The subtitles in Lu Li's mind showed this paragraph of text.

Although it is not Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, Thunder Elemental Magic is also very good. This is the magic he wants to learn.

Laxus's face was a little ugly when he heard Lu Li's words:"You think it's good? Then you can taste it again!"

"Lightning Spear!"

Laxus raised his hand, and golden lightning gathered on his palm. As Laxus swung his arm, a lightning spear shot towards Lu Li's position.

""Get out of the way!"

Erza shouted immediately upon seeing this.

However, Lu Li did not dodge, but raised his hand.


A red-black flame appeared on Lu Li's palm.

Lu Li swung it casually.


The lightning spear fired by Laxus was knocked away by Lu Li, and fell on the ground next to him, creating a big hole in the ground.

【Your understanding is beyond belief. You have comprehended the magic lightning spear! 】

Looking at the words in his mind, Lu Li couldn't help but smile:"Anything else?"

Laxus was completely furious when he heard Lu Li's words:"Stinky brat! How dare you look down on me!"

Crack! Crack!

Laxus raised his palm, and a golden lightning fell from the sky, falling towards Lu Li's position.

Lu Li's palm was wrapped with flames, blocking his head.


The lightning fell on Lu Li, and most of it was blocked by the flames.


"How can it be?!"

"Laxus's attack……"

"Blocked it!"

Natsu, Gray, and the Thunder Gods were all shocked to see Lu Li block Laxus's lightning.

Laxus is not Makao. Although he is only seventeen years old, he has powerful magic and inherited magic from the president. In the entire guild, only the president and Gildarts are stronger than him.

Natsu and Gray have challenged Laxus before, but they were defeated by Laxus in one blow.

Lu Li could easily block Laxus's lightning magic.

【Your comprehension is incredible, you have mastered the magic of attracting lightning!】

"Anything else? Anything else?"

"Bastard! It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you won't be able to restrain yourself. I'll show you my magic."

Laxus' forehead was bulging with veins. Three attacks failed to take down the little brat Lu Li. Coupled with Lu Li's provocation, his proud self-esteem could not stand it.

""Lightning strike!"

Laxus aimed his palm at Lu Li and released a pillar of lightning.

The flame in Lu Li's palm became stronger.————!

A red-black flame magic circle appeared, and then a violent pillar of flame shot out from Lu Li's palm.


The pillar of flame and the pillar of lightning collided with each other.

Suddenly, a terrible explosion broke out.

【Your understanding is amazing, you have comprehended the magic lightning shock! 】

Laxus looked unhappy, this little kid's magic could actually block his own magic

"I just don't believe that I can't take down a little brat like you."

Golden lightning appeared under Laxus's feet, and he quickly rushed towards Lu Li, with golden lightning condensing on his fist.

Lu Li was also excited to fight, and he rushed forward with flames wrapped around his fist.


A loud shout rang out


Lu Li and Laxus stopped at the same time.

Looking in the direction of the sound, they saw that President Makarov had come over.

"What are you two doing?"

Seeing his grandfather appear, Laxus knew he couldn't continue:"Nothing, just sparring with each other."

"Lu Li?"

Makarov looked at Lu Li and asked

"Well, Laxus is right, I wanted to see Laxus's magic, so I had a competition."

Hearing Lu Li say this, Makarov said nothing more:"Competition should also be done in moderation, it would be bad if you get hurt."

"I understand, President."

Laxus looked at Lu Li deeply and said,"This time doesn't count. Let's have a good competition next time."

After that, Laxus left with the Thunder Gods.

Natsu and Gray came to Lu Li quickly.

Natsu:"Lu Li, you are so awesome! You can even tie with Laxus!"

Gray:"Yeah! I've long been fed up with Laxus's arrogance."

Lu Li gathered magic power on his palm.

Crack! Crack!

Golden arcs of electricity wrapped around Lu Li's palm, and then Lu Li raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.


The lightning struck a stone not far away, breaking it into pieces.

Laxus, who had just walked a short distance, heard the sound and turned around quickly, just in time to see Lu Li using lightning to attack the rock.

The expression on his face changed immediately.

This guy actually learned his magic.

He didn't really believe this statement at first, but he had to believe it when he saw it with his own eyes.

Felide said:"This Lu Li seems to be able to learn the magic he sees immediately, and I don't know how he did it."

"Humph! If you learn it, it's no big deal. The same magic, when cast by different people, has different powers. Magic is only part of it. The real power is the magician himself. Let's go."

Laxus turned and left. He remembered Lu Li. In the future, he would definitely fight with Lu Li to let him know who is the strongest in the Fairy Tail Guild.

"You learned Laxus's magic?!"

Although Natsu and Gray have seen how abnormal Lu Li's magic learning is, they are still shocked every time they see it.

Erza said to Lu Li:"You are really reckless, Laxus is not an ordinary magician."

Lu Li smiled and said:"I'm fine, don't worry, I know what's going on, it's a pity that I didn't see more magic."

Lu Li felt a little bit sorry, if the old man didn't show up, he would definitely see more magic moves, maybe Laxus would use the Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic.

If the Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic is integrated into his Dragon God Transformation, the power of the Dragon God Transformation should be even higher.

But there is no rush, now he is in the Fairy Tail Guild, there will be opportunities in the future.

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