On the other side.

On the bus to the center of Milan

"Hey, is it really okay for Mr. Joseph to be so depressed?" Hirose asked in a low voice.

"I think so."Yukako Yamagishi answered uncertainly.

Then, Koichi Hirose glanced in the direction of Josuke and Okuyasu.

As a result, one of the two men shook his head at him, while the other sat upright with a serious expression.

In the seat in front of them.

Joseph was silently staring at the scenery outside the window with a dazed look.

He was thinking.

Thinking about whether there was really something wrong with him.

In fact, they had been preparing to set off for the city center two hours ago.

But for some reason, every time he reached out to call a taxi, the taxi driver's answer was either that it was full or that it was out of gas.

At first Joseph didn't care, thinking that he had paid too little.

But later, when he offered a sky-high price, the taxi driver's answer was still that it was out of gas.

This made him a little angry. He was a rich man, but not a fool.

The other party's blatant fraud instantly annoyed him, and then Joseph asked Josuke to check the other party's gas tank.

If the other party was lying, he would teach him a good lesson.

As a result......The driver was not lying.

Then several taxis came one after another, all with empty tanks.

"Don't these guys know how to bring a few barrels of spare gasoline?"Joseph was speechless.

At this moment, Hirose Koichi walked forward cautiously, then pointed to the location of the bus stop and said:"Or, let's take the bus."

""No!" Joseph refused without thinking.

If time was urgent, he might choose to take the bus.

But now, there was still time, and he had to prove himself!

The car was out of gas, it was purely a coincidence, and had nothing to do with him, Joseph Joestar!

Then, he stopped a taxi in front of the airport for nearly an hour.

No gas!

No gas!

Still no gas!

After repeated blows, Joseph's edges were finally smoothed out.

He squatted on the ground with an expression of despair, and after a long while he said:"We...Or take the bus, think carefully...There is nothing wrong with the bus...."

"call——"Hirose Koichi, Yamagishi Yukako, and Higashikata Jousuke all breathed a sigh of relief


Suddenly, a burp sounded, causing several people to glance at him.

"Hehe, the food near the airport is so delicious that I couldn't resist......"Nijimura Okuyasu scratched his head....All the taxi drivers who said they were out of gas filled up their cars and waited at the airport exit, waiting for passengers.

This was nothing, but by coincidence, this scene happened to be seen by Joseph who had just got on the car.

Then, this scene appeared.

Joseph sat alone in the front row by the window, doubting his life.

Higashikata Josuke and others sat in the back and chatted.

As for Nijimura Okuyasu, he sat upright.......I was so full that I had to sit up straight.

About five minutes later, I could see the city from a distance.

At this time, Higashikata Josuke couldn't stand it anymore and stood up silently.

He walked towards Joseph.

"that...I still want to believe that it was just a coincidence that the taxis ran out of gas."Jousuke tilted his head and said

"Really?!"Tears immediately filled Joseph's eyes.

""Yeah." Josuke nodded.

After all, no one should have such a bad compatibility with transportation, right?

If it was really that bad, they wouldn't even be able to get on the bus.

However, just when Joseph was about to come out of his depression, the bus driver suddenly slammed on the brakes.


The strong inertia made Josuke fall forward.

Joseph, who was sitting on the chair, also hit his head against the back of the seat in front of him.

However, right here, Joseph's eyes were stern, and then he whispered:"Hermit Purple!"

The purple thorn vines instantly appeared in Joseph's hands, and then Joseph made a whip-swinging motion. He used the purple of the hermit to fix Josuke's body.

At the same time, a large silver-white hand suddenly appeared at some point and pressed against Joseph's shoulder, preventing his head from hitting the back of the seat in front.

The atmosphere in the car froze.

Everyone seemed to be frozen in place as if they were hit by time stop.

In the back, Hirose Koichi and Yamagishi Yukako faced each other, their cheeks flushed.

Just now, Hirose Koichi also wanted to protect Yamagishi Yukako, and he stood in front of Yamagishi Yukako without hesitation, thinking that even if Yamagishi Yukako fell forward due to inertia, her head would not hit the hard seat back.

However, ideals are full, and reality is skinny.

Koichi obviously forgot that in terms of height, Yamagishi Yukako was a head taller than him.

Even if he stood up, he was only about the same height as Yukako who was sitting on the chair.

At the same time, Yukako, who was about to use her ability to fix herself and Koichi, was stunned for a moment when she felt the softness on her lips.

The two looked at each other, and their cheeks were like ripe red apples. Beside the two of them, Nijimura Okuyasu naturally used his stand ability to block in front of him so as not to be embarrassed by the sudden brakes.

But at this moment, Nijimura Okuyasu saw this scene and couldn't help but look up at the roof of the car.

Nijimura Okuyasu: I'm tired, destroy it!

After a long time, the driver was the first to come to his senses and shouted:"Someone's dead!!"

"What is that?"Jousuke came back to his senses in an instant, and the power of the Hermit Purple on his wrist disappeared silently. Then, Josuke ran to���Next to the driver

"What happened?" Josuke asked in confusion.

""Hit, hit someone!" The driver pointed at the road in front of the car with a stiff expression.

"That is......"Although Josuke didn't understand what he was saying, he still looked in the direction the driver pointed.

There, he saw a black-haired young man lying in a pool of blood.

"There really was a car accident! ?"Jousuke couldn't help but look back at Joseph's position.

Could this be the reason why we were able to take this car?......

Without thinking too much, Josuke summoned Crazy Diamond.

A silver-white man instantly appeared behind him and punched the front window.

"Du La——"

The glass shattered, and Josuke jumped out of the gap.

The bus was not traveling very fast, so even if it was hit head-on, it would only cause serious injuries.

This minor injury was a piece of cake for Crazy Diamond!

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