Lu Li's figure disappeared from the dungeon.

His swift coming and going surprised Bishamon - the expected humiliation did not occur, and even after realizing that"this person cannot be recruited", he did not say a single extra word.

"But why did he untie the ropes that bound me?"

"Is he trying to create an opportunity for me to escape from prison?"

"Or is he actually waiting for an opportunity outside - just waiting for me to escape successfully, then he will catch me again and play a game similar to cat and mouse?"

At this moment, Bishamon thought a lot.

But in the next moment, he denied all these speculations.

Bishamon was sure that this man who didn't even care about the gods would not play such a devilish trick - there was no need for him to use such a shameless method.

Only those weak people would humiliate the defeated party after winning with despicable tricks, because they knew that there was no possibility of winning under normal circumstances. The real strong often present another extreme. No matter what kind of enemy they face, they will show due respect - because they know that"respecting the enemy is respecting the victory."

After thinking through these things, Bishamontian had already vaguely guessed Lu Li's true thoughts:


"He is showing me the mindset of a victor.

Indeed, the arrogant Bishamon would never surrender to his enemies.

But not all the people under the king’s rule are his subjects.

——After all, those who share the same ideals are only a minority. The majority of people, the vast majority of people, are just swept away by the trend of the times and forced to move to the next exit.

"Since you are unwilling to surrender, then stay here and witness our great deeds with your own eyes."


Lu Li left the dungeon and returned to the main hall of the shrine.

With the help of other gods of fortune, the banquet was almost ready.

The process of the banquet was basically the same old routine. The only highlight was that Yasaka Kanako, who was in the main seat, asked Okuninushi to toast her in a condescending manner - that arrogant look vividly explained what it meant to go against the will of heaven.

Fujiwara Mohong watched with great interest.

She was surprised at Yasaka Kanako's rebelliousness, and at the same time, as if she had thought of something, she directly picked up a jar of wine and sat next to Lu Li.

Lu Li ignored her, but ate and chatted with Suwako Miyabi, who was sitting in the vice-chairman's seat.



"It's really rare. I thought you could completely conquer that beautiful girl and make her rush to you."

Suwako Kame's words were a bit sarcastic.

But what she said was also a fact - since Lu Li showed his ambition to"build a hegemony", few people could refuse his invitation.

Including Suwako Kame, she has undoubtedly become a member of this"gang" half-heartedly.

"She is too arrogant."

Lu Li drank a bowl of wine and gave the most pertinent evaluation of the blonde female war god who would rather die than surrender.

Note that the arrogance here does not refer to her arrogance in dealing with people - in fact, Bishamonten is just cold on the outside and does not like to have too much contact with strangers.

People who are familiar with her know that she is actually a tomboy. Hidden under the appearance of a cold and domineering lady is a real man's heart.

The"arrogance" in Lu Li's mouth refers to the absolute confidence she has in herself.

"I counted them briefly, and there are a total of 137 artifacts."

"To be honest, I think it is a great thing that she is still alive and well."

Lu Li poured himself another bowl of wine - the Fujiwara Mohong who wanted to show off beside him fell down with a red face after three bowls of wine.

"Yes, carrying so many artifacts at the same time, she is really not afraid of problems!"

Thinking of Bishamon's"Artifact Army", Suwako Kameya, who is also a god, also showed a lingering fear.

Generally speaking, artifacts that can be transformed into weapons are of course a help to the gods; but at the same time, the number of artifacts is not the more the better.

Because artifacts are ultimately transformed from the souls of dead humans, their existence itself is something that is"not allowed by the world of the living." The gods forcibly keep them in the world by giving them pseudonyms, which is essentially an act that violates the law of life and death.

Since it violates the law, there will always be a price to pay.

"Carrying so many artifacts at the same time is a huge burden in itself."

"Not to mention, the artifacts may recall their past lives at any time and degenerate into demons again."

"Artifacts and gods are one and the same. As long as an artifact harbors evil intentions, it will hurt its master. The corruption of an artifact will directly lead to the corruption of gods and other artifacts."

"Well, one infects two, two infects four……"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Suwako Sueya seemed to have remembered something interesting, and a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"We don't even have to take action."

"She will become evil herself."


In the dungeon.

After being untied by Lu Li, Bishamonten did not do anything special.

She was still in the cell specially prepared for her, and even her posture was not much different from when she was tied up just now.

——This may be her way of stating her position.

She is a captive, a loser who was captured after a desperate fight due to exhaustion. She is not a speculator who changes her attitude when she sees that the enemy is strong.


"What are you doing?"

Outside the dungeon, in the cell where the artifacts were imprisoned, when the"life artifacts" gathered together, served bowls of hot rice porridge and distributed them to everyone.

A discordant voice suddenly sounded.[]

"The eldest lady is still imprisoned in the cell"

"Not only did you not try to rescue the young lady, but you also ate and drank here?"

The visitor asked angrily.

He was the manager of these artifacts and one of Bishamon's most powerful and trusted artifacts.

"What do you think this is? Home?"


Angry words are always accompanied by angry body movements.

The iron pot filled with food was kicked over, and Xun Ma (the artifact looks like a pot lid) who was in charge of serving the porridge was directly scalded by the splashing liquid.

But this was not the most heartbreaking thing for her. What really made her heartbroken was the next words of this"Master Daosi":

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