The water ghost was subdued.

The roaring sea had returned to calm.

A ghost girl with short black hair stood at the bow, directing the direction of the treasure ship.

Murasa Mizutsu - that was her name.

Strangely enough, this was her first time on this treasure ship, but she was so good at driving it, as if the ship was built for her.

No, to be more precise, she was born for this ship.

"Because he has solved his own curse and escaped from the quagmire of despair, he has grown from an ordinary monster to a monster cadre level monster?"

As bystanders, both Lu Li and Kikyo can feel the changes in Murasa Mizumi.

The resentment that was enough to make the sea boil is gone, replaced by the great joy of gaining a new life and the peace that transcends this joy.

Facts have proved that this legendary White Lotus Master is indeed a good one. Her way of saving monsters is really relying on the exquisite Buddhist teachings and the compassionate heart of saving all living beings - not the exquisite boxing skills.

"This White Lotus Mage is indeed worthy of the title of"Saint"."

Lu Li, who witnessed the scene of Saint White Lotus subduing the water ghost, believed from the bottom of his heart that she should be the"saint" of this era.

She wanted to save the people of the world from the bottom of her heart - and the demons that were feared by the world were also part of the"people of the world" in her eyes.

But, unfortunately...

"In this era, saints are not allowed to exist."

"Therefore, she is destined to die miserably."


This is an era where anyone can live well.

You can become a person like the future Kikyo, who is powerful, beautiful, kind, and widely loved by humans. You can also become a cruel and inhumane person who does all kinds of evil, and monsters will feel ashamed when they see you.

Or, become an ordinary and mediocre person like most people.

There is no problem, because this is such a chaotic era.

In the era of monsters, come if you have a dream.

Even if you are a twisted monster like Naraku, you can live out your true self in this era.

But unfortunately, in this era where everyone can live well and live out themselves. This White Lotus Master chose a path that was destined to a tragic death:

"She wants both."

After such a long time of contact, Lu Li finally realized the true nature of this White Lotus Mage.

On the surface, she is a mage widely respected by humans and a well-known and enlightened monk.

But secretly, she has an incredible compassion for the monsters in the world - she sympathizes with the monsters' plight and wants to help them overcome difficulties from the bottom of her heart.

Now Lu Li began to believe that the previous Saint White Lotus really wanted to help Xiao Yingcao overcome the disaster from the bottom of his heart.

"How many monsters have you helped?"

Lu Li seemed to have thought of something and asked Sheng Bailian out of the blue.

Sheng Bailian did not show any hesitation or panic.

She did not need to panic, and there was nothing to panic. Monks never lied. She answered whatever others asked, just to feel at ease:

"I don't remember."

Saint White Lotus said naturally.

She has lived in this country for more than three hundred years and has traveled to almost every corner of this country.

She has helped countless monsters.

Some of those monsters have died, while others have become famous monsters with great reputations. The deeds of Master White Lotus have also been passed down in the mouths of these monsters.

"I see"

"No wonder you have so many powers of will."

After gathering the intelligence, Lu Li finally knew why the White Lotus Mage in front of him had such terrifying powers of will.

A large part of it was probably the powers of will offered to her by the monsters.

"Does Bishamonten know about this?"

"Namo San, the Venerable One knows the past, present, and future."

This sentence means that she doesn't know whether Vaisravana knows what she has done.

But since the Buddha statue in the temple didn't speak, she just assumed that Vaisravana already knew about it.

"Do your believers know about this?"

"Namo San... I don't know whether they know or not."

This sentence means that they don't know about this matter.

——This is the biggest problem of Saint Bai Lian.

She upholds the concept of equality of all living beings and wants to save all living beings in the world.

However, she does not know that the relationship between humans and demons has long been incompatible, and the fight between the two will continue until one side is completely destroyed.

"No, that's not right."

"How could she not know that monsters were born from human fear and would be destroyed by humans sooner or later?"

"So that's it, so that's it."

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly knew where the power of the White Lotus Master in front of him came from:

"Your power actually comes from monsters, right?"


"Because you are afraid of death, you use the power of monsters. Because you are afraid that monsters will be destroyed by humans, which will cause you to lose your power. So while you are fighting monsters on the surface, you are secretly helping monsters."


"You don't actually want to save all sentient beings. Your goal is to maintain the status quo, to maintain the status quo of this world."


"Evil monk, hahaha, after all this fuss, it turns out that the holy monk is actually an evil monk!"


Lu Li was laughing wildly.

He had wanted to laugh like this a long time ago.

Because this was such an absurd world - it could turn good people into bad people, and saints into monsters.

In such a world, any mercy and kindness were redundant, and the only meaning of their existence was to be laughed at.

And watching Lu Li's sudden crazy laughter, for some reason, Saint Bai Lian also laughed.

"Namo San"

"I have something to say, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Then stop talking."

"No, I want to say"

"That is - from the first moment I saw you, I didn't like you."

Saint Bailian quietly clenched her fists, and the expression on her face was finally no longer the quiet and peaceful expression that Lu Li disliked. Did she finally stop pretending?

No, to be precise, this is not called removing the disguise.

This should be called"battle stance".

It is a battle stance that will be unlocked after encountering a real enemy that is worth fighting.

"Namo San"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly want to beat you up."

Saint Bailian leaped up, punching before she could say anything.

There was no doubt that she was attacking by surprise.

But coincidentally, Lu Li had the same plan as her.


"You must be the person I hate the most in this world."

Lu Li held his Zanpakutō across his right hand and blocked the opponent's punch with the blade. He changed his palm into a fist with his left hand and hit the opponent's abdomen.

At the moment he punched, the air around his fist even began to make a buzzing sound.

This is the"fist" of the four basic skills of the Death God"Zan, Fist and Ghost"."

【In vain].

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