There is a spirit in Zishan.

This is not surprising.

In this country where all plants, mountains and rivers can become spirits and there are eight million gods, it is normal for the mountains to have spirits. No one would be surprised by this.

But when the spirit of Zishan indiscriminately attacked all humans who entered the mountain, like a bottomless giant mouth swallowing all intruders without spitting out even the bones, people realized that this"spirit of Zishan" was not as friendly as other mountain spirits.

——If other mountain spirits offer a pair of boys and girls every year to protect the safety of mankind, then the spirit of Zishan Mountain rejects all humans indiscriminately, leaving only people with special souls like Kikyo to stay here.

Lu Li also stayed here.

"So, senior brother is also a pure person?"

After some reasoning, the little witch came to a conclusion that made her dumbfounded, and subconsciously said this conclusion.

Her emotional intelligence was not that low.

But unfortunately, in the previous month of living together, she had seen too much"despicable" from Lu Li.

Sneak attacks, traps, pretending to be weak... He would do anything to win, even the sympathy of a little girl could be used.

Kikyo once thought that the only difference between her senior brother and the monster was that the monster could only move at night, while Lu Li could keep calculating against her no matter it was day or night.

But now, Lu Li told her. He was also a"pure person" who had passed the test of the spirit of Zishan and could stay in this sacred mountain for a long time."?

""Hey, what's that look in your eyes?"

Seeing the undisguised suspicious expression on Little Platycodon's face, Lu Li unceremoniously stretched out a finger and tapped her forehead heavily.

"Putting aside other things, haven’t I been taking care of you during this month?"

"You should be grateful for this and think about repaying me one day!"

"Yes Yes~"

"Later, I will definitely repay my senior brother."

The voice was emotionless.

It was obviously a perfunctory reading just to deal with it.

However, in the next moment, when the little witch decided to skip this topic and start a new discussion, her tone became cautious and full of expectation again.

"Senior brother?"


"Let's go and defeat the monsters."


Kikyo wanted to defeat the monster.

This idea was not just a whim. In fact, she had long wanted to try out her current skills.

As the saying goes, when you have a sharp weapon, you will naturally want to kill.

After about a month of training, Kikyo felt that she was now extremely strong.

Let's not talk about archery, after all, she had never caused effective damage to Lu Li. But she had already made some progress in talismans. In extreme cases, she could even abandon the carrier of"talisman paper" and directly use spiritual power to draw talismans in the air.

——Although this kind of spell is not as effective, it is convenient. Even when facing some unexpected crises, you won't be in a panic.

As for Lu Li... he is now hesitating. He is not hesitating whether to fight the monster, but where to fight the monster.

【Ding, you triggered the mission: Monster Extermination】

【You have two options】

【Option 1: According to rumors, a monster has appeared in a mountain village 30 kilometers to the southeast. Fight against it!】

【Mission Difficulty: C】

【Mission Reward: Spiritual Pressure +10】

【Option 2: According to rumors, there is a monster on the wooden bridge of Edo Castle that harms people. Defeat it!】

【Mission Difficulty: C】

【Mission Reward: Ghost Path Proficiency +10. 】

The two missions are of the same difficulty and reward, so it doesn't matter which one you choose.

Lu Li decided to give the right to choose to Kikyo.

"Village or Edo?"

"Eh? Can we still go into the city?"


Seeing the inexplicably expectant look on the little witch's face, Lu Li knew that she was not so anxious to take up her post and fulfill her duties as a witch.

She was just tired of staying in this mountain that was always shrouded in smoke and wanted to change places to see some fresh scenery.


Azusa is not too far from Edo Castle.

But it is definitely not close either.

The straight-line distance is more than 50 kilometers, and you have to travel at least three times that distance on the mountain road.

Add to that the height of the hillside... This trip is basically equivalent to walking two or three hundred kilometers on flat ground.

Even though Lu Li and Kikyo's physical fitness is already different from that of ordinary people, it is definitely a big challenge to complete this trip.

They set out in the evening.

Kikyo was in high spirits before the departure, and she brought all the weapons and equipment she could bring. The lining of the shrine maiden's uniform was covered with dense talismans, which could be called a human-shaped self-propelled arsenal.

But the boring journey consumed most of her interest.

In the dark night, Lu Li and Kikyo walked carefully along the mountain road. They were always on guard against monsters that might appear at night - but it turned out that what was more terrifying than encountering monsters was not even encountering monsters.

Monsters born from darkness have the mission of spreading fear, and they are found wherever humans exist.

In other words, if there are no monsters in a place. That means this place is really desolate, not even a trace of human habitation can be seen.

"Is it because of the spirit of Zishan Mountain?"

Kikyo was a little surprised. The legend of the spirit of Zishan Mountain was very scary. But the scale of Zishan Mountain itself was very small. With its influence, it was impossible for there to be no human habitation within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

Lu Li was a little silent. It was natural that there were few people in the mountains, but it was a little unbelievable that the population was so sparse. Considering the reasons, either there was a large-scale human migration activity, or there was a large-scale monster harming people.

——Either way, it's not a good thing.

The former means war, and the latter means that a powerful monster organization has been active in this area.

"Moreover, if we consider the worst case scenario"

"It is very likely... both."

After a day and a night,

Lu Li, who was a little tired, looked up and looked forward.

The sun was setting, and the Edo Castle in the evening was reflected with a fiery red glow.

It seemed very beautiful.

But when Lu Li turned on his"spiritual vision" and used the spiritual pressure of the god of death to spy on the city, he saw another scene: the evil spirit of monsters, the blood of humans, and the death of the dead.

These three auras mixed and intertwined together, emitting an ominous black and red aura, making the city a little distorted.

It looked like it was... burning.

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