It was a sword that brought the world back to silence.

Before the sword fell, there was a howling wind, thunder and lightning over the sea; green mountains and clear waters appeared out of thin air like a mirage, and the sound of Buddhist music turned into a paradise.

But after the sword fell, the Buddhist music and the green mountains and clear waters disappeared. The thunder died down, and the roar of the wind could no longer be heard.

"Even the concepts of 'sea' and 'sky' have disappeared."

Standing on the deck of the treasure ship, Kikyo stared at the scene in front of her in amazement: she saw that on the sea, where Lu Li's knife had just slashed, a very obvious gully suddenly appeared. This place was clearly a deep sea, but it was as if there were invisible walls on both sides of the gully to prevent the influx of seawater, and a land was forcibly opened up in the sea.

At the same time, corresponding to this gully in the sea, the sea of clouds in the sky seemed to split open, and a very obvious gap appeared, which actually divided the originally complete sky into two parts.

"The world was cut in half.

Kikyo suspected that Lu Li's attack just now really split the world in half.

But in the next moment, the broken world was reassembled. Only the long scar was left, silently explaining the disaster just now.

Yongjiang Yijiu was in the center of the disaster.

But she did not die, and she was not even injured. At the moment when she was about to be chopped by her Zanpakutō, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out from her body, protecting her.

There is no doubt that it was the so-called"power of the dragon god".

And through the head-on collision with the power of the dragon god, Lu Li finally understood what the so-called"dragon god" was.

"It's not a thing"

——Don't get me wrong, this is definitely not an insult. Here, Lu Li is just stating a fact.

The so-called Dragon God is actually not a real thing at all.

It is more like a concept.

It is a collection of all fantasies in this world. Gods, monsters, or other things related to"mystery"... These magnificent fantasies are put together to form the so-called"Dragon God".

In a sense, it is the starting point and end point of all the mysteries in this world.

It is the"ultimate fantasy" of mankind."


Yongjiang Yijiu left quickly.

She didn't even want to say a word - it seemed that she didn't want to"get along" with this new colleague.

But before leaving, she left the reward for this trial, which was also the last item needed for this job transfer task:

【Dragon Ball].

From the outside, it is a glass ball emitting colorful light, which is slightly smaller than Kikyo's fist.

But in essence, it is the crystallization of the Dragon God's"Fantasy Power"

"Swallow a dragon ball, and from now on my life will be in my own hands."

Now, Kikyo, who has passed the test, only needs to put the dragon ball on herself, and she will automatically absorb the power contained in the dragon ball. This will allow her to directly jump from a slightly talented human little witch to the representative of the Dragon God in the world, and a human with the"final right of interpretation" of the concept of"mystery".

But Kikyo was not in a hurry to do so.

Now, she didn't care about the dragon ball in her hand, but her eyes were on Lu Li, who was leaning on the hull to rest because all his physical strength was drained by the previous blow.


"If I hadn't asked you for help just now, would you still help me?"

She asked curiously.

But Lu Li didn't answer this question, he just curled his lips and turned his head to the side.

——Such a stupid question, he was too lazy to answer it

"Hmm... let me ask it another way."

"In another situation, suppose I am facing an enemy who wants to kill me. He wants to kill me in front of you, but I don’t ask you for help."

"In this situation, will you still save me?" the little witch asked expectantly.

——It was another stupid question.

But this time, in order to prevent the little witch from continuing to be so stupid, Lu Li could only open his mouth reluctantly and gave an answer that made the little witch burst out laughing.


"But after that, I will cut your vocal cords and make you mute from now on."

"If you can't speak, then don't speak anymore."


After getting the answer, Kikyo"swallowed" the dragon ball with satisfaction.

The system's prompt sounded, letting Lu Li know that she had completed the so-called"job change" at this moment.

From an ordinary [Witch], she changed her job to [Dragon Goddess].】

""Yes, loach milk."

One of the job transfers for female priests, mastering the power of purification and prayer, and even mastering a certain degree of precognition.

At least in the background story, it is considered a relatively powerful profession.

However, for Kikyo, the significance of changing her job to become a"Dragon Goddess" may not lie in these new skills.

——The really important thing about this profession is that from now on, the little shrine maiden can hold her head high and tell others that she is no longer a"wild shrine maiden" without the protection of gods.

With a god to believe in, the shrine maiden can build statues for the god. And further build shrines for the god, publicize his deeds, and gain faith.

Of course, Lord Shenlong himself may not care about these things.

After all, it is not a"god" in the proper sense, and human faith is dispensable to it.

But for the little shrine maiden, it is really, really important to have a definite"god" for her, or the humans under her rule, to worship.

"Because if you simply help those humans as a human being, even if you can satisfy all their wishes, you will not be able to convince them."

"But the gods are different"

"Even if it does nothing and just stays in the shrine as a clay sculpture, it can make humans kneel down unconditionally by virtue of its status as a god."

"With the name of God, it will be much easier for you to do anything in the future."

"In this regard, you should ask the old nun for more advice - she is an expert in this area."

This is one of the landscapes of this absurd era.

——Compared to those devout believers, the closer someone is to God, the more likely he is to be an atheist.

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