The more he ran, the more he ran.

Ignoring Takashi Natsume's shouts, Toru Takashi rushed forward with all his strength.

"Run, run, run."

The monster became even more excited when he saw Toru Takashi running away.

That's it, be afraid, be desperate, struggle desperately!

This feeling is really great!

The monster slowly swung behind Toru Takashi, enjoying the other's struggle.

"Wait, stop!"

Takashi Natsume shouted loudly, and just as he stood up, he was pulled to the ground again.

Looking at the rope that sank into the ground, Takashi Natsume was extremely anxious.

Oh, the mirror!

Natsume Takashi suddenly thought of the Demon Sealing Mirror. Looking at the Demon Sealing Mirror that fell not far in front of him, he stretched out his arms and tried to reach it.

"Damn it, it still doesn't work."

Natsume Takashi gritted his teeth, but there was always a distance between him and the Demon Sealing Mirror.

On the other side, in order to ensure that the monster would not turn around and attack Natsume Takashi, Duoji Tou provoked:

"Here, I'm here, monster!"

Soon, Duoji Tou ran into the formation and shouted at the air:

"Come on, you'll be in trouble if I escape! Because I know how to seal you!"

"Don't be so proud, you damn girl."

A gloomy voice sounded in the air. Facing the provocation of the ant in his eyes, the monster was angry, and his body emerged from the formation.

"I will slowly kill you."

Facing the revealed monster, Duoji Tou mustered up the courage to rush forward, raised the wooden sword used to draw the formation and nailed the corner of the monster's clothes to the ground, raised his head and faced the monster:

"You can no longer hide."

The monster sneered, "What if you see me, incompetent girl."

Duoji Tou said in disbelief: "Didn't I say I would let me go if I caught you?"

The monster stretched out his big hand and grabbed Duoji Tou.

"I never intend to keep my promise."

The body was squeezed, and Duoji Tou made a painful sound.

It was so uncomfortable, I felt that my body was going to be crushed...


Natsume Takashi shouted worriedly.

The monster turned his head and looked at Natsume Takashi,

"As her friend, what can you do? Whether you can see it or not, nothing can be changed. Hehehe!"

Natsume Takashi clenched his fists.

He wanted to go over, he wanted to save Duoji!

But no matter how hard he struggled, the restraint on his neck made it difficult for him to move.

Natsume Takashi reached out to the Demon Sealing Mirror again.

This was the only hope. As long as he got the mirror, he could save Duoji!

The monster looked at Natsume Takashi's efforts and slowly opened his mouth.

That's right, that's it. He worked hard in the face of the hope that was right in front of him, and then wiped out the hope at the critical moment.

Hahaha! He couldn't imagine how delicious the despair would be when that time came!

"I'll give you some more strength."

The monster's palm gradually shrank, and Duoji Toru's cry became more painful.

It hurts! Am I going to die...

Duoji Toru felt that his eyes were gradually darkening.

Ah. I feel sorry for Natsume-kun. It's all her fault for involving him.


Natsume Takashi's heart became more anxious, and at the same time mixed with a trace of despair.

Not far away


Just as the cat teacher wanted to restore his original form to help Natsume Takashi, he was pinched by the back of fate's neck.

"Kitty, if you overprotect your child, he won't grow up."

Instantly, a scarlet eye with circles and magatama appeared in its eyes.

"Illusion·Reincarnation Eye!"

The cat teacher's eyes turned into the same red six-magatama reincarnation eye.

"I can't let you disturb me now."

Jinguji threw the cat teacher back, and Yawu grabbed the cat teacher's body and escaped into the shadow.

According to the cat teacher's strength, the illusion just now could only suppress it for less than five seconds at most, but this time, with Yawu's speed in the shadow, was enough to move far.

"Okay, it's up to you next, Natsume."

Jinguji cast his eyes forward.

"The lives of friends and my own lives are all on my shoulders."

Either be depressed in despair, or rise in despair.

Despair is the time when a person's potential can be most forced out.

"Look, Natsume, which one do you belong to?"


Unable to break free from the rope, Natsume Takashi watched Duoji's struggle gradually fade away.

"Damn it!"

Why am I so weak, why can't I do anything!

Despair surged in his heart, and Natsume Takashi hated his own incompetence.


If I had the strength of Neko-sensei or Jingu-san, things wouldn't be like this!

"Hehehe, Natsume Takashi, your friend is going to die."

The monster said, adding fuel to the fire.

That's right, that's it, despair, Natsume Takashi!

The monster's mood kept growing, feeling Natsume Takashi's mood, looking at his eyes like a plate of finished food.

Facing the monster's ridicule and his friend on the verge of death, Natsume Takashi felt unprecedented despair.

Is that the end?

When he saw Duoji Tou, whose face had turned pale, Natsume Takashi immediately abandoned this idea.

No! Now it's not just me, there's Duoji who needs to be saved!

"Yes, I still need to save Duoji, there's still Duoji to save..."

Natsume Takashi murmured.

Looking at Natsume Takashi who still didn't give up, the monster's mind moved slightly, and the rope under the ground quickly shrank, smashing Natsume Takashi's head hard on the ground.

This time, it became difficult for Takashi Natsume to even move. Even as the rope tightened, his breathing began to become difficult.

Is he going to die?

In a trance, the faces of Aunt Tago and Uncle Shige appeared in front of Takashi Natsume.

Oh, I am not alone now. If I die, Aunt Tago and Uncle Shige will be sad, right?

And everyone in Yahara...

Thinking back to the monsters I met during this period.

They will be sad, too, right?

Yes, I can't die!

There are still people and monsters waiting for me to go back, and Duogui is waiting for me to save him.

I absolutely can't die here!


With a roar, the demon power in Takashi Natsume's body gushed out and broke the rope.

Takashi Natsume picked up the Demon Sealing Mirror that fell not far away.

"Asshole! Look here!"

Takashi Natsume raised the Demon Sealing Mirror and ran towards the monster.

The monster subconsciously lowered his head, but this action was exactly what Takashi Natsume expected.

Takashi Natsume slid and the monster lowered his eyes to face the Demon Sealing Mirror.

"Dark creature, find the light in the quiet sleep."


The Demon Sealing Mirror burst out with amazing suction, the monster screamed, and was sucked into the mirror with a burst of white light.


Takashi Natsume hurriedly caught the fallen Duoji Tou.

"Duoji, how are you?"

Duoji Tou opened his eyes, glanced at Takashi Natsume, and murmured:


The next second, he closed his eyes and fell into a coma.


Takashi Natsume looked at Duoji Tou anxiously, but did not dare to move easily.

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