

"The second year, it's because of you."

"Because of me?" Ieiri Naoko didn't expect that there was something about herself in it.

"Yes." Jingu Tsukasa said weakly, "Since you have decided not to think about those things, how about just staying away from them completely?"

"Stay away from them completely? What do you mean?"

"It means to go to a place that is completely away from the world of spells, or a place where there is no spell at all."

Ieiri Naoko didn't believe it, "Is there really such a place?"

Cursed spirits are formed by the leakage of negative emotions that ordinary people cannot control. It can be said that there are cursed spirits wherever there are people. Even in remote places like theirs, although there are no high-level cursed spirits, low-level cursed spirits like fly heads can still be seen everywhere on the streets.

"Yes." Jingu Tsukasa confirmed.


"The hometown of monsters - Yahara."

"Yahara?" Ieiri Naoko tapped her pink lips with her index finger, "I seem to have heard of this place somewhere... Wait, isn't Natsume's new home in Yahara?"

"That's right!" Jingu Tsukasa confirmed Ieiri Naoko's memory.

"Is it special there?" Ieiri Naoko guessed based on her intuition.

"If there's anything special... it's very rural!" Jingu Tsukasa nodded, "Besides that, there are more monsters."

Ieiri Naoko felt something was wrong, "How many?"

"Probably much more than Ukiyoe-cho."

Ieiri Naoko took a breath.

Ukiyoe-cho, the headquarters of the Nura Group, has more monsters than there?

"Another monster village in the far wilderness?"

Ieiri Naoko thought of a place full of monsters that Nura Koiban had mentioned.

Jingu Tsukasa waved his hand, "It's not that exaggerated, there are still humans living there."

"That's right." Ieiri Naoko thought about it and nodded.

After all, it was where Natsume Takashi was going to live, how could it be a monster village?

Jinguji talked about the place of Yahara in detail, "The reason why it is called the hometown of monsters is that in addition to the large number of monsters, the monsters there still maintain the most essential life."

In other words, those monsters still live in the mountains, forests and fields, instead of integrating into human life like the Nura group, and even have human industries.

"It is also because there are many monsters that there are few cursed spirits, just like Ukiyo-e Town."

Not only do humans hate cursed spirits, but monsters also hate them. In fact, due to their sensitive senses, they are even more disgusted by cursed spirits, so they will take the initiative to clean up cursed spirits.

"Then wouldn't it be better to move directly to Ukiyo-e Town? At least there are familiar monsters there."

Ieiri Shoko asked.

"Hahaha... Can't you hide it?" Jinguji touched his head and smiled, "Actually, it's mainly because I heard that there are many big monsters there, and I want to go there to practice."

Ieiri Shoko: ( ̄_, ̄ )

I know it!

"Is this your real purpose?"

"The two reasons I said are serious." Jinguji retorted.

"Forget it." Ieiri Naoko didn't want to argue, "So how are you going to convince Sister Riki? You can't even tell her your reasons."

"Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with this matter." Jingu Si patted his chest confidently.


"Eh? Moving? Why?!"

Jingu Riki looked at his brother in confusion.

"I just want to change to a slightly more relaxed environment." Jingu Si explained with a smile, "Riki, don't you think the current pace of life is too fast?

Whether it is work pressure or study pressure, social anxiety is getting more and more serious, and the pace of life is also accelerating. This kind of life is very detrimental to the growth of children!"

The words are firm, and Jingu Si is not talking nonsense.

Even in a remote place like theirs, social anxiety is gradually spreading. If there were no guardian spirits to clean up the cursed spirits, I'm afraid that this place would have attracted a sorcerer long ago.

"Think about it, there are two children, Maki and Mayi, at home now, and you will have children in the future. Do you want your children to live in such an environment?"

Jingu Riki thought about it carefully and shook her head decisively.

Although she was not short of money because she had a brother who always earned lottery tickets at home, she also found that her colleagues in the company were indeed getting more and more anxious day by day.

Riki Jingu didn't expect Maki, Mayi and their future children to achieve anything great, as long as they grew up happily and healthily.

"But... is the family's savings enough?" Riki Jingu hesitated.

Although their family is not short of money now, they are not particularly wealthy. If they want to move to a new place, they have to prepare a new house, which is a considerable expense.

But if they sell the house they live in now... I always feel reluctant to live there for so many years.

Jingu Si knew that Riki Jingu was already tempted, and immediately said: "Don't worry, the lottery I bought not long ago won again, and I have 100 million after tax! It's enough for that place."

Things that can be solved with money are not a problem. The number in his bank card is enough for them to spend freely for three lifetimes.

"Really? Asi is really lucky!" Riki Jingu praised.

Zenin Jiner watched Jingu Si fooling his wife, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

If the brat hadn't told him in advance, he would have really believed it.

"By the way, if we move, Nitsuko-chan..." Jingu Riki looked at Ieiri Nitsuko.

After so many years of getting along, Ieiri Nitsuko is no different from her own sister in her eyes. If we move, the one she will be most reluctant to leave is Ieiri Nitsuko.

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