The spider silk shot at Jingongsi was instantly frozen, and Jingongsi's figure flew downwards at a high speed.

The earth spider narrowed its eyes slightly, spit out the spider silk in its mouth, and condensed new spider silk again.

The next second, Jingongsi's strange eyes came into view again.

The scene changed, and the blood moon was in the sky.

The earth spider tied to the giant cross showed curiosity.

"Welcome to my space." Jingongsi stood in front of him and raised his arms, "Okay, no more nonsense, let's start our pleasure time."

Before the earth spider could react, the torture had begun.

Knife cutting, spear stabbing, freezing and burning...

All kinds of pain were realized on the earth spider.

After an unknown amount of time, when Tsuchigumo returned to reality, he found that his body had been bound by chains, and a black stick was piercing his forehead.

His body instinctively leaned back, and although he was bound by the chains, he also avoided the black stick, leaving only a bloody mark on his cheek.


With a roar, Tsuchigumo stretched out his four arms and broke free from the chains in an instant.

"Tsk." Jingu Tsukasa pouted, but also quickly disappeared from Tsuchigumo.

After a year of Tsukuyomi, he could still have such a reaction, and his will should not be underestimated.

After completing a series of actions, Tsuchigumo's body stagnated, and then fell to one side, but with a stomp of his feet, he stabilized his body again.

Fine sweat dripped from his forehead, and it was obvious that Tsukuyomi had caused him a lot of damage.

Ara-skull and Yamata no Orochi did not miss the opportunity and attacked Onigumo again.

This time, facing two powerful enemies at the same time, Tsuchigumo's response was obviously at a disadvantage, and scars appeared on his body after just a few moves.

Seeing this, Jingu Si was about to join in when he saw the situation suddenly changed.

I saw the bone claws of the wild skeleton and the fists of the Yamata no Orochi hit Tsuchigumo at the same time. With a muffled groan, Tsuchigumo grabbed the two monsters with both hands and threw them at Jingu Si at the same time.

In a flash, the flying bodies of the two monsters occupied Jingu Si's sight.

Jingu Si flashed and dodged the flying bodies of the two monsters, and Tsuchigumo's fists followed.

The heavy punches that fell like raindrops made Jingu Si unable to avoid.


The black half-body giant rose up, and Tsuchigumo's fists hit it all, and spider-web-like cracks appeared, but they were quickly repaired.


Tsuchigumo roared, and the veins on his four arms bulged, accompanied by purple electricity, and slammed into Susanoo.


Susanoo was broken, and a line of blood and tears flowed from Jingu Si's left eye.

Just as Tsuchigumo's fist was about to land on Jingu Tsukasa, Arasuke and Yamata no Orochi came to fight with him again.

Jingu Tsukasa had a moment to breathe, wiped the blood and tears from his left eye, and couldn't suppress the surprised expression on his face.

"Even Susanoo can be broken?"

Tsuchigumo's strength gave Jingu Tsukasa a new understanding.

Although it was not a complete Susanoo, it was able to break it with absolute strength, and its strength was definitely worthy of praise.

However, it was obvious that Tsuchigumo was exhausted after the previous attack, and now he was in a very embarrassing situation under the double attack of Yamata no Orochi and Arasuke.


Tsuchigumo roared to the sky, and suddenly exerted force with both feet, and jumped out of the encirclement of the two monsters.

"Want to escape?" Jingong Si looked at Tsuchigumo rushing in the opposite direction of him and raised one arm:



A sudden change occurred, Tsuchigumo suddenly pulled down with his four hands, and a wall made of spider silk quickly rose in front of him.

Hitting the spider silk wall, at the moment when the spider silk wall stretched, Tsuchigumo turned around, and the next moment, with the help of powerful elasticity, Tsuchigumo smashed towards the two monsters like a cannonball.


Huang Skull was knocked to the ground, and Tsuchigumo took advantage of the situation to grab Yamata no Orochi and threw it down hard!

Bang bang bang!

Four fists hit the ground like raindrops.

Just as Huang Skull stood up, Tsuchigumo jumped up again and rushed around. I saw that I didn't know when the surroundings had been surrounded by the spider silk wall, forming a special octagonal cage.

"Is it the spider silk that was just spit out?"

In an instant, Jingong Si thought of the spider silk that Tsuchigumo spit out just now. I didn't expect him to change the terrain right under my nose.

"But changing the terrain is not something you're only capable of."

The next second, the wild skeleton stretched out its claws to the ground, and countless bone spurs emerged from the ground. In the blink of an eye, the spider silk was pierced by the bone spurs.

The spider silk wall that was originally flying towards turned into a bone wall in an instant. The earth spider gathered strength with one hand and punched the face

The bone wall in front of it was shattered.


The Yamata no Orochi suddenly expanded and turned into the prototype of the eight-headed and eight-tailed one, but its size was more than ten times smaller than the complete one, but it was also much larger than Tsuchigumo.

"Yamata no Orochi?"

Tsuchigumo recognized the monster in front of him with his iconic appearance, and his pupils shrank.

Are you kidding?

The legendary Yamata no Orochi turned into a human kid's shikigami?

Damn, why does it feel like I can't understand this world after being sealed for four hundred years!

Although surprised, Tsuchigumo didn't feel the slightest fear. Even if it was the legendary Yamata no Orochi that pounced on him, his fists never stopped.


Four arms grabbed the four snake heads, and two legs stepped on the two snake heads. Even if he used all his strength, two snake heads still bit Tsuchigumo's body.

In an instant, wind blades and toxins sprayed out from the two snake heads.


Like a roar of pain, Tsuchigumo's body radiated purple lightning, and as he exerted force, four snake heads were pulled up, and the two snake heads under his feet exploded directly.

Freeing his hands, Tsuchigumo grabbed the two snake heads that bit him, and crushed them with both hands.

Yamata no Orochi regenerated quickly, and the Wild Skull pounced again. Tsuchigumo turned around and punched, as if the two scars on his body were no obstacle at all.



Tsuchigumo's body swayed, and he knelt on one knee. The black toxin on the right side of the bite scar had spread.

Even if he had a certain immunity to toxins, the Yamata no Orochi's toxins were not ordinary toxins. Coupled with the consumption of the previous battle, he was now at the end of his strength.


Dizzy in front of his eyes, Tsuchigumo forced himself to stand up to resist the attack of the Wild Skull, but his body suddenly felt restrained-

Several thick chains were wrapped around him!

Tsuchigumo held the skull with two hands and grabbed the chain with the other two hands.

"It's just an illusion..."

With his ability, he can tear apart even illusions!

He pulled hard, and the chain loosened for a moment, but it didn't fall off.

"How is that possible?" Tsuchigumo was horrified.

"That's it."

The moment Jingu Si finished speaking, the Yamata no Orochi had recovered, and the eight snake heads bit Tsuchigumo's body at the same time.


Tsuchigumo looked at Jingu Si who appeared in front of him, full of reluctance.

He had just been unsealed and hadn't fought with more powerful people yet, so was it going to be the end?

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