Chapter 0207 Cyberjo Bridge: After I finished speaking, who approves? Who is against?!

About thirty minutes later.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Arisaka Company announced that “the matter is over”.

At this moment, the top management of the Arasaka Group knew that the situation they feared did not happen.

“Sure enough, Arasaka is invincible.”

“By the way, Arasaka-sama has summoned us to a meeting now, is it because the plan has succeeded?”

Because of the existence of Divine Public Opinion, they all know about it, and they know that Saburo Arasaka is trying to turn himself into an eternal digital being.

And if such a success occurs, their gang of high-level people naturally follow one person to get the way, the chicken dog ascends to heaven, and has the opportunity to become an immortal existence.

In the original book, the appearance of Saburo immediately made them turn against the water.

They have been human beings for so long, they have not enjoyed anything, they are only immortal, and then realize the dream of reigning for a long time that any emperor in ancient times wanted.

Therefore, in the original 2077, although Arasaka Yorisaki has been holding power, as long as he does not know such a thing, it proves that he is still outside this inner circle, and he has no power to rule their group at all.

And now Araben Saburo issued an urgent and urgent order, telling them to leave for Night City immediately.

They are fast.

After all, although they are all big people, they are all dependent on the Arasaka Company in essence, and they cannot disobey any instructions of Saburo Araka.

So they rushed from all over the world in various private ways, and in the second half of the night, this Arasaka conference immediately began in the Night City.

However, what they see now is that the entire Arasaka Tower has been cut in half, and the upper end has been completely cut off, leaving only the place that imitates the work of those untouchables in their eyes.

It’s just that what makes them so big people unimaginable is what kind of huge blade it would be to make the incision so flat.

The meeting was held in a small open space outside the Arasaka Tower.

“Lord Arasaka Yori-sen!”

The first to appear, Arasaka Yoshitsune, greeted their fervent call.

It’s just that their call is enthusiastic on the surface, but it is cold inside.

And the young people who came out immediately afterwards made the gang show doubts.

And when Qiao Qiao sat directly on the main seat, all the high-level people looked at each other, and one of them pointed out on the spot!

“Who are you? What about Arasaka-sama! ”

However, when Arasaka Yori-sen did not express any opinion, and the AI that controlled this room did not speak, the Arasaka high-level suddenly thought.

After all, only Saburo Araka can do all this, otherwise he will face the attacks of countless Arasaka drones as soon as he lands.

Unless he voluntarily surrenders all the shares of his Arasaka company and changes the top leader.

But how could this happen!

That man had the power of the core shares firmly in his hands.

Then, the young people sitting here now have some kind of possibility to make this group of old guys waiting to die a burst of ecstasy!

“The plan worked! Arasaka-sama’s plan is done! ”

However, what they may hardly think of is that there is a control method that can hold a soul to death, even if it is against his will.

Qiao Qiao looked around at the gang of bad old men.

One by one, they are the remnants of the times.

“Okay, don’t wait, if you are late, you will automatically abstain.”

Qiao Qiao’s unilateral declaration made these guys instantly nervous.


I didn’t expect this time the matter to be so serious.

“Who makes tea today. Everyone give an opinion, don’t look at me, then forget it, if there is no tea, I will make a long story short, so as not to waste saliva. ”

Qiao Qiao put on a posture of EVA commander-in-chief and said: “I call on everyone to unite, and then you must continue to serve the plan of New Arasaka, and in short, start by vigorously building the livelihood of the Night City.” What are your opinions? ”

“After I finished speaking, who is in favor and who is against.”

“I object.”

An obese high-ranking official stood up and said with a smile on his face: “Lord Arasaka, white flowers to get tickets to those untouchables, this is not Arasaka’s practice, you have always been dominated by elite rule.” ”


Just when Joe Bridge was affirming.

The high-ranking man thought he was in the right place.

Time stopped, and a huge iron fist like a sand pot fell on the other party’s face.

The picture flashed.

In everyone’s sight, only the entire head of the high-ranking person who spoke suddenly exploded.

They were also stunned by the blood splattered face.


Some of them love violence and blood, and even create the world’s largest black boxing arena in their area of responsibility, let poor guys go up to fight each other, and finally only one survives and screams.

Every time he saw Baihuahua’s brain pulp mixed with blood, he was very excited.

But now, seeing the heads of people of the same status as themselves burst like cheap watermelons, it is completely different from those scenes in the boxing colosseum.


When others were screaming, Qiao Qiao also saw a gray-colored soul floating from a certain headless corpse, apparently also going to upload somewhere.

However, with a gentle squeeze of Qiao Qiao’s fingers, his death fell on Qiao Qiao

[Spirit Punishment General] in the hand.

“Why is there a signal all of a sudden, everyone is right.”

Qiao Qiao said: “To put it bluntly, I am the simplest person, and I will take care of a good person, but for people like everyone, I have always paid attention to being fast and ruthless.” ”

Saying that, Qiao Qiao turned to look at the Arasaka Tower and muttered: “The symbol of this city has also stayed for too long, and it is not good-looking. ”

Said, casually waving.

However, the fingertips actually stretched out a golden light into silk, cutting off the top of the building, instantly making this building a few floors shorter

The sound of the “booming” building collapse, the high-level people who were frightened by this shocking scene realized an even more terrifying fact.

“You, you are not Arasaka-sama.”

“You, who are you!”

“I don’t know what you misunderstood, but it’s okay, you’ll be able to see your Arasaka-sama next.”

Saying that, the golden molecular thread that cut off the building suddenly turned into multiple strips around the neck of such a barren high-rise, and then hung violently from the ceiling.

Overnight, all the high-level Arasaka were wiped out, and a ray of dawn shone into the city of night.

After last night’s events, everyone thought that the great war would destroy the Night City, but in reality, the city has not changed at all.

Yes, only half of the Arasaka Tower remains.

The Mann team sat in the vehicle, facing the sunlight and looking at the only half of the Arasaka Tower.

A zeppelin passed in the sky, and Stanley’s voice appeared on the huge screen.

“Wow! Everybody! I’m your Stanley, and we’ve got another long day off in the city of dreams. ”

“The Night City underwent a great migration in the middle of the night yesterday, and without a doubt, this is the biggest event of the year. However, the Arasaka Group has stated that the attack originated from other competing companies. ”

Just, listen to Stanley announce this ‘good news’.

Sitting on the vehicle, Mann and the others’ faces instantly collapsed.


“Probably lost.”

Although they have long anticipated this situation, when they actually hear it, their mentality is completely different.

“After all, Arasaka is the sky of the Night City, and Araka Saburo is a god, and it should be lost…”

Lucy said lightly, unable to hide her disappointment and smoking a cigarette.

“Good person, why do things 3.0 impulsive!”

Sasha cried out directly ‘wow, wow, wow’.

Mann picked up a bottle of wine and drank it gurglingly, and couldn’t help but pat David next to him on the shoulder with some sentimentality.

And David and Gloria next to him were also quite sluggish to accept the fact that this made him uncomfortable because they heard their words.

Last night, the city of night was chaotic, and as a result, Mann saw this acquaintance, David, mother and son running all over the street, stopped to ask, and realized that their car had already exploded in an attack, and now there was no money to afford a second one, so he took them for a ride.

As a result, David and his would-be teammates were also very close to each other’s tastes.

As a result, after talking along the way, I learned that this riot was caused by Qiao Qiao’s declaration of war on Arasaka.

David naturally felt ‘cool’, but now looking at the lost appearance of this group of handsome mercenaries, he really realized that Uncle Qiao Qiao was probably fierce and emotional.

Gloria lost her color in her eyes and complained: “Is the contract I signed for Sunday weekends still valid?” ”

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