Italy, Sicily, an unknown rental house

"No news yet?"The silver-haired Risut propped up his chin and looked at the sofa opposite.

It was a single sofa, but it was for two people, Solby and Gerard.

Usually when they got together to divide the money, Gerard often sat on Solby's lap, saving the extra sofa money.

But today, Formaggio, Meloni, and Prosciutto of the team took the newcomer Bessie of the team to complete an assassination mission to help the latter see blood.

The target was a politician.

With the ability of Formaggio, this business was completed exceptionally smoothly.

However, when the money was divided, Solby and Gerard were not present.

This made Risut feel instinctively that something was wrong.

"Maybe they went to get a room somewhere, didn't they do that often before?" Illuso looked like he was used to it.

On the other side, Gacho, who did not participate in this mission, looked at Meloni and asked,"Hey, Meloni, how much did you earn from this job?"

"Twenty million lire, please." Meloni said calmly.

"It's so little!"Gacho was a little mad.

20 million lira, does it sound like a lot?

But in fact, due to several currency devaluations, the lira has gradually become worthless.

Even the government is issuing larger denominations of currency, such as 50,000, 100,000, and even 500,000 denominations of paper currency issued in the past two years.

20 million lira, converted into US dollars, is about 11,000 US dollars.

If it is evenly distributed to each person, it is only about 1,200 US dollars.

In this era when the average monthly salary of the working class is 1,400 US dollars, this amount of money is not even enough for several people to move to a better base.

Even when Formaggio went to a high-end restaurant for dinner, he only dared to order a cup of coffee. (Bessie ordered milk because she was worried that drinking coffee on an empty stomach would cause bloating.)

So, it is not without reason that Gacho was mad.......

The assassination team is really poor.

At this moment, Risut on the side straightened his expression and said,"Gacho, calm down first. Let's talk about the money later. There are more important things now."

Then, Risut pointed at Solbe's sofa and said,"Let's not talk about Gerard for now. Solbe is a person who values money more than anything else. He has never been absent when it comes to dividing money." As soon as these words came out, others also reacted.

It seems to be the case.

Then, just as everyone was about to get up and search for the two, the door of the rental house was opened again.

"We are back."Solby spoke first.

"Is this mission difficult?" Risut asked with a frown.

"Compared to usual, it is much simpler."Solbei sat on the sofa, then patted his thigh, and Gerald sat on it very consciously.

Holding Gerald in his arms, Solbei reached into Gerald's pocket, took out a document, and slid it across the table,"However, this time we met other members of the organization."

"Who?" Risut picked up the document, glanced at it, and frowned."This is......?"

"News about the boss." Gerard added without authorization, and then was slapped on the butt by Solby, and uttered a cry of pain,"Oh~"




When these words came out, everyone was stunned, with only Bessie being an exception. He scratched his head and asked Prosciutto beside him:"Ani, what's wrong with the boss?"

"Ah." Prosciutto nodded, and was about to speak,"The boss......"

""Stop, Prosciutto!" Risut interrupted harshly.

This move undoubtedly made Bessie even more confused.

Is the boss's identity a secret that cannot be told?

Then, the whole rental house fell silent.

After a long time, Risut looked at Solby and Gerard who were flirting again, and asked,"Who did you meet?"

"Joe Krat, and Psycho."Solby looked at Gerald in his arms affectionately, he wanted to regain this feeling.

It seemed that since he saw the white snake, the temptation of Gerald in his arms to him was greatly reduced, he could not tolerate this situation!

"Joe Kratt......"Risut nodded. Unlike the other members of the team, as the captain, he usually interacted with the cadres who were responsible for assigning tasks.

He knew more about what kind of pervert Joklat was and the identity of the other party's guards.

"So, how did you come back alive?" Risut asked doubtfully.

Although Solbe and Gerard were not weak, it would be impossible for them to come back alive if they faced two members of the Royal Guard at once, right?

"yes......"Solbe subconsciously thought of the figure of the white snake in his mind, and immediately put the baton on his waist. Gerard felt this move and blushed immediately.

In front of the other members of the team...Quite...Ignoring

Gerard's blushing face, Solbe put down the baton on his waist.

Gerard looked at Solbe with a strange look on his thigh.

The other party's hormone factor, which was as strong as fire, seemed to be gradually fading?

No, how could it be possible?

Shaking his head, Gerard tried to get rid of this unrealistic idea in his mind.

For them, gender is not a real boundary, but 01 is like a natural moat.

This trench is not so easy to cross.

"Here's what's going on......"Seeing that Solby was silent, Gerard took the initiative to speak:"This is this, this is this."

He was in a coma for most of the time. When he woke up again, he was lying on the bed in the hotel. Solby told him everything about Jiang Zhou.

Maybe out of some careful thoughts, Solby did not tell him about the White Snake.

"Is that so?" Risuto nodded. He had already understood the general situation. His eyes flashed red."Jiang Zhou?"......It seems that we need to meet."

Risut held his chin, thought for a long time, and said:"Meloni, help me book a ticket to Milan"

"Airline tickets?" Meloni asked to confirm.

"......"After thinking for a while, Risut sat up from the sofa and said,"Let's buy a train ticket."

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