The next day,

Fujiwara Mokou, who was feeling a little dizzy, woke up with an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"Is this the collapse of the mountain?"

"I feel like I'm about to be crushed to death."

In her dream, it seemed as if something very heavy was pressing on her, and for a time she couldn't breathe.

When Fujiwara Mohong suddenly opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that the object that was about to fall was not a towering mountain.

——There were so many clothes that they piled up like a mountain, almost completely covering her.

There were clothes of all styles and colors.

Long hakama, small sleeves, tsubasa, tabi...

They piled up together, and the dazzling feeling made Fujiwara Mohong feel as if she had come to a place where only clothes existed. A heavy sense of oppression came over her, and she had almost no room to think. She could only rely on her instinct to find some clothes that looked pleasing to the eye, and then put them on her body at random.

——The final result of her impulsive behavior is of course funny.

The dressing style of upper body skirt + lower body pants + red corset is probably something that only she can match.

"This won't work."

"As a girl, learning how to dress is the most important mission!"

"Let me help you, sister!"

Looking at the white-haired girl in front of her who seemed to be uncomfortable all over and showed an awkward posture, Tamamonomae's eyes lit up, as if she had discovered some new world.

"Elbow, follow me into the house!"


Fujiwara no Mokou, who was in a daze, was pushed into the room full of clothes by Tamamonomae again.

When she came out again, it was an hour later.

Fujiwara no Mokou was unwilling to talk about what happened in this hour, or she actually had no memory of this hour. But the final result was obvious - she could almost be described as"reborn".

Her icy skin and bones were matched with gorgeous and expensive clothes, just like the meeting of golden wind and jade dew. The long white hair was also woven into a beautiful yet neat and tidy hairstyle by the skillful Tamamonomae. Standing in front of the bronze mirror, Fujiwara no Mokou could hardly believe that the girl who looked like a lady from a noble family was actually herself.

But that was clearly herself.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Fujiwara no Mokou suddenly remembered that her current image was actually not abrupt. She had dressed like this before.

That was eight hundred years ago, in the Fujiwara family, when her real father was still alive.

"But what's the point?.?"

"No matter how gorgeous the clothes are, they will eventually be burned. No matter how beautiful the hairstyle is, it will eventually be scattered."

In the spacious abode, Lu Li and Fujiwara Mohong sat opposite each other at a square table.

Looking at the young man in front of her, Fujiwara Mohong finally asked the question that confused her for a whole night.


She asked Lu Li why he really treated her as his daughter.


That’s a good question.

"Yes, why should I recognize you as my daughter?"

Even Lu Li wanted to sigh, what was wrong with his brain at that time that made him suddenly make such a decision

——But after thinking about it all night, Lu Li gradually realized that his decision to take the white-haired girl as his daughter was not a momentary impulse, but his instinct, or the capacity of the"tyrant" that led him to make this decision.

"An obvious reason is that your ability is very special, and maybe you will be useful in the future.

This is also the simplest reason.

Although Fujiwara Mohong's strength is poor, her ability is too special. The combination of fire + immortality easily reminds people of the legendary phoenix that can be reborn from the ashes. Lu Li has reason to believe that if she is taught, she will become a strong person that will give big monsters a headache.

——In fact, she is now able to give the big monster a headache.

"Want to take advantage of my talents?"

"I see"

"But there is no need to acknowledge me as your daughter, right?"

"Slave, subordinate, tool... There are many ways for me to serve you. You don't have to use this method to order me around.

Fujiwara no Mohong asked the most crucial question.

——But it was this question that exposed the fundamental reason why Lu Li wanted to adopt her as his daughter instead of any other relationship:

"Are you willing to serve me and do not mind being my slave, subordinate, tool?"

"But I am so sensitive about my daughter's identity"

"Sure enough, you say you don't mind, but you still mind it."



Fujiwara Mohong seemed to want to refute something.

But when the words came to her lips, she was silent again.

Lu Li was right.——"The word"father" does have a special meaning in her heart.

When she was young, she didn't think it was special. She just grew up ordinary under the protection of her father and family.

But when Fujiwara no Fuhito committed suicide because of Kaguya's insult, she suddenly realized that this seemingly ordinary existence was so important to her.

Fujiwara no Fuhito's death was like the sky falling for her.

That's why she went crazy to seek revenge on Kaguya.

Later, she became a monster and left the Fujiwara family and wandered in the world.

At that time, the so-called"father" had actually become a symbol.

A symbol that represents the warmth of"home" and allows her to truly rest; it is also something she is destined to never get again in this life. It can only be a symbol that allows her to hug herself tightly in the cold wind and spend good times. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lu Li understood this���Number

"I know that you may not have been clear-headed last night, and you agreed without thinking."

"Now, I ask you again - are you willing to be my daughter?"


Fujiwara Mohong looked at the boy in front of her.

When she realized that Lu Li was not playing any taboo games with her, but really wanted to adopt her as his daughter, she felt an unprecedented sense of absurdity.

""Don't, don't joke around."

She was shy and subconsciously wanted to refuse. She even instinctively turned around and wanted to escape from this room that seemed to have turned into a cage.

But strangely, when Fujiwara Mohong wanted to escape, she found that her body seemed to be firmly bound by something and she couldn't move no matter what.

"It was the clothes that Tamamonomae had carefully selected for an hour and put on her.

Just when she wanted to escape from this cage and become a beast again, the clothes seemed to have turned into chains, binding her firmly in place, and she could not go anywhere.

"So that's it."

The perspective changed again, the cage turned into a room again, and the chains turned into clothes again.

Fujiwara Mohong reacted instantly, everything that happened just now was just her illusion.

This is not a cage, and what really bound her in place is definitely not this dress that has nothing special except for its luxury.

It is the desire for"family","civilization","humanity", and"emotion" buried deep in her heart.

She is not a beast.[]

At least from this moment on, she is no longer a homeless beast

"Well, father, please give me more guidance in the future."

"Yes, the attitude is good. It's just that the address is too formal, it should be more casual and more energetic."

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