"The next problem is magic power."

This is the first time I'm learning magic today, so I have no experience at all.

He doesn't want the same thing that happened this afternoon to happen again. On the one hand, he doesn't want his magic power to be exhausted and suffer from magic deficiency. On the other hand, he doesn't want to be unable to do anything after releasing magic and be at the mercy of others.

And the best way to achieve this is to increase your magic power.

He remembered that in the Great Magic Battle, Urutia opened the second magic source for Natsu and others. This is like the so-called backup battery.

It is not used on weekdays, but if it is turned on, it can greatly increase the magic power in an instant.

However, no one has discovered this magic source yet.

Lu Li began to think about how to open the second magic source

【You begin to sense the source of magic in your body, and you begin to use magic to explore. Soon you find a magic container in the center of your chest that is very similar to the magic source, but the magic is not activated.】

"Found it!"

Lu Li opened his eyes, his eyes shining. He didn't expect that he found the location of the second magic source so quickly.

"The question now is how to activate this magic source."

Lu Li closed his eyes again and began to think.

【You start thinking about how to activate the magic source. In the anime, Urrutia uses the arc of time to activate it. You decide to stimulate it with magic power. You gather a stream of magic power and stab the second magic source.】


Lu Li screamed, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Lu Li clenched his teeth and curled up on the bed. It took him a while to recover.

"It hurts... it hurts so much!"

It hurt so much that he almost cried out his throat. Fortunately, he held back in time, otherwise everyone in the dormitory would have been woken up by him.

He finally understood why Natsu and the others screamed so miserably when they opened the second magic source, because it was too painful.

"But it's OK, I can totally bear it."

When he got the terminal illness, the pain was almost constant. Compared with that pain, this pain is nothing.

In order to become stronger, this pain is nothing.

Lu Li took out a towel and stuffed it into his mouth, and continued to gather magic power to stimulate the second magic source.


" Ooo...

【You have a natural understanding and have successfully opened the second magic source! 】

Lu Li threw the towel in his mouth aside and gasped for air.

If he hadn't been tortured by a terminal illness in his previous life, he would never have been able to hold on.

Fortunately, he succeeded. Feeling the magic flowing in his body, Lu Li's heart was filled with joy.

After a good rest, Lu Li carefully sensed that the second magic source was much smaller than the first magic source, with only about one-tenth of the capacity of the first magic source.

From the perspective of magic power alone, increasing by one-tenth is nothing.

But the significance of the second magic source is more than just increasing the magic capacity by one-tenth.

When the magic power of the wizard is consumed, the magic source will automatically absorb the magic power in the air and transform it into its own magic power through the transformation of the magic source.

If there is only one magic source, the recovery speed will be slower. If there are two magic sources, the recovery speed will be doubled.

If it is in battle, what does double recovery mean? Those who have played the game must know it. In

King of Glory, this is equivalent to bringing a holy grail with you when you go out, which is simply a magic weapon for a mana-consuming wizard.

"The next step is to consider how to increase the upper limit of magic power."

In the world of Fairy Tail, it is recorded in the magic book that as you age and continue to practice magic, your magic power will be improved.

After the magic power is used up, you can only wait for the magic source to restore the magic power by itself.

In Lu Li's opinion, that method is no different from exercising muscles in the gym and resting when you are tired.

The upper limit of magic power can indeed be improved, but the speed is too slow.

In Western fantasy novels, magicians have a method to improve their magic power, called"meditation".

Magicians improve their magic power by practicing meditation, and when the magic power is exhausted, they can use meditation to speed up the recovery of their magic power.

Lu Li closed his eyes again and began to think about how to create a meditation method.

【Your brain starts to think, and the first thing you think of is rotation. By making the magic source rotate, it absorbs the magic power from the outside world like a whirlpool, so that the magic power in the air will be quickly absorbed.】

【You begin to construct the spell, you successfully activate the magic source, and the magic in the air is quickly absorbed by your magic source】

【You have an incredible understanding and successfully created a meditation method. Please name it!】

"It's called"Dragon God Meditation」"

【「"Dragon God Meditation Method" was named successfully! 】

Lu Li began to practice"Dragon God Meditation Method". A large amount of magic power was attracted by Lu Li's two magic sources. After a while, Lu Li's consumed magic power was fully restored.

"So fast! The speed of active recovery of magic power by a single magic source is at least ten times that of passive recovery, and the recovery speed of two magic sources is twenty times!"

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