In the room of the Azusa Shrine, the little shrine maiden was lying on the tatami, sleeping for a whole day and night. It was not until the evening of the next day that she woke up suddenly from the pain after having recovered a little.

""Oh, it hurts so much."

This was the first and only thought that came into Kikyo's mind.

The overdrawn mental power made her head feel like it was exploding, buzzing with pain. The buzzing sound in her ear canal was particularly obvious. The intermittent noise kept torturing her nerves, making her breathing a little difficult.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

This pain lasted for about half a minute.

After half a minute, with the slight recovery of mental power, the pain in the nerves was slightly relieved - but then, the pain from the body followed, not giving the little witch any chance to breathe.


The pain of being attacked from both inside and outside made the precocious little witch groan uncontrollably. She instinctively curled up her body and hugged her head tightly with both hands, like a curled up baby.

It is said that this is the original posture of human beings, the posture of a baby when it is still in the mother's womb. Maintaining this posture can bring enough psychological comfort to people in trouble.

It is effective.

Kikyo, who maintained this posture, did feel better.

But what really made the little witch completely relax her spirit and breathe a sigh of relief was by no means such a specious"psychological comfort".

It was a towel soaked in warm water.


A slightly unfamiliar voice sounded in Kikyo's ears. She tried hard to recall it, and then she remembered that it was the senior brother she had just acknowledged.

Then, before she had time to think about it, she felt a thick weight on her forehead.

The wet towel, which became heavier because of the water, pressed on her forehead. The warm breath emanating from the towel soothed her tense nerves and also soothed her breath that had been held because of the pain.


The little witch finally felt better and exhaled very slowly and carefully.

Fresh air entered her body through her respiratory system, and her body, nourished by the cool air, began to recover. At the same time, there was a special power that nourished her soul unconsciously.

【Ding, you completed the task: relieve pain】

【Ding, you get the task reward: return to the road】


The pain gradually eased, and Kikyo took a nap in a daze.

When she woke up again, it was already night.


Kikyo stood up from the ground, touched her still aching head, and gently opened the door.

In the outside world, thick white fog enveloped the night. Looking up, a bright moon was faintly visible hidden in the hazy fog.

It was a quiet night.

Such quietness was common for Lu Li, a time traveler. He had lived in this mountain for more than ten years. Every night for him was so quiet that it was even a little boring.

But for Kikyo, who had always lived in the outside world and had just gone up the mountain a few days ago. Such quietness and peace seemed like a dream - it was so beautiful that it made her feel a little unrealistic about this place.

"There are no... monsters."

No scary figures can be seen, no scary sounds can be heard.

Even at night, you can move freely without worrying about the risk of being captured by monsters.

Does such a beautiful place really exist?

Why don't villagers come here to settle down in such a beautiful place?

How wonderful it would be if the world under the mountain could also become such a beautiful place!

Confused thoughts emerged in the little witch's mind, like a small stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

But in the next moment——


"What are you thinking about?"

The familiar voice sounded again in Kikyo's ears, and along with it, there was a sudden pain in her head.

It was the pain caused by a bullet in the forehead.

""Master, Senior Brother?"

Kikyo came back to her senses and looked at Lu Li, who had stood beside her at some point, with a slightly confused look - and the middle finger of his right hand that had just flicked her forehead and was now hovering in the air.

For some reason, Kikyo suddenly felt that this feeling was very familiar.

It was as if it had happened a hundred times before.


Lu Li brought Kikyo to the wing room.

The outside world was surrounded by fog and was very deserted; the inside world was very lively, the firewood in the stove crackled non-stop, and the earthenware pot on the stove gurgled.

Lu Li cooked some corn porridge and prepared some pickles, which was considered a meal.

These foods were so simple that they could be called"crude", but Kikyo, who had been hungry for a day and a night, ate them happily.

Or, these were"crude" foods in Lu Li's eyes. For Kikyo, who had lived in Maple Village before and had never even seen a town, these were already relatively good foods.

At least, the food here could fill Kikyo up.

"I ate so much?"

At first, I didn't feel anything. I just felt very hungry.

After she filled her stomach and came to her senses, she found that she had drunk three bowls of rice porridge without realizing it.

The small bowl for pickles had been changed many times.


Looking at the empty earthenware jar, Kikyo opened her mouth with a rosy complexion. She actually wanted to explain that she was not that big of an eater.

But when she opened her mouth, the words that were already on her lips became:


A very unrestrained voice sounded, and the world was instantly silent.

The little witch's face turned even redder.

"Die, die, die, die!"

Although she looked calm on the surface, her heart was already in turmoil. She subconsciously closed her eyes.

At the same time, in Lu Li's mind

【Because I feel shy, Kikyo's recognition is -1】

【Because it feels awkward, Kikyo's recognition is -1】

【Because I feel embarrassed, Kikyo's recognition is -1】


【Warning, special role: Kikyo's current recognition is: 0】

【Kikyo wants to kill you】


《Time Travel Diary》:

【Confucius said: Only women and villains are difficult to raise.】

【Confucius never lied to me! 】

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