Lu Li held the Zanpakutō.

Red and black lightning wrapped around the blade, and the terrifying power it exuded was enough to scare the gods in the sky.

The original meaning is"the death of the gods"."——Of course, even if we only take the surface meaning and understand it as"a sword that even gods need to dodge", it is actually correct.

"Yes, even gods will die, and even gods are afraid of death."

Looking at the evil dragon in front of him, who finally showed a panic, Lu Li couldn't help but sigh at the terrifying influence of"death" on all living things in the world.

——Not everyone is as optimistic as Xiao Yingcao, who can transcend life and death.

"Am I afraid of death too?"

Applying this to himself, Lu Li felt that he was actually quite afraid of death.

If he wasn't afraid of death, he wouldn't have hidden in that sacred mountain shrouded in fog for fourteen years.

"Yeah, I'm afraid of death too."

"But this is not a shameful thing."

There is no living person who is not afraid of death - even the optimistic little Yingcao, in fact, just"gave up the struggle after knowing that death is bound to come."

"There is no such thing as a person who is not afraid of death."

"It's just that in this world, there are still many great deeds that must be accomplished even if it means death. That's why the living can overcome the fear of death and create heroic epics that even the gods will look at with admiration."

Lu Li said as he swung his Zanpakutō.

The domineering blade energy brushed past the body of the dragon bone spirit. After leaving a conspicuous but non-fatal wound on his indestructible body, he flew forward into the sky again. Finally, he cut a slash in the sky.

Sunlight sneaked in through the gap and shone on this land that has been shrouded in demonic energy all year round. The long-lost sunlight shone on the dragon bone spirit, making the overlord who had become a great monster a thousand years ago feel a little uncomfortable.

But it doesn't matter.

What really matters is that Lu Li's spiritual power also attached to the dragon bone spirit at this moment, and attached to his wound.


The healing power repaired the dragon bone spirit's body and silently told it the fact that :

"I can kill you"

"It can also heal you"


Lu Li severely injured the dragon bone spirit. He healed it in a flash.

He stood on the ground, looking up at the huge demon dragon, his eyes full of admiration:

"You are a monster born from the battlefield"

"Or, to be more precise, it is a monster born from the despair and indomitable spirit of the dead in battle."

This is the origin of the Dragon Bone Spirit.

This land called"Shinano Province" is not only an important place for horse breeding, but also a must-pass place from the Kinki region to the Kanto region.

Since ancient times, it has been a battleground for military strategists.

Countless souls are buried here - they are the winners of the war and the losers of the war. There are sons of nobles, woodcutters and farmers...

Before the war began, they had different identities and different situations.

But after the war, they were buried here together, buried on this vast scorched earth.

With the passage of time, their bodies have long since rotted, and their deeds have long been forgotten. But their resentment, their despair, and their curses have been lingering over this war-torn land for many years, and they have not dissipated for a long time.

And in the end, when these resentments accumulated enough. Finally, the quantitative change turned into a qualitative change, giving birth to the monster"Dragon Bone Spirit"

"You are a monster bred from war"

"So you are a natural born overlord."

"You know the horror of war, so you built yourself this indestructible body"

"You are well aware of this fact: the winner of a war may not necessarily survive the war, and only those who survive are qualified to be called winners."

This is probably the fate between the Dragon Bone Spirit and the Dog General.

The Dog General, who possessed the"sharpest spear", was the winner of the war, but died.

The Dragon Bone Spirit, who possessed the"sharpest shield", was the loser of the war, but survived with his super strong defense.

It is hard to say who will win or lose between the two of them.

Everyone has their own opinion.

But now, Lu Li, who is standing in front of the Dragon Bone Spirit, has put a brand new path in front of this big monster who was born for war, but because of his fear of death, he has put all his talents in defense.

"Join us"

"Believe me, as long as I'm here, you'll never die in war"


This was the third time Lu Li had recruited the Dragon Bone Spirit.

Unlike the first time when he was angry and the second time when he was solemn, this time, the Dragon Bone Spirit looked at the human in front of him with a hesitant look.

"Should I join him?"

The Dragon Bone Spirit thought about it and felt that he had no reason not to accept Lu Li's invitation and join his army.

First of all, Lu Li had already demonstrated an attack power that exceeded his defense power - the gap in the sky had not closed yet.

Secondly, Lu Li's recovery ability made the Dragon Bone Spirit even more excited.

Apart from anything else, just this terrifying recovery ability was enough to make the Dragon Bone Spirit sincerely convinced to join forces with Lu Li.

——If he had a nanny who could restore his health infinitely, he would have definitely beaten that dog general into a stray dog.

"But, I am a great demon... How can I do that?"

The dragon bone demon hesitated again and again, but still couldn't get over this last hurdle.

He was a great demon.

He had to be proud.

Lu Li also saw the dragon bone demon's hesitation.

"Are you afraid that if your act of surrender gets out, you will be laughed at by others?"

Lu Li thought about it and released the little water ghost from his Zanpakuto.

"Hey, General?"

"You, you are……"

Miss Kirina, who didn't know what was going on, was so frightened when she saw the dragon bone spirit in front of her, which was thousands of times her size, that she trembled and couldn't even speak completely.

But it didn't matter.

Lu Li didn't call her out to let her speak anyway.

"Come, let's kill one and show this dragon bone spirit"


Poor Miss Kirina was thrown in front of the Dragon Bone Spirit by Lu Li before she could react to what happened.

The Dragon Bone Spirit swore that he didn't do anything.

But the aura emitted by the big monster was too terrifying. An ordinary monster like Kirina didn't even have the slightest chance to struggle in front of him. She was directly evaporated by the aura he emitted.

""Bang, hit porcelain?"

Long Gujin thought.

He had every reason to suspect that Lu Li did this on purpose, just to find an excuse to kill him.

But in the next moment.

When the water ghost lady, who should have been dead, jumped out of Lu Li's Zanpakuto intact. And shouted in an almost resentful tone"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"","General, do you want to kill me?"

"My sword can condense the soul of the person being killed into the blade. Then, through the magic power, it can reshape them into their physical form again, and they will accept all my orders unconditionally."

"As long as I am alive, the monsters I control will not die. Because their essence is in this sword, and what appears in the outside world is just a body that can be discarded at any time."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop talking, I am willing to join you."

After listening to Lu Li's"kind" explanation and looking at Miss Wu Nai's miserable appearance, Long Gu Jing, knowing that he was at his wit's end, immediately gave up. She had lowered herself to invite him three times. Why should he put on airs here? Shame on her?

"General, who are we going to fight next? Are we going to the Western Kingdom? I have long disliked that couple."

"What? That stinky dog is dead? And died at the hands of humans? Hahahaha——good thing he died, good thing he died!"

PS: Actually, this knife is from the Fengshen Bang.

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