The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Takashi Natsume turned his head sharply and saw an ugly monster with a huge body and scar on his head.

There was no mistake, this was the monster he had seen in Duogui's memory.

Takashi Natsume's body trembled, and he kept hypnotizing himself in his heart, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

But before he could take any action, his eyes went black and he collapsed.


Teacher Cat swam ashore from the lake and found that Takashi Natsume was gone, with only his bag thrown on the ground.



"Huh? Cat?"

Duogui saw Teacher Cat with a bag on his back flash past him.

"This bag is..."

An idea flashed.

"Is Natsume-kun missing?"

Toru Toru hurriedly chased after him.


The cat teacher shouted as he ran.

Really, where did that guy hide?

Even the monster kid disappeared.

It's useless to not be able to find them at the critical moment!


Somewhere in a dark cave

"Hmm..." Natsume Takashi opened his eyes and just wanted to stand up, but his neck tightened and he fell to the ground again.

"Hehehe, you can hear me and see me, right?"

A gloomy voice came from above.

Natsume Takashi narrowed his eyes and barely saw the monster in front of him.

"Where is this? You are the monster that Toru is looking for. You actually forced her to participate in this kind of competition..."

As the rope under the monster's feet loosened, Natsume Takashi stood up again, but the monster stepped on it again.


Looking at Takashi Natsume who fell to the ground, the monster laughed again.

"Hehehe, I hate humans. I was happy to see her fear, so I delayed eating her. But you are a problem. You can see me and have mysterious power. You are so in the way. Just stay here. I will enjoy you slowly later."

Takashi Natsume supported himself with his hands and struggled to get up.

"Such a competition is unfair."

"Nature has always been so unfair, and only you humans are indignant about it."

The monster stretched out a finger to hook the rope around Takashi Natsume's neck and pulled him in front of him.

"In fact, I have no obligation to abide by the rules."

Ah... This full of demon power, as long as he eats him, he will become stronger.

"Human, you smell so good."

The monster couldn't help but stick out his tongue and wanted to lick the delicious food in front of him.

At this moment, the long-term training took effect. Natsume Takashi's body reacted instinctively, grabbed the other party's tongue, pulled it with his left hand, and hit the monster's face with his right fist wrapped in demonic power.


The monster fell to the ground after being hit by surprise. Natsume Takashi picked up the broken wooden board beside him, cut the rope and ran towards the cave entrance.

"We have to leave here quickly!"

Natsume Takashi ran desperately.

Even if we have to fight, we can't fight in such a dim environment, which is very disadvantageous to ourselves!

The monster was dizzy for a moment and just recovered when he found that Natsume Takashi had run out of his sight.

A resentful voice sounded from the cave.

"I will definitely eat you! I will!!!"

Without attracting any attention, a snake swam out after Natsume Takashi ran out of the cave.


Natsume Takashi ran quickly in the forest. The good physical strength gained from exercise made him run for a long time without slowing down.

"Natsume! Where are you!"

At this time, a familiar voice came into his ears.

"It's Teacher Cat!"

Takashi Natsume's eyes lit up.

He ran towards the direction of the voice, and suddenly his feet tripped.

Takashi Natsume looked down, "Teacher?"


"Be careful!" A warning sounded from not far away.

But it was too late, Takashi Natsume and Teacher Cat fell down the slope together.


After a while, several people sat cross-legged together.

"Is that so? I hope you are all okay." Takashi Natsume rubbed his forehead.

"How can you be okay after falling down with a bump on your head!" Teacher Cat shouted dissatisfiedly.

Duoji Tou carefully noticed the red mark on Natsume Takashi's neck and asked worriedly: "Natsume-kun, your neck is red from the fall, are you okay?"

"It's just a little scratch, it's okay."

"You're not cursed, idiot." Teacher Cat pouted, "No matter how careful I am, it's because you are so careless that I always..."

He became more and more angry as he spoke.

"Be smart, single cell!

Where have you been, idiot!"

Takashi Natsume looked in the direction he had just run from, "A cave deep in the forest."

Teacher Cat continued to lecture, "Please also consider our feelings. It is very hard for us to search separately!"

Takashi Natsume subconsciously rubbed his left hand and looked at Touji, "Touji, I met that monster."

Touji was stunned, lowered his eyes, and clenched his fists on his legs, "Sorry."

Takashi Natsume comforted him, "It's okay, Touji. Don't think about getting me in trouble. Although I often worry about how not to get others in trouble, if it is me who is easy to attract monsters, then don't mind it."

Takashi Natsume rubbed his left hand again.

This action attracted the attention of Teacher Cat, "What's wrong?"

"No, I just feel that my left hand is a little..." Takashi Natsume was speechless as he looked at his blackened left hand.

"This level of black... is it poisoning?"

"Is it the voice of the mustache?"

Takashi Natsume looked in the direction where the voice came from, but could only see a vague voice.

"What's going on? Why is the mustache so blurry?"

When this was said, both demons were stunned.

Then the mustache thought of something, "It should be that Natsume's left hand touched his eyes just now, so the poison was transmitted."

Takashi Natsume recalled that when he fell just now, his left hand did touch his eyes when he wanted to protect his head.

"But don't worry, this kind of poison will be fine as long as the reversal technique is used to treat it. Of course, this level of poison will be decomposed by the demon power in your body in just two days."

The mustache explained with a smile.

"That's good."

Takashi Natsume breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, his face fell again.

"What's wrong?" Teacher Cat asked impatiently.

"Ah... After seeing that monster, I realized that what I thought before seemed a bit simple." Takashi Natsume smiled bitterly.

Although I just made the monster suffer some losses, it was only when the monster was not prepared, and it did not cause any real damage.

On the contrary, I just pulled the monster's tongue, and it was poisoned. The difference is a bit too big.

Seeing this, Duogui Tou apologized: "Sorry, it's all my fault for involving you."

"Don't worry, it's not Duogui's fault."

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