Those who were slow to react also knelt down.

Then, they shouted in unison:”We pay our respects to Prince Lin and General Esdeath!”

The little emperor was not angry when he saw this scene, but smiled.

The civil and military officials below saw this, and their heads were almost touching the ground.

Lin Che glanced at the little emperor and said,”Let’s adjourn the court.”

The little emperor nodded, and then announced the adjournment of the court.

The news of the minister’s murder spread with the ministers who adjourned the court, and the entire imperial capital fell into madness for a while.

Those who depended on the minister were all trembling with fear.

Some loyal ministers of the empire shed tears of excitement and shouted that the empire was saved.

In addition to the news of the minister’s murder, there were two other pieces of news that were also very explosive.

That is, Esdeath became the general and Lin Che became a prince of a different surname.

At this moment, everyone knew that the imperial capital was about to change.

Sure enough, the next day after the news came out, the little emperor began to promulgate new policies.

Recall the old ministers, and at the same time strike at the minister’s lineage, behead all the ministers and nobles who were attached to the minister.

The wanted order for the night raid members was revoked, and even a notice was issued that the empire was willing to recruit night raid members.

The leader of the night raid, Najeta, was restored to the status of an imperial general.

Then there was a major change in the three institutions of the imperial capital guard, the gendarmerie, and the city defense army.

In fact, these policies were sorted out by Lin Che, and then let the little emperor implement them.

The empire has been rotten to the core, and it will take some time to revive it.

Lin Che has thousands of years of Chinese governance policies in his mind, so he is naturally confident that he can revive the empire.

But there are too many policies, and it is impossible to take them out all at once.

It needs to be implemented step by step and one by one.

As Lin Che’s policies were implemented, the nobles of the empire could not sit still.

Because there are many items in the policy that affect their cake.

For a time, almost all tribes rebelled.

In this regard, Lin Che did not care at all and directly handed it over to Esdeath to suppress it.

Anyway, this woman likes war and likes to ravage, so let her deal with those nobles.

Give them a taste of their own medicine!

Let them also feel the fear of being dominated by Esdeath!

Night raid, base outside the imperial capital.

Nadezhda, who is wearing a suit, short white hair, an eye patch and prosthetic limbs, looks at the letter in her hand with an ugly expression.

At this time, Leone, who has blonde hair and a hot body, runs in.

When she saw Nadezhda’s expression, she couldn’t help but ask,”BOSS, what’s wrong?”

Nadezhda put down the letter, sighed and said,”Leone, do you think the revolutionary army is really for the poor people?”

“this…”Leone didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

Although the revolutionary army revolted under the guise of overthrowing the empire, the situation inside was not much better.

Especially those high-level officials!

Perhaps at the beginning, the revolutionary army really wanted to overthrow the empire and establish a new country without oppression and darkness.

But as the revolutionary army grew stronger, the original intentions of some high-level officials changed.

Now that the minister is dead, the young emperor of the empire has begun to work hard and implement benevolent policies, giving the originally completely dark empire a glimmer of light.

In this case, why overthrow such an empire?

The most important thing is that these benevolent policies are likely to come from the handwriting of Prince Lin.

It can be seen that Prince Lin is a good prince who cares for the poor and is saving this corrupt empire.

But just today, the high-level officials of the revolutionary army sent Najeta an order to assassinate Lin Che!

Obviously, the revolutionary army does not want the empire to be saved.

They hope that the empire will become more and more corrupt. Only in this way can they have a reason to overthrow the empire, recruit more talents, and form more armies!

The appearance of Lin Che obviously made the high-level officials of the revolutionary army feel a crisis.

Seeing that Leone couldn’t answer, Najeta couldn’t help but let out a bitter smile.

She was wrong after all!

Leone glanced at the contents of the letter, and her face suddenly changed.

Now the people of the imperial capital love Lin Che very much. If Ye Xiu assassinated Lin Che at this time, wouldn’t he be hated by the people?

“Boss, what should we do? Leone was at a loss for words.

“Assassination is impossible. I want to find a chance to meet that Prince Lin!”Najta couldn’t kill the virtuous king, so she wanted to test Lin Che to see if he was a virtuous king.

If he was, then disobey the order!

Night fell in the palace.

Lin Che sat on the throne and was writing some new policies.

When he was halfway through writing, Esdeath walked in.

She was wearing a cool white dress, and her white jade feet were not wearing shoes, just walking on the ground.

Lin Che looked at the pair of beautiful jades and couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

It’s not that he has a special fetish, but it’s really beautiful! (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It’s strange to say that Esdeath is obviously a general and has to practice martial arts every day, but why does n’t she have a trace of calluses on her feet? Not only that, this woman wears high-heeled boots every day, and her toes are not deformed.

Is it because she drank the blood of a super dangerous species, so there is a special effect?

Just like being washed by the holy fire, from ordinary to handsome?

“”Does it look good?”

Esdeath suddenly asked when Lin Che was staring at it in a daze.

Lin Che put down his pen and admitted with a smile:”Not only does it look good, I want to play with it!”

Esdeath’s mouth curled up and revealed a smile.

She walked slowly to Lin Che, then sat on the table, and stepped on Lin Che’s thighs with her beautiful feet.

The two of them faced each other and admired each other.

Lin Che was not polite and started to play with it directly.

It was soft and tender, not only did it not have the slightest peculiar smell, but it also had a faint fragrance.

“I suddenly want to start a live broadcast, so that those little bitches in the group can see what you look like now.”Esdeath slowly moved her other foot upwards.

“”Hiss! Stop it!” Lin Che took a breath of cold air, not knowing whether it was because of pleasure or fear.

Esdeath smiled slightly, got down from the table, turned around and left.[]

Lin Che was stunned. What happened?

You provoked me to anger, but you ran away?

He shook his head helplessly, and could only calm his restless heart and continue writing policies.

This time he wrote about the bureaucracy of the empire.

The current bureaucracy is too chaotic, and there are no clear positions and responsibilities.

So Lin Che took the essence of the ancient Chinese bureaucracy and removed the dross to create a new bureaucracy. It is mainly divided into three parts: central, local, and military.

In order to strengthen the imperial power, Lin Che chose the six ancient Chinese ministries of officials, households, rituals, military, criminal justice, and industry, and the six ministries were directly responsible to the emperor. The local official system has four administrative agencies at the provincial, municipal, county, and village levels.

However, the emergence of the Ministry of War will allow literati to control the army, resulting in an embarrassing position for military generals. So

Lin Che set up a national defense military department, similar to the Tiance Mansion in the Tang Dynasty.

Now the empire happens to have two great generals, so let Bud be the Minister of the Military Department and Esdeath be the Minister of the Military Department.

Lin Che was worried that the new bureaucratic system would not work well for the local people. The people in this other world would not understand complicated official titles, so he did not use titles like Shangshu or Shilang. He just called them ministers. It was simple and clear!

The governors of various places were changed to governors, the lords of the main cities were changed to mayors, the lords of the county towns were changed to county governors, and the heads of the villages were still called village heads.

The hierarchy was strict, and each level was responsible for its own level.

That was it for now, and it would be modified in detail according to the actual situation in the future.

After Lin Che finished writing the bureaucratic system, it was already light outside.

He stood up and stretched.

“If I were an emperor, I would be a benevolent one, right?”After Lin Che made fun of himself, he went to wash up and rest. The little emperor would take care of the things on the table himself.

The bedroom where the little emperor used to rest was now occupied by Lin Che.

All the little emperor’s supplies were thrown away and replaced with new ones.

After washing up, Lin Che lay on the dragon bed and soon fell asleep.

However, at this time, several members of the night raid sneaked into the palace.

They did not alarm anyone, changed into the clothes of guards and maids, and came to the emperor’s bedroom smoothly.

After seeing this scene, Leone was a little shocked and said,”This Prince Lin actually occupied the emperor’s bedroom. This is even more rampant than the minister!”

But Nadezhda shook her head and said,”It’s not that simple. If he was a person like the minister, why did he always implement benevolent policies, clean up the termites in the imperial capital, and offend all the nobles?”

“Boss, what do you mean?” Leone seemed to have thought of something and asked in disbelief.

“He must have used a secret method to control the little emperor, and then used this puppet emperor’s hand to save the country!” Najeta guessed

“If that’s true, it’s amazing!” Leone said with some admiration.

“”If it’s true, we can just go in and ask.” Najeta said as she walked into the bedroom.

The other members of the Night Raid looked at each other and followed them in.

Lin Che, who was originally sleeping soundly, was also awakened by their noise.

He got up and put on a coat, and saw Najeta and her group.

In addition to Najeta, there was a hot blonde beauty, a black-haired girl with red eyes holding a knife, and a tall and strong man wearing armor.

It’s easy to guess that they are Leone, Red Eyes, and Brand.

The three of them are also the three most powerful fighters in the Night Raid! At this moment, all beggars were dispatched.

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