"Me!? How is that possible!" Higashikata Josuke's face froze, and then he immediately picked up his coffee cup. Before drinking, he said,"I'm just thinking about something."

"You're not thinking about how to position your tongue so that it doesn't taste bitter, are you?" Hirose Koichi covered his mouth and smiled evilly.

"I was thinking, Yitai has been out for so long, maybe he got into some trouble." Higashikata Josuke put down the coffee cup and looked out the window.

"Come to think of it, Brother Yitai has indeed been gone for a while. Joseph nodded.

"It's been about 20 minutes." Hirose Yasushi glanced at his watch and said with a strange expression,"Could it be that the guy's chocolate spiral bread was released halfway?......"

"Hey, Kangyi, don't say such disgusting things!"

"Yes, Brother Kangyi, and even if he debuted halfway, as long as Brother Yitai blocked the exit with his right hand, and then his ability to bomb space could easily help him escape!"

"How can it be so precise!"

Several people started arguing unconsciously.

At this moment, Yamagishi Yukako, the only one who did not participate in the argument, noticed Higashikata Josuke's little action.

Under the table, Crazy Diamond was holding a few sugar cubes between his fingers and reaching towards Josuke's coffee cup.

Should we say that he is worthy of the highest level of precision present!?

Except for the outsider Yamagishi Yukako, no one noticed Josuke's little action.

Sugar cubes, also known as half-cube sugar (half of a cube).

Its characteristics are that it is pure in quality, white and shiny, with clear edges and corners, and has a certain degree of firmness but is easily soluble in water.

Adding an appropriate amount of sugar cubes to coffee can increase the taste of coffee, and at the same time it will not feel too bitter when drinking.

"I didn't expect Josuke to have such an idea."Yukako Yamagishi thought, and a few invisible strands of hair quietly swapped the coffee in front of Josuke and Hirose Koichi's coffee.

However, Higashikata Josuke didn't notice this because he was multitasking.

Joseph and Hirose Koichi were thinking about whether the right hand of the bombing space could eliminate the chocolate spiral bread without hurting the buttocks, so they also didn't notice Yamagishi Yukako's action.

"Yokata!" Higashikata Josuke was overjoyed. He had already asked Crazy Diamond to put the sugar cube in the coffee cup in front of him.

All he had to do now was to find a way to end this topic, and then he could openly drink the bitter coffee to prove himself.

""Hehe, Yokata!" Yukako Yamagishi also smiled in her heart. Just after Crazy Diamond put the sugar cube into the coffee cup, she had changed the coffee cup again.

At this moment, the coffee situation on the field was like this.

Joseph: Iced Americano without sugar.

Yukako Yamagishi: Iced Americano without sugar. Josuke

Higashikata: Iced Americano without sugar.

Koichi Hirose: Half a cup of iced Americano, simple sugar!

"The precision is not enough. The precision of the bombing space will definitely eliminate the butt and the chocolate spiral bread together!"Hirose Koichi said, and then licked the corner of his mouth. He was a little thirsty after talking for so long.

Then, he picked up the coffee in front of him and drank it in small sips like Joseph.

However, as soon as the coffee entered his mouth, Hirose Koichi felt something was wrong.

It seemed that it was not as bitter as before?


After taking another sip, Hirose's eyes lit up and he continued drinking.

"Brother Kang Yi is very receptive. Joseph smiled and took a sip of his coffee.

"Well, I think it tastes pretty good after I get used to it."Hirose Koichi said with a smile.

Across from him, Higashikata Josuke also felt a little thirsty. He took the coffee spoon in front of him and stirred the coffee. Apart from the ice cubes, he didn't feel any other particles.

This made him nod his head.

"The sugar cubes should have all melted in it!" Higashikata Josuke thought to himself, then he suddenly picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.


After taking a bite, Higashikata Josuke's face suddenly changed, it was so bitter!

"How could it be so bitter!" Higashikata Josuke said in a low voice.

"What?" Hirose Koichi put his hand to his ear,"Jousuke, are you saying the coffee is bitter?"

Resisting the bitterness, Higashikata Josuke swallowed the coffee, then waved his hands and said,"No, how could that be!"

"I am Higashikata, I am not afraid of hardship, I can even drink iced Americano without any expression, Josuke! The word bitter has never appeared in my dictionary!"Higashikata Josuke said stubbornly.

"I see." Hirose Yasushi nodded and continued to sip his coffee,"Jousuke is really a real man."

"Of course, of course." Higashikata Josuke smiled with a strong face, but at the same time he was about to cry.

Damn it! Now I am embarrassed to offer to add milk and sugar!

How can iced Americano be so bitter?

At this moment, the phone in Higashikata Josuke's pocket suddenly rang.


This undoubtedly gave Higashikata Josuke, who was in the desert of despair, a cool oasis.

"Moshimoshi, this is Higashikata Josuke!"

Almost instantly, Higashikata Josuke took the phone out of his pocket, answered the call without even checking the caller ID, and put it to his ear.

"Josuke...Woohoo! I met an enemy..."Ugh!!!!" Nijimura Oyasu's intermittent voice came from the other end of the phone.

This made Higashikata Josuke frown.

He was just joking just now, but he didn't expect Oyasu to really get into trouble.

"Where are you?"

Higashikata Josuke asked

"I'm under a cloud that looks like shit!" said Nijimura Okuyasu

"Poop-shaped clouds......"Veins popped out on Higashikata Josuke's forehead.

Where was he going to find a poop-shaped cloud!?

"Try to stay within a certain range of the enemy and I will come find you!" Josuke said, and then hung up the phone and looked at Joseph for help.

"Leave it to me." Joseph nodded, stretched out his hand and grasped the straw in front of him. Purple thorns instantly wrapped around the straw.

The next second, the Purple Hermit's ability was activated, and Joseph threw the straw in his hand on the table in front of him.

Suddenly, a simple map appeared on the table. In the map, the ice that had not yet melted was moving regularly.

"This is where Brother Yitai is now." Joseph said, pointing at the ice.

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