July 21, Wednesday.

Jiang Zhou got up from the bed as usual.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked into the bathroom in slippers.

A month ago, he successfully eliminated the last villain in Morioh Town. Logically, his trip to Morioh Town should have ended here.

However, on the night he was about to leave, an accident happened.

The situation that night was roughly like this:

Jiang Zhou lay on the sofa, using the light to carefully examine the [arrow] he got from the photo dad.

Why can this arrow, which looks no different from an ordinary arrow, guide Killer Queen to awaken the third bomb?

He was very puzzled, and at the same time, with an experimental attitude, Jiang Zhou switched to Killer Queen, Star Platinum, White Snake, Spicy Red Pepper, and the semi-finished Heaven's Made, and stabbed each stand with an arrow.

But, in the end, except for the five bleeding wounds on Jiang Zhou's body, the stand itself did not change much.

The stand did not have any new abilities, and there was no obvious change in strength and speed.

The only difference from before is that Jiang Zhou can feel that his stand has grown a little bit, but it is not obvious.

Then, Jiang Zhou thought of [Traveler].

This stand that he awakened with an arrow, but could only send him on a journey, and he had only used it once.

Maybe it was because he was not the original user of the first five stands, so the fit was not 100%?

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou decisively changed to [Traveler]'s stand disk.

The upper body is a burly human body, with muscles like the most perfect statues in ancient Greece, and the lower body is a pure white horse.

Holding a bow and arrow, except for the arrow with a beetle relief in his hand, all the other arrows in his quiver are ordinary-shaped arrows.

And at the moment when [Traveler]'s body appeared, the arrow obtained from the old man in the photo seemed to be pulled and automatically flew into [Traveler]'s quiver.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zhou was stunned.

What's going on?

Do you really need to be so proactive?

Why aren't you so proactive when it comes to other stand-ins?

He was confused, but Jiang Zhou could feel that although the arrow had only entered the quiver and was placed on the traveler's body like a piece of clothing, it was already bound to the traveler.

"Could it be because of the arrow at the beginning?"Suddenly, an idea came to Jiang Zhou's mind. They were both arrows with beetle reliefs. It didn't make sense that the one in Polnareff's hand could awaken Requiem, while his arrow was just an ordinary arrow.

Could it be that there were really other abilities?

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou became even more excited, and then he was ready to ask the traveler what additional abilities he had.

Although he was a substitute in the form of a centaur, the traveler's wisdom could be said to be no weaker than the white snake, and even surpassed it in some aspects.

Seeing Jiang Zhou asking, he said it directly without hiding anything:

"In addition to the great improvement in strength and speed, this arrow also brought about the ability."

Jiang Zhou:......Did I miss something?

""Would you like to say it again?" Jiang Zhou said cautiously.

The traveler nodded and said again:"In addition to the great improvement in strength and speed, this arrow also brings the ability"

"The second half of the sentence?"

"This arrow also brings abilities."

It's confirmed. It's not that I didn't hear anything, nor that you didn't read anything, nor that the author didn't write anything.

This is all the fault of the traveler!

Seeing Jiang Zhou's confused face, the traveler seemed to react, and then pointed to the sky in thought.

It's not that he didn't say it clearly, but for some reason, what he said was erased, similar to the ability to delete time.

It's not clear whether it's the boss or something else.

"Forget it, I'll explore new abilities later, traveler, let's start the next journey." Jiang Zhou said, instead of worrying about what abilities to have, it would be better to change the map in advance.

"I understand."The traveler nodded, exerted his strength with his arms, and shot an ancient-looking arrow into the wall, which turned into a door.

He turned the door handle, and a burst of golden light burst out from the crack of the door. Jiang Zhou stepped in, and then......

This side of the door is Morioh Town, and the other side of the door is...It was still Morioh Town.

No matter the time, place or people, nothing had changed.

Just as Jiang Zhou was wondering and preparing to ask the traveler to shoot again, he was told......

Traveler: The energy is exhausted, and time is needed to recover, or other energy attacks.

Then he stayed in Morioh Town for more than a month.

Seeing that Josuke and the others were on summer vacation, Jiang Zhou still couldn't find anything that could provide energy for the traveler.

Over time, he just accepted his fate.

Anyway, in two years, it will be the plot of Golden Wind, and he still won't have to worry about fighting.

Two years is not a long time. If he remembered correctly, the time of Golden Wind was at the end of March in 2001. It's only twenty months, six hundred days, 14,400 hours, 860,400 minutes, and 51.84 million seconds from now.......That's it!!


"Ding Dong——"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, temporarily waking Jiang Zhou from his depressed state.

""Here we are." Jiang Zhou wiped his face and walked to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, a group of people came in.

The leader was Joseph Joestar.

""Hey, brother Jiang Zhou, how are the preparations going?" Joseph asked. The preparations he mentioned were the preparations for the trip.

The last time he helped Josuke hold a birthday party, the relationship between Joseph and Josuke had eased a lot, which made Joseph taste the sweetness. In order to further improve Josuke's favorability, Joseph decided to take Josuke to Milan for a trip at his own expense during this holiday.

Because he was afraid that he would be decisively rejected if he only invited Josuke, he also invited the Hirose siblings, the Nijimura brothers, and Jiang Zhou to travel to Milan together.

However, Nijimura Gyosho refused because he had to take care of the monster dad, and Hirose Aya was also unable to spare the time due to some force majeure, so her position was given to Hirose Koichi's girlfriend who had just met not long ago - Yamagishi Yukako.

The latter also agreed with a blushing face.

Yamagishi Yukako: I feel so happy when I think about traveling with Koichi!

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