Yukinoshita Yukino didn't know why she was so angry or why she was so irrational.

Rationality and calmness were completely left behind by the girl, and she now only felt her unwarranted impulses.

The picture I just saw kept flashing in my mind -

that guy was enjoying himself, being fed by cute girls....

It's shameless!

An impulse suddenly rose in Xue Nai's heart, and he rushed in regardless of it!

Walking to Ito-koshi's side imposingly, his eyes stared at him coldly:

"It's very happy, Ito-san... And cute girls to feed you.

If your hands are dysfunctional, it is recommended to go to the hospital to check it out, maybe I can also help take care of you

..." Ito-koshi blinked, and his brain was a little down: "You came at the right time..."

Do you see me?

For no reason, the girl suddenly felt an inexplicable sourness in her heart.

For the first time, I felt like this....

The first time because a person is angry, irritated, flustered, impulsive, shy, sour...

For the first time, because I wanted to meet someone, I came through the crowd...

The first time... So irrational!

Xue Nai glanced at the lunch box on the table, and then said coldly: "What about the bento I made for you?" In

the morning, my sister prepared three bento, and she prepared a bento for Itokoshi.

She also deliberately learned from her sister at that time and made a heart-shaped omelette ...

And now....

"It seems that you have eaten enough..." said Yukino coldly, "In that case, then you don't need mine!"

"I didn't eat enough!" Itokoshi took out a bento made by Yukino directly from the drawer, "I'll eat it!" "

Itokoshi directly took a bite of rice!

Yukino's face softened slightly.

"Don't choke..." Sanjiu handed over his own water glass.

"No, how could I choke... Water! Water!

Sanjiu hurriedly handed over the water cup, and in a hurry, his hand slipped, and the water cup fell.

Yukino, who had the top reaction speed, directly subconsciously reached out and caught the dropped water cup.

Sanjiu raised his head and looked at Yukino a little timidly: "Thank you..."

You are welcome. After seeing Sanjiu's face, Yukino was slightly stunned: "We seem to have seen it somewhere..." Yukino

recognized the girl in front of her, the girl who bumped into her when she got off the elevator before.

Sanjiu nodded: "Yes, before..." <

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the half-dead Itokoshi on the side pulled Rayuki's sleeve.

Can you guys talk about it later, I'm choking to death!"

When Yukino saw his appearance, the qi in her heart suddenly dissipated by half.

Sighed helplessly: "Here you are..." The

famous painting of the century:

[Yukinoshita Yukino] handed the water cup of [Nakano Sanjiu] to [Itokoshi] who choked.

Itokoshi quickly drank a large gulp of water.

At this time, he thought that he could use [optimization] to enlarge his esophagus and avoid choking....

But...... Now that there are three pieces of water, it doesn't matter if it doesn't change its size....

"Hello, my name is Nakano Sanjiu."

Sanjiu felt that the snow in front of him was kind... Familiarity.

It's like an old friend reuniting....

Not counting the collision incident at the elevator door last time, this should be the first time that the two daughters have officially met.

This inexplicable familiarity... What's going on?

Yukino nodded: "Good noon, I'm Yukinoshita Yukino." "

Hmm!" Sanjiu nodded and smiled a little.

Yukino nodded to her as well.

For some reason, she was so sorry for the girl in front of her... There is always an inexplicable sense of intimacy and familiarity?

It was as if they had fought side by side in a timeline to redeem a very important person who had fallen into darkness...

This feeling is fleeting, like a flashback illusion in the brain.

[Flashback illusion: Obviously the first time to come to a place, but inexplicably feel that he has been here before...]

Itokoshi: Head down to cook.jbg

watched the meals in the bento box gradually decrease, and Yukino gradually calmed down.

Hindsightedly: Why am I so excited?

Whose meal does this guy eat, whether to eat or not to eat the bento I prepared for him ... And what does it matter?

Anyway...... It's not for him anyway!

Yes, who would prepare a bento for someone like him!

This is for the kitten lady!!

Koyukino tries to convince herself to calm her chaotic heart.


originally this chapter was posted yesterday, but due to the chapter is out of order

, and some illustrations are not reviewed, resulting in being called back, and there are regular release bugs.

Various problems frequently arise, resulting in hard to stay up until twelve o'clock to revise....

Sleepy to the point of confusion

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