The chirping little monsters quickly ran back home

"I'm gonna hide all this stuff."

"You are not allowed to peek."

Yingcao, who had been carrying all those large and small packages, warned her companions and crept into the nearby jungle like a thief - a typical"there is no silver here" move.

"What is she doing, meow?" The cat with only one life left looked at the jungle ahead with eager eyes. Driven by strong curiosity, she couldn't wait to go in and find out what was going on.


"Don't bother her."

"Yamausagi, you should also close your ears and stop eavesdropping on where she buried things.

The little monster who spoke was Kappa.

As the"great inventor" in this small group, she has always been taciturn and rarely expresses her opinions.


This is a game.

Yingcao, who already knows that her life is coming to an end, uses the remaining time to set up a treasure hunt game for everyone.

She bought many gifts at the market, and now, she buried them, hoping that her friends can find them.

Her wish is good.

There are smart little monsters who have also sensed something and are willing to accompany her to complete this"last game"."

——But unfortunately, not everyone is willing to make it happen.

"People who spoil the view exist everywhere.

"Is this the gift you prepared for them?"

Unlike those little monsters who tried hard to cooperate, Lu Li took a quick step and followed Xiao Yingcao into the jungle.

He forcefully opened the package carried by the little monster.

The gifts in the package were unexpected - they were pieces of stones, wood, branches, shells that could be found everywhere... They didn't look special.

But thinking about it carefully, the appearance of these things seemed reasonable - where did this little grass monster get the money or supplies to exchange those valuable treasures in the monster market?

She could only pick up some things on the roadside, then wrap them up with cloth and disguise them as treasures.

"Well, I'm smart, right?"

"This way, when they finally find these"treasures" after all the hard work, only to discover that they are just these common things on the street, they will realize that I have fooled them!"

"I promise that it will be something they will never forget."

Yingcao said proudly.

It should be said that she is worthy of being a monster - even a little monster like her has the instinct of"mischief" imprinted deep in her soul. Even when her life is about to end, she still wants to give the people around her an ultimate big event.

——No, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as just making a living.

"Because I don't want them to forget me."

"That's why I want to give them such an unforgettable experience."


Xiao Yingcao was silent.

Lu Li knew he was right.

Studies have shown that the best way to make someone remember you for a long time is not to give him a lot of favors, but to borrow money from him.

Even the most beautiful memories will fade with the passage of time, but tragic experiences will become unforgettable as time goes by.

"Yes, monsters are a kind of life with a long lifespan."

"Even if you are a small monster, as long as you don't commit suicide, it is still very easy to live for hundreds of years."

"……When did you realize something was wrong with you?"

"What do you think is wrong again?"

Lu Li began to ask about Xiao Yingcao's"condition".

Xiao Yingcao did not hide it.

""I feel uncomfortable."

She said that at first, it was physical discomfort.

At that time, she didn't take it seriously, just thinking that she was overworked and would be fine after a rest. But as the days passed, this uncomfortable feeling not only did not disappear, but became more and more severe. She realized that she was not sick. She was dying.

"No way, plant monsters are like this"

"When the power accumulates to a certain level, it will lead to death."

Xiao Yingcao stood on tiptoe and touched Lu Li's chest, indicating that he didn't need to feel guilty about it.

""Death" is not a concept unique to plant monsters. Every living being in this world will move towards death. But compared with other monsters, the"death" of plant monsters is different - or, it may be more accurate to describe it with the word"prosperity and withering".

The grass on the plain withers and prospers every year.

After experiencing the splendor of the growth period, withering is the inevitable end of all plants.

As a plant monster, Yingcao had already prepared for this - it was just because of Lu Li's interference that this day came particularly early, causing all the things she did to seem very hasty.


"Is that so?"

Looking at the little monster in front of him, Lu Li was reluctant and subconsciously grasped the handle of his Zanpakuto.

The situation of the plant monster was indeed very special, but it was not helpless for him. His sword could absorb the aura of all monsters and breed the monster again in the sword.

——But when he was about to draw his sword, he hesitated again.

Xiao Yingcao suddenly pressed his hand and shook her head at him, indicating that she didn't want to welcome her"rebirth" in this way."

"In this world, is there any plant that is immortal?"

She said that death is not a terrible thing.

She just feels a little reluctant.

"But that's part of death, isn't it?"


Those were the last moments of Little Yingcao's life.

In this remote mountain forest, at the end of a hot summer day, she spent them with her best friends.

The last game she played with them was hide-and-seek.

"To find me"

"You must find me!"

After saying this, her figure disappeared into the forest and could no longer be found.

"Is she dead?"

On the seventh day after Xiao Yingcao disappeared, the nine-life cat demon suddenly said this.

No one could answer her question.

"She must be dead."

On the fifteenth day after Xiao Yingcao disappeared, there was one less pair of bowls and chopsticks and one less seat on the dining table in the cabin.

Everyone tacitly agreed not to mention anything about Yingcao, as if she had never appeared.

"No, I have to go find her, meow!" It was the 30th day after Xiao Yingcao disappeared, at night.

Just when everything seemed to have settled, the annoyed Nine-Lived Cat suddenly jumped out of the cabin.

She ran to the forest where Yingcao disappeared, and ran to the hillside where Yingcao often stayed.

Then, she saw this scene: on this night when summer had passed and the autumn wind was a little cool. Fireflies broke out of the ground, flying in the air, dispelling the darkness in the forest.

Dots of fluorescent light connected into one.

In this flickering fluorescent summer, the blooming dandelions had already decorated this hillside into a golden sea of flowers.


There was a little loli girl, hiding in this sea of fluorescent lights and flowers, laughing at those friends who came late

"It’s too slow!"

"How come you found me only now!"

PS: I'm actually trying to speed up.

If I were at a normal speed, I'd probably still be in the storyline of [Trial of the Divine Dragon], right?

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