The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

Just now, Nozomi felt the resurrection of Yamata no Orochi, but after a while, he felt that the opponent was gone.

For important chess pieces, Nozomi will set up a sense to sense the opponent's state, but just now, this sense is gone!

There are only two possibilities in this situation. One is that Yamata no Orochi itself or others cut off this sense, and the other is that Yamata no Orochi was eliminated and the sense naturally disappeared.

Due to the confidence in his own skills, the first possibility is ruled out, so it can only be the second one.

"Yayuan, you really underestimated this place." Nozomi sneered.

I didn't expect that there were masters in Yahara who could even destroy Yamata no Orochi. Although the newly resurrected Yamata no Orochi was definitely not as good as in its heyday, it was not something that ordinary people could resist.


Before she could think about the next countermeasure, the nausea that suddenly surged in her heart made her hold the trash can and vomit wildly.

After vomiting until she was about to vomit bitter juice, this vomiting was barely over.

Noso collapsed on the bed powerlessly, regretting for the thousandth time why she gave birth to her own child.

She must have had a brain seizure when she made this decision!

At this time, Noso suddenly remembered the attack on Zenyuan's house not long ago, and the subsequent pursuit of people with sutures on their heads, and felt that the world was even worse.

If this matter was not really done by her, she would have thought that she was sleepwalking to attack Zenyuan.

Is there another technique in the world that is the same as hers?

But that's not right. According to the information she got, there are more than one person with sutures on the forehead of Juankong Zenyuan. Can't her technique be spread all over the street?

Fortunately, the Zen temple has been busy consolidating its position recently, and has no manpower and energy to investigate, otherwise some identities would really be hidden.

Ah——!!! Why are there so many bad things recently!!!

Everything about the great cause is so annoying, will there be no so many things after death?

After living for thousands of years, the idea of ​​dying suddenly came to her mind. The moment this idea came up, she was stunned.

"No, why would I think so?"

The dying Suo sat up in shock,

"There is definitely something wrong with my mind!"

So, after a series of suspicious examinations, Suo confirmed that no one had tampered with her, but her mind was obviously abnormal. Could it be that...

"Depression during pregnancy?"

A symptom she had read in a book when she was studying psychology, Suo had never thought that this symptom would appear in her.

It must be because everything has gone wrong recently, and there was a problem with the endocrine system during pregnancy!

"Damn! How did I get this disease?"

Nosuke became even more emo, and his desire to die was rekindled.

"No, I can't die! There is still a great cause that needs me! The world needs me!"

"But it's really tiring..."

"No, you have to persevere! Perseverance is victory!"


Golden crows set in the west, Fujiwara family.

"Master Natsume! Master Natsume!"

Two intermediates shouted at the window of Takashi Natsume's room.


Takashi Natsume, who had just woken up, looked over,

"It turned out to be a intermediate, what's the matter?"

"Special medicine! We brought the special medicine here!"

The one-eyed intermediate took out a bowl of unknown medicine soup.

"Just drink this and your cold will be fine!"

"That's right, that's right, drink it and it will be fine!" The bull-headed intermediate echoed.

Maybe it was fate, and the two intermediates finally found the remaining herbs!


Takashi Natsume looked at the expectant eyes of the two intermediates, took the herb and drank it down.

"It's so bitter!"

The strange taste bloomed on the taste buds, and Takashi Natsume's face wrinkled.

"But thank you all the same."

"Haha, no, no."

The two intermediates showed a simple smile on their faces.

"It would be great if Lord Natsume could get better."

The next day, when the two intermediates saw Takashi Natsume recovering from his illness after school, they were even more excited and praised their achievements to everyone in Yahara.

"Although he is an adult who loves to cause trouble." The one-eyed intermediate pretended to be helpless.

The bull-headed intermediate continued: "But at least it can help us kill some time. We can't lose it, we can't lose it."

"Hahaha, of course, everyone's help is also very great." The one-eyed intermediate laughed, "But we are the ones who find the herbs best!"

The bull-headed intermediate nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yes, it's us! It's us who gave Lord Natsume the peak medicine!"

"What?" C raised his eyebrows in surprise, "So you gave the medicine to Natsume."

"Yes, what's the problem?" The one-eyed intermediate had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Of course." C took a puff of the cigarette and gave it a fatal blow, "That medicine doesn't work on humans."


The two intermediates were shocked.

"Then why didn't you tell us yesterday!"

"You didn't tell us yesterday that it was for Natsume." C rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Damn it!!! Isn't this a waste of effort?" The one-eyed intermediate said hatefully.

"That's right, it's a waste of time!" The bull-headed intermediate was indignant.

"But Natsume also has the blood of a monster, so it should also work, right?"

Jingong Si suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, the two intermediate monsters raised their hopes again.

"What Jingu-sama said makes sense. It must have worked. Otherwise, how could Natsume-sama recover today? Haha."

"That's right."

Ieiri Naoko yawned loudly, crushing the hopes of the two intermediates.

"Unfortunately, that medicine is only effective for pure-blooded monsters. And Natsume just has a common cold. He should be well after resting for a while."

This was the result she came up with after studying all night yesterday.


The two intermediates who were stabbed with the knife burst into tears.

"I won't dare to do this again next time!"

"I'm not going to do it anymore, I'm not going to do it anymore."


The next day, Mitsuhatake

"Ah, intermediate!"

Natsume Takashi came to the bottom of the white mist flower blooming platform,

"You are here."

The two intermediates who were picking flowers heard the shouting and looked down.

Natsume Takashi smiled and looked at the two intermediates,

"Have you heard? My fever has gone down. It seems that the medicine you gave me has taken effect. Thank you."

Two intermediates: ? ? ?

The two demons looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

"Then goodbye."

Natsume Takashi waved his hand and turned back with the cat Lao Si.

The two intermediates looked at Natsume Takashi's back and fell silent at the same time.

"What an idiot." The one-eyed intermediate said after a long time.

The two demons let go at the same time, and the pure white mist flower floated down with the wind. Feeling the flowers falling, Natsume Takashi turned back.

"No, we are the idiots." The one-eyed intermediate changed his words.

"Knowing that one day it will wither, it is still deeply attracted."

On the cliff, there are two people admiring the beautiful scenery below.

"What a perfect happy ending, don't you think?" Jinguji said to the girl beside him.


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