Lin Che seemed to have seen through her thoughts. Without waiting for her to speak, he continued,”The Huns originated from the nomadic people in the north of China. The reason they went to Europe to establish a country was because they were defeated by China. Britain couldn’t even defeat Rome, so how could it go east to defeat the Huns?”

After hearing Lin Che’s words, Luo Hao’s mouth curled up.

This is the pride of being a Chinese!

Altria sat down, looking powerless!

At this moment, she realized how weak her Britain was.

Not only Altria, but even Morgan and Merlin sighed, looking powerless.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Irisviel hurriedly tried to smooth things over,”Those are all in the past and have become history. We should eat and not talk about those things.”

Seeing Altria’s look, Lin Che knew that he had said too much, so he said,”You don’t have to be depressed. Your descendants are still very powerful. They are the first country to have an industrial revolution, and they have also established the largest empire on which the sun never sets.”

“Really?” Al-Liya was a little surprised.

“Of course, and now Great Britain is also one of the most powerful countries in the world. It and the other four powerful countries are collectively called the Five Permanent Members!”Lin Che nodded.

In fact, to be precise, modern Great Britain is different from Britain during the time of King Arthur.

King Arthur was Welsh, and the Britain he established was also a Welsh country!

But now Great Britain is mainly composed of the Anglo-Saxon race, plus Iberians, Celts, Roman Latins, etc.

This is like the Qing Dynasty in China, which was no longer dominated by Han people, but Manchus.

But he was comforting people, so there was no need to pay attention to those details.

Sure enough, after listening to Lin Che’s words, Altria, Morgan, and Merlin all looked much better.

Then, everyone ate and drank happily together again…

After finishing his meal, Lin Che took a break and then took Luo Qixi to learn magic.

Now that Luo Qixi has broken through to the King level and his magic power has increased so much, he can try to learn Saint-level magic. In the martial arts arena in the castle courtyard, Luo Qixi heard Lin Che’s request and showed a surprised expression and said,”You want to learn Saint-level magic?”

“That’s right, I have plenty of magic power now, I want to give it a try!”Lin Che said with anticipation.

He had been coveting Luo Qixi’s”Haole Cumulonimbus” for a long time.

“Let’s give it a try.”Luo Qixi nodded and agreed.

Then, she began to teach Lin Che how to chant and how to operate magic.

Lin Che practiced a few times and soon found the feeling.

He borrowed Luo Qixi’s staff and began to chant.

“Great water spirit, Prince of the Thunder Emperor who has ascended to the sky, fulfill my prayer, bring the grace of violence, and let the dwarf beings see your power!”

As Lin Che chanted, the magic power began to surge around him.

He waved the staff in his hand, and suddenly a strong wind blew up. The originally clear night sky also became gloomy. In an instant, it was covered with dark clouds and lightning flashed.

However, this was not over yet. Lin Che’s chant continued.

“Hit the anvil with the hammer of God, show your power, and flood the earth!”

The magic stone on the staff burst into light, amplifying and strengthening Lin Che’s magic power.

Lin Che raised the staff high and stirred the dark clouds in the sky. Thunders tore through the sky. Under the control of the staff, it was as if the god of thunder had descended to the world and was about to destroy the world.

This scene also alarmed everyone, and they all ran out of the castle.

“This is a cumulonimbus cloud.」!”Morgan recognized it at a glance.

She was hit by Luo Qixi with this move.

“”Master’s talent is getting more and more terrifying!” Merlin said as he looked at Lin Che waving his staff.

It had only been over an hour since dinner and he had already learned Saint-level magic.

“Another magic trick I’ve never seen before, and it can also control the weather?”Irisviel was shocked, because the magic tricks performed by Lin Che were beyond her cognition.

Everyone was watching the fun, but Lin Che’s chanting did not stop.

“Ah, rain!”

“”Wreck everything and drive out everything in the world!”

In an instant, with the castle as the center, heavy rain began to fall within a hundred meters.

Compared with the range of Luo Qixi, it was ten times smaller.

When Luo Qixi cast”Thunderbolt Cumulonimbus”, the range was a thousand meters! After

Lin Che finished chanting the last line, he said to a huge tree outside the castle:”Thunderbolt Cumulonimbus!”

When the name of the magic was called out, a blue lightning as thick as a bucket suddenly fell from the sky and hit the tree hard.

In an instant, the tree turned into ashes!

“This power is probably comparable to some C+ and B-level treasures!”Irisviel exclaimed.

After removing the magic, the rain stopped and the dark clouds in the sky dispersed.

The moonlight appeared again, illuminating the entire yard.

Luo Qixi smiled and congratulated Lin Che:”Congratulations, you can start your apprenticeship now”

“Really? It seems that martial arts are the only thing left!” Lin Che also smiled.

The magic taught by Hestia was the first to be completed, and now the magic taught by Roxy has also been completed.

Only the martial arts taught by Luo Hao has not yet been completed.

But there is no way to do this. For magic and magic, you only need to know the principles, learn to chant, and practice a few times.

But martial arts are different. It is really rowing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat.

Martial arts need time to be polished, and there are no shortcuts.

If I had a”great sage” like the cute king Rimuru, I could learn any skill, magic, or martial arts after watching it once.

I hope that people from the cute king world will join the chat group later, so that I can go to the cute king world to cheat.

However, when Lin Che was fantasizing, Luo Hao came to his side and said,”Since magic and magic are both completed, then from tomorrow on, all your time will be used to exercise and practice martial arts.”

“”Yes!” Lin Che nodded. He also wanted to learn the Ten Perfect Martial Arts as soon as possible and become a master.

After one night, the fourth day of the Holy Grail War ended, and there were three days left.

This day was very quiet, without any fighting.

Lin Che got up early in the morning, and the first thing he did was to sign in to the group.

It has been nineteen days since he joined the chat group, and he has signed in a total of 190 points. Excluding the 10 points used for issuing tasks, there are now a total of 180 points.

Points have many uses. In addition to trading between group members, they can also copy their own abilities.

For example, Luo Hao’s power was obtained by killing gods, and she cannot teach others.

But she can use points to copy her own power, and then trade or give it to others.

In addition to copying abilities, points can also copy special bloodlines and talents.

The stronger the copied abilities, bloodlines, and talents are, the more points are required.

Reading on Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: June 8th to June 10th)

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