
Da Liuxian's legs went limp and he sat on the ground, looking at the white snake with fear in his eyes and cold sweat dripping down his face.

Could this guy be the one in the comics?...Gay?!

Suddenly, he covered his back garden and said in panic:"You, what are you going to do to me?!"

"Hehe." The white snake laughed and slowly walked towards Da Liuxian.

"Help, help!"Da Liuxian looked panicked, but his legs were weak at the moment, and he couldn't even stand up, let alone run away.

On the side,

Kishibe Rohan was watching with great interest, nodding from time to time, with a sketchbook in his left hand and a paintbrush in his right hand.


In an instant, Da Liuxian's panicked expression was perfectly presented in the picture book.

This kind of expression from the heart is a rare material!

At the same time, he also found that as Da Liuxian fell to the ground, the broken body of his Heaven's Gate also flew out of the hole on his face. It merged with the remaining one-third of his Heaven's Gate again.

"Oh? You can't hold on so soon?"Kishibe Rohan looked at the white snake and nodded silently.

This guy really looks scary!

Thinking of this, Kishibe Rohan turned another page in the sketchbook.

Then he began to sketch the white snake.

At the same time, the white snake had already walked in front of Da Liuxian.

"What should we do with this guy?"White Snake rubbed his chin and pointed at Da Liuxian who was already unconscious on the ground and asked

"Just pull out the substitute and modify his memory."Jiang Zhou looked at Da Liuxian, who was lying on the ground with a horrified expression, and shook his head.

After all, this guy is just an eleven-year-old child, not a wicked person like Kira Yoshikage. A simple punishment will be enough.

There is no need to kill him.

"Got it." Hearing this, Baishe nodded, and swiped her palm across Da Liuxian's forehead, pulling out his substitute, and then tampered with the other's memory.

After doing all this, Baishe returned to Jiang Zhou's back and disappeared.

Then, Jiang Zhou looked at Kishibe Rohan and greeted him again,"Hey, Kishibe Rohan teacher"

""Yes." Seeing the white snake disappear, Kishibe Rohan also quietly put away the sketchbook and nodded at Jiang Zhou.

"Mr. Kishibe Rohan should be here to collect inspiration, so I won't bother you." Before Kishibe Rohan could say anything more, Jiang Zhou spoke directly, then turned and walked into the bookstore. Kishibe Rohan originally had no intention of continuing the conversation, and after seeing Jiang Zhou take the initiative to say goodbye, he also planned to go home to draw comics.

He has collected a lot of materials today, and his creative inspiration is overflowing!

"But, who is that guy?" Kishibe Rohan murmured.

His memory was also tampered with by Jiang Zhou, so he had no impression of Jiang Zhou.

After a while, Da Liuxian woke up from the ground, rubbed his head, and looked around in confusion,"Where is this place?"......

Over Morioh Town, in the photo, Yoshihiro Kira is holding an arrow, which is floating in the wind.

"Arrow, go find more talented companions!" Kira Yoshihiro had a ferocious expression.

His son died, but he didn't know who killed his son.

At present, he had to pin his hopes on the arrow he got from Grandma Enya.

This arrow will automatically look for people with Stand talent. He believes that as long as there are enough awakened Stand users, there will always be a Stand user who can find the murderer who killed his son!

However, even in Morioh Town, not everyone has the talent to awaken a Stand. He has only awakened three people so far. But their abilities are not ideal.

Thinking of this, Kira Yoshihiro once again drifted in the direction indicated by the arrow.

In the afternoon,

Higashikata Josuke got out of school, and Jiang Zhou handed the comic book to him.

"JOJO's Bizarre Adventure?"Looking at the comic in his hand, Higashikata Josuke was stunned.

Why did Jiang Zhou give him this? He didn't like reading comics.......

"Believe me, you will like it." Jiang Zhou smiled mysteriously, and then turned and left without waiting for the other party to refuse.

Seeing this, Higashikata Josuke scratched his head in confusion, and then took a look at the comic in his hand,"What's so good about this thing?"


After opening the comic and simply flipping through a few pages, Higashikata Josuke's expression changed.

He then coughed a few times, looked around, and silently put the comic in his schoolbag.

It doesn't matter whether it's a comic or not. The main thing is that the pressure of studying has been a bit high recently, and it's good to relax a little.............

Tuesday, June 15

"It seems that Kira Yoshikage has a ghost father?"

Jiang Zhou sat on the sofa and rubbed his chin.

It had been so long that he had forgotten a lot of things.

And Oyanagi's appearance just reminded him that although Kira Yoshikage, the final boss, was defeated by himself, he was completely different from the bosses of other parts.

In order to pursue a peaceful life, Kira Yoshikage can be said to have no intersection with almost all other hostile Stand users.

His father was the one who was always making trouble.

Now that Kira Yoshikage is dead, Jiang Zhou has no doubt about what terrible things the ghost father can do when he goes crazy.

Moreover, the opponent's stand ability is very limited, and its power outside of a specific location can be said to be negligible, so the only thing the opponent can do is to continuously create Stand users in Morioh Town to attract himself out.

Or find a Stand user who can find himself out.

"By the way, if I remember correctly, one of the awakened substitutes of Ghost Dad seemed to be the drunken racer published in the newspaper, right?"

As he said this, Jiang Zhou returned to the bedroom, took out a stack of newspapers and started to look through them.

"Found it."Jiang Zhou looked at the newspaper in his hand and read softly:"Two days ago, a drunken racing boy A rushed into the tunnel. Boy A was hit hard all over his body and was seriously injured and unconscious. He is currently receiving intensive treatment at Morioh Hospital!""

The strength of the stand ability mainly depends on the strength of the mental power. The more [hungry] a person is, the stronger the awakened stand will be. As for the degree of [hungry], no one can be more [hungry] than a seriously injured and dying person!

Therefore, regardless of whether the plot correction power has come into play, the young racing boy is the most likely person to be turned into a stand user by the ghost father.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou changed his clothes and left home.

He walked towards the station.

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