The wounds were so severe that the wounds were still there.

Looking at Sanxiao's huge body covered with scars, Natsume Takashi's worry was almost overflowing.

Jiairi Naoko comforted him, "Don't worry, they are just external injuries."

Sanxiao glanced at the human girl at her feet, nodded in agreement, and then sighed, "This is the first time I've seen such a strong human."

But it was so fun to fight!

The only regret is that it can sense that the other party has not used his full strength, which is a pity.

Jiairi Naoko looked up and asked, "Can you become smaller?"

It's really inconvenient to treat it at such a big size.

Sanxiao tilted her head, as if thinking about something.


The smoke dissipated, and the huge horse-shaped monster disappeared, replaced by a handsome curly-haired young man.

Jiarui Naoko raised her eyebrows, walked to the young man who was sitting cross-legged, and hung her hands above him.

With the appearance of the white halo, the wounds on Sanxiao's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Reversal ritual?"

Bing, who had just arrived and saw this scene, widened his eyes in surprise.

Although he was a monster, Bing had a deep understanding of spells and magic, and naturally knew how rare the reversal ritual was, especially the reversal ritual that could heal others.

"Hey, Natsume, who is this?"

Bing looked at Natsume Takashi curiously.

Natsume Takashi smiled and introduced: "This is Jiarui, a good friend I met before."

"Your friend is not simple." Seeing that Sanxiao was fine, Bing picked up the pipe and smoked.

Natsume Takashi nodded in agreement, "Ieiri is indeed very powerful."

"No, you don't understand what I mean." C slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, "Your friend is definitely more powerful than you think."


C saw Natsume Takashi's confusion and explained in detail: "Do you know how rare this reversal technique that can heal others is?"

Natsume Takashi: "Well... one in a hundred?"

C rolled his eyes, "One in a hundred? Even in the Heian period when the supernatural was at its peak, such talents were one in ten thousand. As for now... according to your human words, they are national treasures."

"National treasures?" Natsume Takashi exclaimed.

He knew that Ieiri was very powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful!

"Yeah, if she is discovered by the humans in the magic world, they will be so happy that they will go crazy." Bing laughed, "But she can still appear here, I'm afraid the magic world doesn't know her existence."

Takashi Natsume heard something wrong, "What do you mean? Does the magic world mean that it will be bad for Ieiri-san?"

"Bad?" Bing seemed to have heard a joke, "How is that possible? They can't protect her in time."

Then he sneered.

"But this protection probably means restricting her freedom and making her work hard."

Even Bing, who is a monster, has heard about the darkness of the magic world.

"What?" After hearing this, Takashi Natsume looked at Ieiri Naoko worriedly, but soon thought of something and relaxed, "With Jingu-san here, Ieiri-san will be fine."

"Jingu?" Before Bing could ask, a figure appeared behind her.

"Hahaha, the little cat is really fierce, but it's still a little short."

"Asshole! Let me go!"

I saw Jingu Tsukasa holding a bruised calico cat in his hand, and the calico cat was still flapping its four short legs.

"Jingu-san, you..." Natsume Takashi looked at Jingu Tsukasa, who was a little more dusty than before with only a little torn clothes, and then looked at the cat teacher who was full of scars but still full of energy, and was speechless for a moment.

"Ban? You actually lost too?"

C looked at the cat teacher in surprise.

She knew that there were humans coming to the forest to make trouble today, and Sanxiao, who was just treated, and Ban, who was now being carried, proved that the person who came to make trouble was the boy in front of her.

But how old is this boy? He looks like twelve or thirteen years old, and he can actually beat Sanxiao and Ban?

Bing felt incredible. Sanxiao and Madara were truly great monsters with unquestionable strength, but now they were defeated by the boy in front of him. Although the boy looked a little embarrassed, he had no scars.

"Humph." The cat teacher snorted coldly and turned his head away.

Seeing this, Bing was even more surprised. Madara did not refute, which meant that the boy in front of him really conquered him in terms of strength.

"Hey, Natsume, is this boy the Jingu classmate you just mentioned?"

Bing poked Natsume Takashi with his elbow.

"Yes, yes."

"He's about the same age as you." Bing asked again.

Although Natsume Takashi was puzzled, he nodded, "Yes, Jingu-san is also twelve years old."

"Really?" After getting a positive answer, Bing looked at Jingu Tsukasa with inquiring eyes.

Jingu Tsukasa, who was teasing the cat teacher, naturally noticed the passionate eyes, and looked up to find that it was a beautiful monster in a kimono.

Seeing that the monster had not shifted his gaze when he looked up, Jingu Tsukasa thought for a moment, and then confidently said:

"Sorry, no appointment."

C: ? ? ?

What do you mean? No appointment for what? Why can't she understand what the human boy in front of her is saying? Generation gap?

"What do you mean?" Bing asked without shame.

Jingu Tsukasa asked back, "You have been staring at me, don't you like me? Sorry, if possible, I still want to find a human."

If it's cross-race... It's not impossible if it looks like his aesthetic.

Unfortunately, although the monster in front of him is beautiful, it is not his type.

C: 凸(艹皿艹 )


Did she meet a common man? So disgusting!

"Hehe, I am not interested in a kid whose hair has not even grown out." C said with a fake smile.

Jingu Tsukasa: "How do you know I haven't grown out yet? Have you seen it?"

C: "Okay, let me see it."

Natsume Takashi: (*/ω\*)

"Shut up!!!"

What kind of lewd words are these? He blushed just listening to them. How did they say them so casually?

Jingu Tsukasa teased, "You are really innocent, Natsume."

C also smiled and said, "So cute~"

The shy Natsume also wanted to be pounced on!

"Enough of you——"

Natsume Takashi collapsed and shouted.

Among a group of old drivers, he felt that he was out of place.

At this moment, Ieiri Shoko finished her treatment and came over. Seeing this, Jingu Tsukasa quickly threw the cat teacher over.

"Shoko, add one patient."

"Don't add more work to my workload."

Ieiri Shoko complained, and then when the cat flew over, she suddenly felt a weight on her hand.

It's so heavy!

"What a fat cat!"

Looking down, Ieiri Shoko exclaimed in surprise.

She had never seen such a "real" cat, it was completely oval, without even a neck.

"This is plump! You ignorant little girl!"

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