Makarov also reacted at this time and announced that Lu Li won

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!"


"The new guy is so amazing! He actually defeated that Makao! This is too abnormal!"

Many people from the Fairy Tail guild who were watching were also excited. They obviously didn't expect Lu Li to be so strong that he could kill Makao in one blow.

This doesn't look like a newbie who just learned magic.

Natsu and Gray were stunned.

Lu Li actually defeated that Makao. In their eyes, only Mira and Erza, two monsters of the same age, could defeat Makao.

Now there is another one in the guild.

"Lu Li is so awesome!"

Lisanna happily applauded Lu Li.

"Humph! That guy Makao is too useless. I can easily defeat him."

Mira was very dissatisfied with her inaccurate prediction. At the same time, she subconsciously regarded Lu Li as her competitor to become the strongest wizard of the Fairy Tail Guild.

"He is very strong!"

Eluza said seriously, whether it was Lu Li's continuous release of fireballs at the beginning, or his super strong defense that resisted Makao's magic attack while standing.

The speed of the final burst was even faster.

Not only was it fast, but also the precise control that stopped in front of Makao, there was no doubt that this was definitely a good opponent.

Those who bet on Lu Li to win happily went to divide the bets, and they could get two days of free wine money.

""You little brat, how did you do that?"

Makarov was puzzled to see Lu Li win. Even if Lu Li created a magic similar to the Dragon Slayer Magic, Natsu, who had practiced Dragon Slayer Magic for several years, might not be Makao's opponent. How could you defeat Makao just by imitating him?

"Nothing? Maybe my magic power is stronger."

Lu Li said stupidly. Magic power and magic are one aspect, and breathing method and domineering are the key to Lu Li's easy victory.

Breathing method can make Lu Li burst out extraordinary physical fitness in an instant, and domineering provides Lu Li with powerful attack and defense.

With the combination of magic power and magic, the power that burst out made Lu Li himself shocked.

Makarov nodded. Indeed, Lu Li's magic power is very strong, as can be seen from the fact that he was able to release such a terrifying magic yesterday.

There are many people in this world who are born with powerful magic power. He himself is like this, and so is his grandson Laxus.

""President, can I go on the mission now?"

Lu Li changed the subject.

Makarov nodded. Lu Li had even defeated Makao, so he would not stop Lu Li from doing the mission.

"Yeah! That's great!"

Lu Li's heart jumped. He had always longed for the adventurous life of Fairy Tail. Now that he could experience it in person, he was naturally very happy.

After returning to the guild, the winners of the guild ate and drank happily.

Makao seemed a little disappointed, but the others did not mean to laugh at Makao. After all, they all knew how strong Makao was.

They also saw the battle between him and Lu Li. It was really that the new monster Lu Li was too abnormal.

Lu Li looked at the task commission board and reached out to grab the 'hunt the fierce demon beast Valken'


As soon as Lu Li's hand touched the task commission, the back of his hand was slapped away by Makarov's elongated palm.

"That task won't work, I'll give you this one."

Makarov tore off a task from the task board and handed it to Lu Li.

"Mission: Protect the client"

"Mission description: The client needs a bodyguard. The specific situation will be disclosed to the client in person."

"Mission reward: 50,000 J per day."

The mission description is not much different from no description. The reward is not bad. 50,000 J is equivalent to 3,000 RMB.

And it is 3,000 per day, which is quite generous.

In his previous life, he worked, let alone 3,000 per day, and the salary he could get in a month was less than 3,000.

"I'll take this mission."

Lu Li was very satisfied with this mission.


Makarov greeted Erza.

Erza came over and asked,"President, what's the matter?"

"You take Lu Li to carry out this mission commission"

""Yes, President."

Erza agreed very happily. Lu

Li looked at Makarov with some doubts.

Makarov also noticed Lu Li's doubts and explained:"Although you are strong enough, you lack experience and need someone to lead you. When you have enough experience in the future, you can perform tasks by yourself. This has always been the tradition of Fairy Tail. Don't underestimate Erza because she is a girl of the same age as you. Erza is very strong."

Erza extended her hand generously and said:"Hello, Lu Li, we will be teammates during the mission." Lu

Li stretched out his hand and shook hands with Erza:"Sorry to trouble you, Erza"

"It's no trouble. We are all companions, and it's only right for us to help each other."

Erusa said with a smile.

Looking at Erza like this, Lu Li couldn't help but be moved. If he asked who his favorite female character was in the Fairy Tail anime, Erza would undoubtedly be ranked first.

As for why she is the first and not the only one, as a man, isn't it normal to have ideas about all beauties?

Since he traveled to the world of Fairy Tail, he naturally had ideas about Erza.

But Erza was only a thirteen-year-old girl at this time. Could it be that he was really hungry and didn't even let go of a girl?

Well, the cultivation of girls is actually quite good.

"We will gather at the guild gate at 9am tomorrow."


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