After hanging up the phone, Jiang Zhou looked around and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He saw the bus that the gang members took when they arrived.

"I hope those two guys didn't use up all the diesel." Jiang Zhou walked towards the bus.

He checked the fuel tank and found that there was about half a tank left.

"If nothing unexpected happens, half a tank of gas should be enough to drive to the city."Jiang Zhou estimated in his mind.

As for whether there will be any accidents, he is not worried at all.

Is there any accident with a higher priority than the vehicle killer?

Absolutely not!

And now he doesn't even need to worry about the vehicle killer. Rounding up, the next fourteen days will be smooth sailing!

"That's great!"Jiang Zhou showed a happy expression on his face.

Milan really came to the right place this time!

""But what should I use to take the diesel away?" Jiang Zhou muttered.

Just as he was thinking, footsteps were heard around him again.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Zhou turned his head. What he saw was a two-meter-tall white sturdy man, holding a fainted Gerald in his left hand and a large oil drum in his right hand.

It was the spare oil drum that Gerald and his friends had just found on the bus.

The big man handed the oil drum over carefully, with a flattering expression on his face.

"It really helps a lot." Seeing the oil barrel, Jiang Zhou's eyes lit up. He just didn't know what to use to carry the diesel away.

Although his Enigma can seal liquids, it is also based on the container.

"By the way, do you want to leave together?" Jiang Zhou asked, taking the oil barrel from Daxuehan.

"Woo......"Daxuehan thought for a moment and nodded seriously,"Woo!"

"Let's go together." Jiang Zhou said with a smile.

He really hadn't seen such a cute contrast stand in a long time.

Five minutes later, the oil barrel in Jiang Zhou's hand was full of diesel. Then Jiang Zhou activated Enigma's ability, sealed the diesel barrel in white paper and carried it with him.

Then, he sat on Daxuehan's shoulder, stretched out his hand and pointed forward,"Let's go!"

""Woo!" Fire flashed in Daxuehan's eyes again.

His legs moved as fast as flying, at a speed of 16.667 meters per second.

After leaving the warehouse, Jiang Zhou silently pressed the explosion button.


Suddenly, flames shot up into the sky, but there was no sound of explosion.......

Fifteen minutes later,

Higashikata Josuke and his companions still hadn't seen any passing cars.

"Are you sure this road is usually crowded?" Higashikata Josuke said with a skeptical look on his face.

"But, maybe."Now, even Solby was not sure.

A rich place like Milan would not be the place for the assassination team. He only came to Milan occasionally to carry out two missions.

"Oh, do we still have to wait until Jiang Zhou comes?" Higashikata Josuke sighed.

"that......"Solbei suddenly raised his hand and asked in confusion:"Brother Josuke, did you tell Brother Jiangzhou where we are just now?"


For a moment, Josuke froze in place, as if he had been petrified.

He had forgotten.

He was in a hurry just now, so he only explained the situation they encountered. As for the location...Well, he didn't know anything useful except that he was on the road to the center of Milan.

There were no landmark buildings around.

"Is it possible that even the last hope is gone?!"Higashigamo·Dejected·Jousuke

"Well, we still have so much ramen here. I just took a look and there are even a few tents. I don’t know why Brother Jiang Zhou would put these things in his wallet."

Nijimura Yitai came over with a bowl of ramen.

It took an hour, and his stomach was empty again.

"I think I know the reason." Higashikata Josuke glanced at Joseph, who was still depressed, and covered his face.

"Ah." Hirose Koichi rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked over, asking,"Brother Jiang Zhou hasn't come yet?"

He had just taken a short nap under Yuhuazi's care, with his knees resting on his head!

""Hi, Koichi." Josuke greeted him, then sighed and said,"Actually, I forgot to tell Jiang Zhou where we are."

"Nani(ÒωÓױ)!"Hirose Koichi widened his eyes in disbelief

"Doesn't that mean we will never......"

"Never again what?"

"Never again......Teacher Jiang Zhou!" Guangse Koichi turned his head suddenly and saw Jiang Zhou sitting on Da Xuehan's shoulders and Da Xuehan greeting him.

Da Xuehan:(*´▽`)ノ

"I'm nearby, and......The diesel you want." As he spoke, Jiang Zhou jumped down from the snow-covered man's shoulders and took out the diesel sealed in the white paper.

"What is this big guy?"Nijimura Yitai came over with a bowl of steaming ramen.

However, Daxuehan seemed to reject the title of"big guy". He put down Gerard in his hand and pointed his palm at Nijimura Yitai.......Ramen bowl in hand


After shouting, the hole in Daxuehan's hand burst out with amazing suction, and white spots of light from the ramen bowl kept flying into Daxuehan's palm.

After a moment


The big snowman turned back into a little snowman again, and at the same time, Nijimura Okuyasu's ramen became completely cold.

Little snowman:(๑*◡*๑)

Nijimura Okuyasu: o(╥﹏╥)oToday

's winner: Nijimura Okuyasu lost!

""Okay, stop making trouble." Jiang Zhou came over and patted the little snowman on the head.

""Woo!" The little snowman snorted and then disappeared.

"mine...Ramen." Nijimura Okuyasu cried

"Forehead...I really admire you." Jiang Zhou covered his head helplessly, then took out a coffee spoon from his body and stirred the ramen bowl of Nijimura Okuyasu twice.


Player Nijimura Okuyasu obtained the item [Steaming Ramen】

"Great!" Nijimura Okuyasu's eyes lit up, and he left with the ramen.

"It's still as troublesome as ever." Jiang Zhou sighed, and then handed the diesel barrel to the driver who had just got off the car.

"Thank you for your help. Jiang Zhou said politely.

"Not at all." The driver shook his head seriously. If it weren't for Josuke, he would have become a murderer who had no food to eat.

Taking the diesel barrel from Jiang Zhou, the driver went to refuel the bus.

Jiang Zhou also turned his head and looked in the direction of Josuke,"I'm very glad that you guys really just ran out of gas."

"Actually, there is still a little trouble."Higashikata Jousuke said in a low voice

"What?" Jiang Zhou didn't quite hear it, and then he saw the trash can next to Josuke."By the way, I've been wanting to ask why there's a trash can on the road for no reason.......A trash can with burnable trash?"

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