The old man was very angry.

Now Takashi Natsume is no longer an ant that can be easily killed. Now he is Takashi Natsume, the super-hard-to-handle!

"Please cut me off from the bug, Jingu-san!" The veins on Takashi Natsume's forehead kept jumping.

"Huh? Did I accidentally say it again?" Jingu-san was startled, "Sorry, sorry, I will definitely do it next time, I will definitely do it next time."

"Alas!" Takashi Natsume sighed. In a room, except for Ieori who was a little more reliable, the rest were even more outrageous than the other!

Feeling that he had committed a great sin, Takashi Natsume felt dizzy and wanted to fall asleep.

But unfortunately, the two intermediates did not give him this opportunity.

One-eyed intermediate: "Sir, Natsume, Sir!"

Niutou intermediate: "Sir, Sir!"

One-eyed intermediate: "Have you seen the white mist flowers on Mt. Mitsuha?"

White mist flowers?

Natsume Takashi shook his head, "No."

One-eyed intermediate continued: "Its strong posture blooming on the rocks is very beautiful."

As he spoke, the one-eyed intermediate had already imagined the appearance of the white mist flowers in his mind, and his hands followed the gestures.

"Because the flowering period is very short, it is difficult to see its beauty."

Bull-headed·Supporting·Intermediate: "Very difficult, very difficult."

One-eyed·Funny·Intermediate pulled Takashi Natsume, "So we want to take the ignorant Natsume to broaden his horizons."

Bull-headed Intermediate also pulled, "Broaden your horizons! Broaden your horizons!"

One-eyed Intermediate said as he was about to pull Takashi Natsume out, "Then follow us!"

Bull-headed Intermediate: "Let's go!"

"Wait, I didn't say I was going." Takashi Natsume shouted, "I'm very tired now, I just want to have a good rest!"

"Okay, Natsume-sama, we will definitely not let you down!"

"No, no!"

The two intermediates, one in front and one behind, cooperated tacitly and lifted Takashi Natsume directly.

"By the way." The one-eyed middle-level turned around, "If it's convenient for Lord Jingu and Lord Naoko, you can go together."

"Let's go together, let's go together!"

"It sounds interesting, do you want to go?" Jingu Tsukasa asked.

"Watching the flowers?" Naoko Ieiri thought for a moment, "Okay, let's go together."

This leisurely and beautiful feeling has nothing to do with her in her previous life. It would be a pity if she didn't try it in this life.

"By the way, is Kitty going?" Jingu Tsukasa asked.

"No, I'm not interested in things that don't taste good at all!" Teacher Cat said truthfully while lying on the ground.

"Okay, forget it."


"The target is here!"

At the foot of a cliff, the one-eyed monster pointed upward and shouted.

"Ah?" Natsume Takashi looked at the winding mountain road, as if he had been hit on the head.

If it was okay at other times, he couldn't climb so high now!

"Mr. Jingu..."

Just when he was about to ask Jingu Si to summon the Dark Crow to take them up, Jingu Si waved his hand first, "Haha, keep up, Natsume."

Lazily picked up Naoko Ieiri, bent his legs slightly, and jumped hard. The two of them reached the top of the cliff of dozens of meters in the blink of an eye.


Takashi Natsume weakly put down his outstretched arms.

"Climb, climb, how can you see the beauty of the top without experiencing hardships."

"Beautiful, beautiful!"

The two intermediates circled around Takashi Natsume.

There was no way, Takashi Natsume resigned himself to climbing the mountain road.

Top of the cliff

"We have arrived at the destination, Jingu is here to serve you, please rate it."

Takashi Jingu put Naoko Ieiri down.

Naoko Ieiri, whose expression has not changed from the beginning to now, said calmly:

"Full marks for service, negative marks for delivery, negative marks for overall rating."

"So ruthless!" Jingu Si screamed.

"Heh." Ieiri Shoko ignored the mischief and walked to the edge of the cliff to look down.

I saw a large area of ​​white, and tiny white flowers bloomed on the cliff in clusters, fluttering in the breeze.

"So beautiful!"

Ieiri Shoko couldn't help but sigh.

Jingu Tsukasa walked to the side and nodded silently.

Just as the two were immersed in the beauty of nature, Natsume Takashi and the two intermediates finally climbed up.

The cold wind on the top of the mountain was even colder.

"It's so cold." Natsume Takashi hugged his arms and shivered, "At least bring my coat."

I just sweated, and now I'm blown by the cold wind, this feeling...

"Hurry up, hurry up, right here!"

"Here, here!"

The two intermediates pulled Natsume Takashi to the edge of the cliff.

"Mr. Natsume,


Takashi Natsume looked in the direction pointed by the two intermediates, and was instantly attracted by the pure white mist flowers.

"So beautiful!"

"Is that right?"

The two intermediates seemed to have done something extraordinary, and proudly raised their heads and chests.

"Yes, thank you." Takashi Natsume smiled gently, "I didn't know there was such a place, thank you so much."

"Hehe, it's not so good~"

"It's not so good~"

Faced with Takashi Natsume's sincere thanks, the two intermediates became shy.


Two days later, somewhere in the Yahara Forest

It was another small gathering, and the one-eyed intermediate slowly drank and talked.

"Speaking of which, Natsume-sama was very satisfied at the time, and his eyes were wet and he looked very happy."

Sanxiao understood: "Even Natsume-sama would be moved by beautiful things. "

The butterfly monster Hongfeng, who was wearing a pink kimono and had a butterfly decoration on his right eye, followed up and said, "The white mist flower is so fascinating because of its fleeting dreamlike feeling.

Unfortunately, the time and place of flowering are fixed. If you want to appreciate it, you have to go to Sanyudake."

"Maybe this is also its attraction." Bing said while smoking a pipe.

"If you want to see it now, it's not impossible." Jingu Si, who was leaning against a tree and drinking slowly, suddenly spoke.

"Huh? Is it true?"

All the monsters were shocked.

"Although it's not real." Jingu Si took a sip, "But it's not bad as a snack."

The number in his right eye jumped to one, and the next moment, the yellowing grass was suddenly covered with pure white white mist flowers.

"White mist flowers?" The monsters looked at this scene in amazement.

"It even has a taste." The mustache man exclaimed, "Master Jingu's illusion is really magical. "

"Want to fight?" Jingu Si asked.

"Excuse me." The mustache waved his hand, "I'm just a little monster who loves peace."

"Little monster?" Jingu Si smiled with an ambiguous meaning.

As if afraid that Jingu Si would continue to challenge, the mustache quickly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Lord Natsume in the past two days."

"Huh? It seems so!"

"Speaking of which, where is Natsume?"

"I really have no impression."

Hearing what it said, all the monsters reacted.

Two days is really too short for them. If they hadn't said it, they wouldn't have noticed it at all.

"Natsume? Isn't he sick with a cold?"

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