Sure enough, it was just as the group guessed.

After failing to attack Iskandar and being hit by the opponent’s ox cart, Altria used the second light cannon again. Having more magic power is awesome. Just like the fifth Holy Grail War in the HF line, the blackened Altria had infinite magic power. By continuously releasing magic power and releasing treasures, she killed Hercules with twelve lives.

Under the holy sword’s light cannon, Iskandar’s”Flying Hoof Thunder Bull” and”God’s Wheel” were all destroyed!

“”I lost after all!” Iskandar said with a sad look.

After he finished speaking, he was approached by Altria and killed with a sword.

After Iskandar’s death, the”King’s Army” was automatically lifted.

Weber could not watch the live broadcast like Lin Che and know the battle situation in the barrier.

When he saw the barrier disappear, he was still looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, Iskandar did not appear.

There was only one figure, that was Altria holding the holy sword.

“lose…Lost!” Weber was stunned, unable to believe it.

Lin Che ignored him. After all, he had promised Iskandar not to kill his Master.

“”Let’s go, there’s only the last Assassin left!” Lin Che said to the girls.

The girls all nodded and headed towards the church.

On the way, Lin Che took out the small Holy Grail.

At this moment, the magic power in the small Holy Grail has accumulated to three quarters.

Just kill one more servant and the magic power will be full.

Hestia saw the small Holy Grail and said excitedly:”The mission will be completed soon, Ache-kun can go to Orario with me!”

Lin Che smiled and said:”Yes, I am also looking forward to the dungeon in Orario!”

There are still ten years before the next Holy Grail War begins. With such a long time, I don’t know how much my strength can grow.

Hestia patted her chest and said:”I promise not to let you down!”

After hearing this, Roxy and Irisviel also showed expectations.

Merlin also said excitedly:”The legendary other world, I can’t wait!”

Morgan asked Hestia:”Can the body of the Servant go to the other world with you?”

“Of course!” Hestia nodded.

She had already checked the group function. If a servant like Merlin Morgan wanted to take him to her world, she only needed 50 points.

Because it was not the original body, the price was reduced by half.

If the Master Lin Che took the servant with him, he would not even need points.

Because the chat group determined that the servant was the Master’s property, similar to pets and weapons.

Hearing Hestia’s answer, Morgan’s mouth curled up.

She was also very curious about the other world and yearned for it!…

The group walked all the way, chatting as they walked, and it took more than an hour to reach the church.

At this time, Kotomine Kirei and Assassin were already waiting.

He looked at Lin Che and suddenly said,”Emiya Kiritsugu is dead, Assassin found his body at the airport, did you do it?”

Irisviel’s face changed drastically when she heard this.

She looked at Lin Che in disbelief.

Although she was very disappointed with Emiya Kiritsugu, she had never thought of killing him.

After all, the two of them had feelings for each other!

If Lin Che had killed Emiya Kiritsugu, she didn’t know how to face him.

Hate him?

Or pretend not to know?

Lin Che frowned slightly, but still replied,”Yes and no!”

Kotomine Kirei asked,”What do you mean?”

Lin Che continued,”I stripped off his magic seal and didn’t kill him, but his death was indeed related to me.”

Kotomine Kirei nodded,”I see!”

After figuring this out, he could fight without regrets.

Almost in an instant, Assassin made his move.

He was seen dividing into a hundred and attacked everyone on Lin Che’s side.

Esdeath smiled wildly, ready to fight again.

She spotted the strongest Assassin and used her latest moves.


In an instant, the space and time within a hundred meters around her were frozen.

When this move was made, even Luo Hao and Hestia showed surprise.

“Being able to develop ice-type abilities to this extent is truly a genius!” Luo Hao praised without reservation.

“Indeed, even time and space can be frozen, which is beyond absolute zero!” Hestia also praised.

Esdeath held a Western long sword and slowly walked to Assassin, killing him with a sword.

“The first one!”After killing him, she began to look for the second prey.

On Lin Che’s side, except for Luo Hao and Hestia, everyone was dealing with several Assassins at the same time!

The Assassin that Lin Che was dealing with was actually a sexy woman.

She was wearing a black tights, her long purple hair was tied into a ponytail, she had a white skull mask on her face, and a pair of round earrings on her ears.

The uniform Hassan outfit looked a bit sexy and even astringent on her!

Lin Che used”Infinite Sword System” to project a spear, and while fighting with it, he teased,”You have such a good figure, but I don’t know what your appearance is like!”

As he said that, he couldn’t control his dirty hands, and took advantage of the gap between Assassin’s blocking to slap the other’s raised buttocks.

“You deserve to die!” Assassin was completely furious, and his attack became fiercer.

She had given up on defense and kept attacking. However, Lin Che was neither anxious nor slow, and he wielded the spear with great vigor and skill.

Assassin saw that he could not defeat her after a long time, and seemed to use a special communication method to call two more Assassins!

Seeing this, Lin Che said that it was unethical!

“Since you called for help, don’t blame me for using magic!” Lin Che raised his lips and began to chant at high speed.

“This body is made by the sword”

“Steel as body, fire as blood”

“Fighting countless battlefields without being defeated”


“I don’t know what I got”

“I am alone here, forging my sword on the sword hill.”

“The ultimate sword, this is my only wish”

“This life is the Infinite Sword System!”

After the chanting ended, everyone was pulled closer to the inherent barrier in the”Infinite Sword System”!

When Kotomine Kirei saw this scene, his eyes were full of disbelief.

This is an inherent barrier, just like Iskandar’s”King’s Army”!

Why can Lin Che use such magic?

Not only was he surprised, but also Irisviel and Altria, all those who didn’t know Lin Che had this trick were stunned.

Merlin suddenly said:”Master, if you don’t use this trick again, I will almost forget it.”

Lin Che smiled and replied:”Isn’t this saved for the last moment, so that you can show your prowess in front of everyone!”

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