“”What a good thing!”

Xia Hua was delighted when he saw this.

With only 10 copper coins, he could buy a purple-quality item and reduce the crop’s maturity time by one day.

This is definitely a sure win!

Thinking of this,

Xia Hua recharged 10 copper coins without hesitation and bought the item.

Then, the limited-time slot in the farm store was cleared.

Only after a certain period of time would new items appear.

At the same time, a special purple item appeared in the farm warehouse – a ripening agent.

“In this way, the time it takes for the wind grass to mature is reduced from two days to one day.

Xia Hua smiled with satisfaction, and then his attention fell on the uncultivated weeds.

The next second, a prompt box popped up.

「It takes 10 copper coins to cultivate this land」

「It takes 20 copper coins to cultivate this land」

「This piece of land cannot be cultivated for the time being, please upgrade the farm level to level 2 as soon as possible.” Seeing this,

Xia Hua understood:”In other words, a level 1 farm can have a maximum of five pieces of land.”

“If you want to cultivate more land, you must upgrade the farm level.”

“In this case, it seems that we can only cultivate two pieces of land first.”

With this thought,

Xia Hua recharged 30 copper coins and turned the two uncultivated weeds into soil.

In the picture, the three cultivable lands became five cultivable lands.

This made Xia Hua grin:”Now we can plant five windbreaks at the same time.”

“Moreover, it only takes one day to mature, so the profit per day is 5 copper coins.”

“That’s 5,000 yen.”

“Although there are not many now, with the upgrade of farm space, it will definitely become bigger and stronger in the future!”

Thinking like this

, Xia Hua was excited and bought five wind grass seeds at the farm store.

Then, he planted them.


, just like the game screen, small green dots appeared on the brown land.

“Oh, and water it.”

Xia Hua did not forget to control the kettle with his mind and irrigate the soil.

Soon, after watering, the brown soil turned dark brown.

“It always feels like a certain game……”

Seeing this, Xia Hua couldn’t help but complain in his heart, and then looked at the upper right corner.

【Farmer]: Xia Hua

【Farm Level]: LV1

【Farm Coins]: 5 copper coins, 0 silver coins, 0 gold coins

【Real money]: 150,000 yen

【Land owned: 5 pieces

【Possess props】:「(Purple) Ripening Agent」

“Although it cost me 50,000 yen at once, the initial investment is necessary.

Xia Hua was unmoved and even looked forward to the future of the farm space.

“In the later stage, it only takes one day to earn back these investments.”

“Although it requires capital investment, it is a business that is sure to make money, so just wait and get paid.”

Thinking of this, Xia Hua couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, raising a satisfied arc:

“This is the real way to make money while lying down, all you need to do is think about it!”

Thinking like this, I had brought Yoshino to my residence without realizing it. Not far away, an exquisite villa standing by the lake appeared in my sight. The drizzle fell, creating ripples on the lake, and the scenery was pleasant.

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