Fifteen minutes later.

In the sky above the city of Milan.

A turquoise figure was flying at the speed of an ordinary person running.

And below it, in a high-voltage wire, Jiang Zhou was deliberately controlling his speed, and from time to time he would stick his head out of the wire to lock the other party's position.

Compared with the speed of Xin Hong Lajiao, it is not an exaggeration to say that the speed of the turquoise substitute is slow.

Often the turquoise substitute flies in the air for a long time, and Xin Hong Lajiao only needs to grab Jiang Zhou's body and pass through the wires to catch up in an instant.

Hey, being fast really can do whatever you want.

After about five minutes, the turquoise substitute was slowly falling, and finally stopped in front of a luxury hotel.

"Is this their base?" Jiang Zhou muttered as he sat on the high-voltage wire. (Please don't try it without spicy red pepper.)

Along the way, Jiang Zhou checked Jocrat's memory when he was bored. He is now 90% sure that the perverted brother who cleaned the windows in the morning and the substitute who assassinated him in the elevator are both members of the organization.

And they are also members of the organization's permanent team stationed in Milan.

In the Passionate Organization, in addition to teams that perform certain special tasks, there are also ordinary teams stationed in a certain area. They are divided into groups from A to Z and are responsible for managing various areas of the organization.

The most typical one is the Bucciarati team, led by Captain Before Bucciarati became a cadre, their team was under Polpo, responsible for managing the permanent team in some areas of Naples.

It was not until later, when Polpo committed suicide and Bucciarati became a cadre, that the status of their team rose.

Regardless of whether it is a permanent team or a special team, the members of the team will always have a base for them to handle daily work, hold meetings, recruit talents and other activities.

The base of the Bucciarati team is a restaurant called [Libeccio] in Naples.

And the luxury hotel under your feet is one of the bases of the permanent team in the Milan area.

"As expected of a team from a big city." Jiang Zhou smacked his lips. As a permanent team as well, although the restaurant at Bucciarati was not as grand as the luxury hotel below, it was still acceptable.

In comparison, the rental house of the assassination team was a bit too economical.

At the same time, the turquoise stand had already walked into the luxury hotel, flew vertically, and entered room 404.

On the bed, a man in a turquoise open-chested outfit slowly sat up. The moment he saw the turquoise stand, he couldn't help but frowned,"What's going on?"

Then, the turquoise stand disappeared directly, turned into a ball of energy, and returned to the man's body.

This is the second disadvantage of the long-distance controlled stand.

Before the stand is taken back, even the stand user himself will find it difficult to obtain information from the stand.

As the turquoise stand disappeared, the man closed his eyes.

He was trying to digest the information brought back by the turquoise stand.

"Failed?"The man opened his eyes again, with a look of shock. He had been able to fight with his Sword Servant (alias) for such a long time with only his physical strength.

Who was the other party?

Just as the man was wondering, Jiang Zhou's figure suddenly condensed in the room.


Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Zhou poured himself a cup of black tea, took a sip and said,"Not bad!"

"As long as you like it."The man was not surprised to see Jiang Zhou. After all, from the memory brought back by the sword attendant, the other party obviously let it back on purpose.

It is not difficult to follow the clues and find this place.

"What is your purpose?"The man said, he did not give up his calmness because of Jiang Zhou's strength.

Although Jiang Zhou felt that this calmness was somewhat helpless.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you this?" Jiang Zhou asked with his eyes narrowed. After he finished speaking, he took a sip of the tea again.

"......"After a moment of silence, the man spoke again:"I am just following orders."

"Whose order?"


"What king?"

""King of Swords!"

Jiang Zhou then learned some information about the permanent team in Milan from the man.

In the city of Milan, there are a total of 16 permanent stand-ins, divided into four teams: Scepter, Holy Grail, Sword, and Star Coin.

Each team is divided into the king, queen, knight, and attendant from top to bottom.

The man in front of Jiang Zhou is a member of the Sword Team.

"Which team is this guy from?" Jiang Zhou controlled the spicy red pepper and used electric current to draw the appearance of the man dressed as a cleaner in mid-air.

"The Scepter Team. The man just glanced at them and spoke directly.

"Is that so?......"Jiang Zhou nodded, and a current surged from his fingertips again, knocking the man unconscious.

After the man fainted, Jiang Zhou murmured:

"But sometimes, it is better to confirm the information yourself."

Fortunately, the man could no longer hear.

Otherwise, he would have to fight Jiang Zhou.

Open-chested man: You don't believe me, and you still ask me!?

Then, Jiang Zhou switched his body to White Snake.

A black and white figure emerged. White Snake looked at the man lying on the bed and skillfully pulled out the memory disk.

Looking at the images emerging on the disk, Jiang Zhou nodded.

"There is no problem with the information. Just modify his memory and put it back."Jiang Zhou said.

At the same time, he took out a piece of paper from his body, opened it, and pulled out a long sword from it, which was the one carried by the sword servant.

Putting the long sword on the knife rack beside him, Jiang Zhou sat on the sofa and drank black tea silently.

Baishe's movements were very fast. In just one minute, he had modified his memory. After putting the memory disk back, he shook his head regretfully and then disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zhou couldn't help but his face turned black. This guy is really getting more and more.........More!

After restoring the room to its original state, Jiang Zhou switched back to the stand-in disk of Xin Hong La Jiao and followed the wires to the stairwell on the first floor.

He was not in a hurry to leave.

After all, his original purpose was to buy breakfast. The first floor of this hotel happened to be a restaurant. Based on the principle of proximity, Jiang Zhou decided to buy breakfast here.

Then he directly returned to the hotel where he lived through the ability of electric current.

"A cup of coffee, a croissant, and two servings of Italian macaroni to take away."Walking to the counter, Jiang Zhou spoke skillfully.

"Yes, sir." The lady at the counter smiled.

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