"Lu Li? Won't you consider it?"

Makarov asked Lu Li. This mission is the most dangerous one among the four S-level missions. It can make a country helpless and can only seek help from the Wizard Guild. It can be seen how terrifying the power of this black magic cult is. The mission level issued by the other party is S-level, but the degree of danger is almost close to SS-level.

Even if it is a real S-level wizard, he does not recommend it. Putting this mission here is actually to test the vision of those who take the assessment.

Lu Li shook his head:"No, let's take this one."

Makarov:"Well, since you have accepted the task, let's go. The time limit for this work is one month. If it is not completed within one month, it will be regarded as an assessment failure."

"One month, it doesn't take that long at all, I can complete this task in a week."

Laxus said confidently, then glanced at Lu Li and raised his lips:"But some guys who overestimate their own abilities may not be able to do that."

"You don't need to worry about whether I am overestimating my own abilities, just take care of yourself."

Even though it was in front of Makarov, Lu Li did not indulge Laxus at all.

"We are mates in the same guild, so it’s normal for me to worry about you, right?"

"If that's the case, then I think I should be more worried about you."

Laxus narrowed his eyes slightly and gritted his teeth and said,"Kid, just be thankful that this S-level assessment is not a confrontation, otherwise I will definitely let you experience my strength."

"Yes! I'm very glad. If I had hurt you by accident, I would have had a hard time explaining to the president."


Laxus really wanted to teach Lu Li a lesson right now, but his grandfather and Gildarts were both there.

"Humph! Then I'll see if you can complete the task. Let's go."

Laxus took Felide away.

Lu Li stuck out his tongue at Laxus's back.

"Let's go too."

Then he prepared to set off with Erza.

Gildarts laughed happily and said,"Haha, the young people in the guild are so energetic now!"

Makarov sighed helplessly,"Laxus's temper is getting more and more extreme now, and he is very different from when he was a child. I am really worried that he will do something one day.……"

Gildarts comforted Makarov and said,"Don't worry, President. I watched Laxus grow up. He is a child of Fairy Tail. Although he is a little rebellious now, a person's nature is not so easy to change. He will figure it out in the future."

"I hope so!"

Soon, Lu Li and Erza boarded the train, and the train started slowly.

Erza asked,"Lu Li, why did you choose that mission?"

"Nothing? Because the reward for that mission is very high!"

"We are now taking the S-level promotion assessment, so we should choose the tasks with lower difficulty, as they have a higher chance of completion."

"Aren't they all S-level missions? They are all about the same difficulty. I think this mission is not difficult and is quite suitable for me."

Lu Li looked indifferent.

But Erza was not a fool. She knew that Lu Li must have chosen this mission for her reasons. Erza's expression changed. It was obvious that she was struggling fiercely in her heart, as if she was hesitating whether to confess everything to Lu Li.

"All right! The mission has been accepted, and it’s too late to regret now. I might as well think about how to complete the mission. I don’t want to see Laxus’s ugly face every day after I go back."

Erza couldn’t help but burst out laughing when she heard Lu Li say that.

Indeed, with Laxus’s character, if the mission was not completed, he would definitely be ridiculed by Laxus every day.

Erza swore secretly in her heart:"Don’t worry, I will definitely help you become an S-class wizard."

After three days of journey, Lu Li and Erza finally arrived at the Kingdom of Avalor.

"Are you the wizards sent by Fairy Tail to complete the mission?"

In the palace, the King of Avalor and his ministers looked at Lu Li and Erza with suspicion.


Lu Li and Erza have long been accustomed to this. Every time they go on a mission, their employers will see through them because of their age.

A minister said angrily:"We issued an S-level mission, but Fairy Tail only sent you two children? Are they looking down on our Kingdom of Avalor?"

Lu Li waved his hand calmly and said:"Don't be so excited, we are here to complete the mission. If we complete it, you will pay the reward. If we don't complete the mission, you naturally don't have to pay the reward. The result is that whether it succeeds or fails, there is no loss for you, right?"

"And, do you think we want the mission to fail?"

"You know, you only paid money, but we paid with our lives!"

Everyone seemed to think this was true.

"Well, without further ado, tell me what you know now."

The middle-aged man in armor who was in charge of the army stood up and said,"I don't know much about them either. I only know that they are a black magic cult that believes in Jellal. They appeared in our country last month and attacked the town as soon as they appeared."

"They kidnapped everyone, young and old, men and women, and I don't know what they are going to do."

"They have attacked three towns in a row in the past month, and more than ten thousand people have been kidnapped by them."

Erza couldn't help but ask,"Didn't you send troops to rescue them?"

A man in his fifties wearing a magic robe said,"Of course we did. We sent out the kingdom's most elite magic troops, but the opponent was too strong, and all the magic troops we sent out were wiped out by the opponent."

"We were at our wits' end, so we decided to issue the mission to the Wizard Guild."

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