An hour later, in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Milan,

Solby and Gerard sat in the middle, surrounded by dozens of dead bodies. Judging from their appearance, they should be members of a gang.

"These guys are really getting more and more unruly."Looking at the corpse on the ground, Solby said disdainfully.

Passion is not the only mafia organization in Italy, but it is definitely the largest mafia force.

As a large mafia organization, Passion controls most of the political power behind Italy, such as hotels, express delivery companies, construction companies, large catering institutions, etc. At the same time, it is conducting a certain powder transaction in the dark.

It buys it from the Middle East at a low price and then sells it at a high price.

The profit brought by this is a huge number that anyone would be tempted by.

Every year, there are many other mafia organizations that try to replace Passion, gather privately, and plan some very stupid things.

As far as this year is concerned, this is the second

"Who knows what they are thinking? Gerrard also felt that these guys were a little ignorant.

If the Enthusiasts Organization could be overthrown so easily, how could they have a chance?

"Forget it, let's just take some of the harvest in the Qing Dynasty, and then burn down the warehouse."Solby said, and he had already started to feel around on the gang members.

Of course, it wasn't necrophilia. It's just that these guys must have wallets when they go out. A little bit adds up to a lot, and this is also a very considerable fortune!

Gerard on the side also nodded.

The reason why they were so active in taking on this task was because they could get extra income from these gang members.

This money doesn't have to be handed over to the organization, it's their own money!

If they are lucky, it may be more generous than the reward for this mission.

However, it didn't take long for them to find out that they were overthinking.

Solby cursed,"Fuck! These guys are poorer than me!"

In his hand, there were only a few five-thousand-dollar bills. Gerald had even fewer, almost all of them were two-thousand-dollar bills.

If these gangs really had money, they would not take the risk and provoke the enthusiastic organization. However

, not long after, Solby's angry voice disappeared, replaced by heavy breathing.

"This is......"Solbei's voice trembled as he was flipping through a document. As he finished reading the document, his eyes lit up.

"What did you find?" Gerard walked over in confusion and looked at the document in Solby's hand.

They knew each other well, so they were not as defensive as other people in the organization.

Looking at the document Solby found, Gerard's breathing became heavy.

It was a personal information file.

It was a pink-haired Italian woman, and the age column was filled in as thirteen years old.

Living in Sardinia, Italy.

These are not the most important.

The key is, in the relative column of this girl!

【Father: Sorit Naso (suspected to be the boss behind the Passion Organization)】

""Solby, how do you think this information is credible?" Gerard said softly.

The idea of finding a replacement for the boss once again arose in the minds of the two of them.

"We can give it a try!" Solbe's eyes were full of greed at this moment.

At the same time, he was constantly hypnotizing himself.

They were different from the idiots before. They already had clear clues. As long as they followed the clues, they might be able to find out the boss's true identity!

No one is invincible. As long as they knew the boss's identity, they might have a chance to defeat him, or even replace him!

Thinking of this, Solbe and Gerald seemed to have mountains of gold and silver in front of their eyes.

If this operation is successful, they will never have to do this kind of hard work again!

Moreover, there are only two of them here. As long as they burn this place down, no one will know what they saw from here. What.

As long as they secretly investigate the boss's true identity after returning, even if the clues are broken, they can just bury the matter in their hearts, and no one will know about it at that time!

The plan works!

The two looked at each other, and then began to clean up the scene.

Originally, they just wanted to set the warehouse on fire, and whether there would be any remains of the bodies inside was not considered by them at all.

But now, they have to eliminate all clues!

On the beam of the warehouse, Jiang Zhou saw the scene in front of him and shook his head.

These two guys are really stupid, do they really think Melancholy Blues is joking with you?

However, these two guys don't seem to know Apache's ability, which is understandable.

"It's better to leave first."After thinking about it, Jiang Zhou decided not to go down to meet these two guys.

After all, the current situation is not right. If he jumps down, he will most likely fight with the two of them. Although these two guys are a little stupid, if they join hands, even Jiang Zhou will have to be a little more serious.

If he fails to control his strength and kills one of them, then there will be no way to discuss cooperation with Risut.


Suddenly, just as Jiang Zhou was about to leave, he suddenly saw ripples in the corner of the warehouse, like the surface of water.

"interesting......"Seeing the appearance of the water ripples, Jiang Zhou instantly sat back in his original position, and silently lowered the sound of his breathing.

One pervert has come, how far can another pervert be?

I didn't expect to see such a spectacular gang internal fight just after arriving in Italy!

It's really a big profit!

The above is from Jiang Zhou's inner monologue.

In the corner, Sai Ke quietly emerged from the ground, then chuckled, and then���It sneaked into the ground like diving, and then quietly approached the two people who were carrying the bodies.

In the center of the warehouse, Gerard and Solby seemed to have not noticed that danger was quietly approaching.、


"These guys don't have much money, but it's quite heavy!" Gerard complained after wiping his sweat.

In just over ten minutes, they had moved all the bodies to the center of the warehouse. Then Solby found diesel from the bus that the gang members took when they came.

He poured diesel on a group of people.

Then Solby took out a lighter from his body.


The flint rubbed against each other, igniting a flame, and then Solby threw the lighter directly into the center of the crowd, igniting the diesel.

Almost instantly, the flames rose.

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