As the sound rang out, time had already stopped.

Everything around was paused.

Jiang Zhou held a bullet in his hand, and behind him, the purple-colored man stood there like a guardian spirit.


Star Platinum's fist was much more powerful than the fist of the craftsman.

With just one punch, the original hole in the roof was enlarged by one third.

Now, even two adults could easily pass through the hole and climb onto the roof.

"Mr. Joseph is really worthy of respect for being able to do this."Looking at Joseph who was only a finger away from the bullet, Jiang Zhou nodded slightly.

Then Jiang Zhou grabbed Joseph's body and slammed down with his right hand. Under the influence of the powerful reaction force, Jiang Zhou and Joseph flew directly out of the hole on the roof of the car and landed on a coin in the air.

"Time, let it flow again!"

Time returned to normal, and the car fell to the ground suddenly due to the influence of gravity.


However, at this moment, Sha Lei's eyes were fixed on Jiang Zhou who was standing not far from him. He was shocked and said,"How could you still be alive!"

At the same time, he also realized that the other party was now standing on the coin that he had fixed. He immediately released the [fixation] of the coin under Jiang Zhou's feet.

The moment the ability was released, Jiang Zhou's body began to fall due to the influence of gravity, but he was not worried at all.

Because he was not fighting alone.

"Hermit Purple!"

The next second, the thorny vines growing from Joseph's wrist were tied directly to Sha Lei's legs.

"Damn it!"The weight of two people was added to his body at the same time. Even if Sha Lei had done some exercise, he couldn't bear such a weight. His body immediately fell forward involuntarily, and at this time he had to use his ability to fix a few coins in his hand again.

Jiang Zhou and Joseph took this opportunity to climb up along the thorny vines.

"Wow, this guy is quite strong. Jiang Zhou said jokingly

"Damn it, you two guys, don't let me free my hands, otherwise...Ah, it hurts....Otherwise you will suffer the consequences!"

"Stop talking so much, now is the time to talk tough. Use your ability to fix more coins. These few coins are not enough for us to climb up."Joseph also said with gloating.

"These two guys!"Sha Lei wanted to be tough, but the situation was stronger than him, so he had to fix more coins and climb up.

Soon, all three of them returned to the road.


Looking at Sha Lei who was panting in front of him, Jiang Zhou clenched his fists, and the friction between tendons and cartilage made a crisp sound. Then he grinned and said,"Okay, now it's time to solve your problem."

"Hello......What are you going to do?!" Sha Lei sat on the ground, watching Jiang Zhou slowly approaching, and instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"I just want to have a friendly exchange with my enemy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Zhou's fist slammed towards Sha Lei.

Seeing this, Sha Lei summoned his stand - Craftwork almost instantly.

The blue and white stand hit out with both hands at the same time, not only trying to block Jiang Zhou's fist, he even wanted to kill Jiang Zhou.

But unfortunately, if it was any other stand, even Spicy Red Chili, it might not be a match for Craftwork without sufficient power, but Jiang Zhou's stand at the moment - is Star Platinum!

In terms of basic values, no one can match it!


"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola——"

Under the continuous attack of Star Platinum, the craftsman had no chance to resist, and his body was severely twisted and deformed. Sha Lei, the stand user, was directly injured and unconscious.

After confirming that the other party was unconscious, Jiang Zhou took back the Star Platinum and replaced it with White Snake's stand disk.

After extracting the stand disk and memory disk, Jiang Zhou kicked Sha Lei, who was useless, through the gap in the guardrail.

"Only two people were sent? It's still within the acceptable range."The substitute disk for the craft work was put away by Baishe, and Jiang Zhou was looking at the images that appeared on Sha Lei's memory disk, trying to get more information.

Gradually, his brows couldn't help but frowned, which made Joseph on the side feel bad, and couldn't help asking:"What's wrong?"

Coming back to his senses, Jiang Zhou looked at Joseph and said seriously:"Mr. Joseph, I think we have to get to Mr. Polnareff as soon as possible. This guy's companions may have found Mr. Polnareff!"

"What?!"Joseph was startled, then he realized that Sha Lei did seem to have murmured an address when he first got in the car.

He hadn't paid much attention to it at first, but now it seems that there might be hidden communication equipment in the car, and those seemingly murmured whispers were actually transmitting information!

"But, where can we find transportation in this desolate mountain?"When he thought of this, Joseph couldn't help but frown.

They were still a long way from where Polnareff was.

If they walked, Polnareff would probably be colder than his left prosthesis by the time they got there.

"this......"Jiang Zhou was also stunned. It did not look like cars often passed by in this area, which could be seen from the fact that the guardrail had been in disrepair for a long time.

Could it be that they really had to walk?

Just when the two were at a loss, the sound of a motorcycle engine suddenly came from the distance.

The moment they heard the sound, Jiang Zhou and Joseph looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then Joseph nodded slightly. Seeing this, Jiang Zhou summoned his stand-in, the white snake.

Gradually, the roar of the motorcycle got closer, but when Jiang Zhou saw the figure on the motorcycle clearly, he could not help but freeze in place.

"How could it be him!?" Jiang Zhou's expression was a little weird.

"Why, do you know him?" Joseph asked curiously.��

"Ah, we have a little friendship."Jiang Zhou nodded. He still has the suit sent by the other party in his closet in Morioh Town.

This guy is the unlucky guy who was parasitized by cheap tricks, the only son of the gangster Wakato, and the sixth-generation leader of the future largest gang in Japan - Nakayama Katsu!

"Ah Sheng!" Jiang Zhou took back the white snake, waved in the direction of the motorcycle, and shouted loudly.

On the motorcycle, Zhongshan Sheng heard someone calling him Ah Sheng, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

He is a veritable second-generation gangster, and through continuous efforts during this period, he has become a cadre with a certain reputation in the organization.

Now he has been assigned to Rome to discuss cooperation!

How dare someone call him that?!

But when his eyes locked on the two people standing on the side of the road, his expression changed again, and then he said in disbelief:

"Mr. Jiang Zhou?!"

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