At the moment when Fabio jumped off the car, there was a burst of fire behind him. A bomb was planted on the truck at some point!

At this moment, the bomb was detonated, and the violent impact pushed Fabio's body out. At the critical moment, Fabio used his only remaining left arm to block his head. The dark green stand-in kept beating the metal fragments flying towards him.

However, with only one arm left, he was unable to block all the fragments.

Soon, his arms, legs, and torso were all stabbed by fragments.


He coughed and supported himself on the ground with his left hand, trying to get up.

But in the next second, a big hand suddenly emerged from the smoke and grabbed his head, and then suddenly pressed his face into the muddy field.


Fabio instinctively wanted to resist, but the opponent was too strong and his injuries were too severe. It was impossible for him to break free from the palm of his hand.

Soon, Fabio's struggles became less frequent and his consciousness became blurred.

Noticing this, the owner of the big hand lifted Fabio up.

"Tell me, where is your boss?" the old man asked with a smile on his face.

"cough cough——"

Fabio coughed a few times to cough out the muddy water he had inhaled from his nose and mouth.

Then he weakly raised his head, looked at the man who was pinching his head, and asked tentatively:

"I...I'll tell you his location....Will you spare my life?"

Hearing this, the man laughed out loud,"Hahahaha......"

"Of course, this is a deal, isn't it? As a former gang member, you should know that even I am the most trustworthy person."

The old man's words were true. He was recognized by the whole organization as a person with good credit.

"Tell me, where is he? If you tell me now, maybe I can call an ambulance for you."The old man asked again.

But just when he thought Fabio had given in,

Fabio's answer froze his expression.

"But, I refuse!"


"Since you know that I used to be in the gang, you should know that for a gang member, the most important thing is not life, but loyalty!"

"I have already given my life to Mr. Polnareff......."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark green arm suddenly passed through his chest.


The bright red blood dripped down, and Fabio's eyes lost their luster.

"This guy......"The old man remained silent as he watched Fabio, who had already lost his breath.

When he left, the truck wreckage on the road had been cleared, and an inconspicuous mound of dirt appeared in the field.......

Meanwhile, an abandoned farmhouse in Rome

"In the end, I still have to trouble Mr. Joestar." Polnareff closed the book in his hand and sighed.

If he hadn't been desperate, he really didn't want to trouble Joseph.

After all, it was too embarrassing.

But since he had made up his mind to seek help, he didn't regret it.

Putting the book in his hand on the cabinet, Polnareff prepared to go to the grocery room to find a bottle of lubricant.

His prosthesis needed to be oiled.

However, just as he pushed open the door of the grocery room, a mouse quickly rushed out from behind the door and squeezed through the gap of Polnareff's wheelchair.

Go straight to the cheese on the cabinet.

However, Polnareff didn't know how many times he had seen this scene, and he already had experience.

""Silver Chariot!" He shouted in a low voice.

The next second, a silver knight appeared behind Polnareff, stretched out his left hand and made a sword flower.

Then he suddenly launched the blade of the rapier.

The sharp blade instantly pierced the tail of the rat that had climbed onto the cabinet.


The mouse felt pain and immediately struggled, and finally the sharp sword cut off the mouse's tail.

The mouse, which had lost its tail, dared not look at the cheese any more and ran away in anger.

Seeing this, the Silver Chariot walked to the wall and retracted the sword.

At this time, Polnareff also spoke:

"Come back, chariot."

The figure of the silver chariot disappeared, and Polnareff pushed the wheelchair to the side of the cabinet.

Holding the rat's tail, Polnareff suppressed his nausea and threw it into the trash can."Really, this is the third one this week. Are rats so fertile? It seems that I really need to do a thorough cleaning....After Fabio comes back."

Just kidding, if he really comes alone, who knows how long it will take.

After all, although this farmhouse is abandoned, it is still quite large.

It will probably take two people a whole day to clean it together, not to mention Polnareff who is in a wheelchair.

"But then again, it's been so long, why hasn't Fabio come back yet?"Polnareff glanced at the clock on the wall, a little confused.

Given Fabio's efficiency, he shouldn't have come back by now, right?

Just as he was thinking, a metallic sound came from behind him.


Polnareff looked back.

The arrows that were originally placed flat on the two wall hooks fell into the gap between the cabinet and the wall.

""Is it the attack just now?" Polnareff muttered, turning the wheelchair so that his left hand could reach into the gap.

However, his arm was forced to stop at a certain distance from the arrow.

"Damn, it’s just a little bit short!"

For an ordinary person, this distance can be reached by just standing up and bending over, but for Polnareff at this moment, this gap is a ravine that cannot be crossed.

"Why not just forget it? It doesn't matter where the arrow is placed."After trying twice, Polnareff still failed to touch the arrow in the gap. He thought of giving up.

However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly swept over the hole made by the chariot's sword.

"If it was a chariot, maybe it could reach it."

Thinking of this, Polnareff took action.

The silver chariot appeared in front of him, walked to a position close to the wall, and reached into the gap.

Not long after, the [arrow] was in the chariot's hand.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

Because of the line of sight and angle, the chariot just held the arrowhead, and his finger was immediately scratched by the arrowhead.

The next second, a strange wave spread from the [arrow].

Suddenly, the world was a little quiet.

Just when Polnareff was puzzled, a flying bird suddenly stopped flapping its wings and fell on the windowsill.

"What the hell does this happen?"

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