An hour later, the AE86 stopped at the entrance of the village.

"Mr. Jiang Zhou, when you are done with your work, call me and I will pick you up." Ah Hai sat in the car and handed over a small card.

"I understand." Jiang Zhou took the card and walked towards the village with Joseph.

Seeing this, Ah Hai also rode away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After entering the village, Jiang Zhou looked around.

The overall environment of the village is very good, with herds of cattle and sheep on the vast grassland.

There are quite a few houses in the village, but because it is too remote, there are no more than 20 families living here.

This can be seen from the degree of dilapidation of some houses.

Soon, Jiang Zhou and Joseph came to a somewhat dilapidated house. Looking at the house in front of him, Jiang Zhou couldn't help but feel a little confused:"Mr. Joseph, are you sure Polnareff lives here?"

The house in front of him is the dirtiest one even among the abandoned houses in the entire village.

The door of the room was open, and at a glance, there was a thick layer of dust on the floor of the room.

It doesn't look like anyone lives here, right?

"Let me see......"Joseph took out the photo he had read from his pocket, compared it with the surrounding scenery, and confirmed:"This is it."

"It seems someone got there before us."Jiang Zhou sighed.

Before that, he had taken a quick look at Sha Lei's memory and learned that he had a companion who also carried out this mission.

While in the car, he looked through Sha Lei's memory in detail again. He learned the name and appearance of the companion, but the ability of the stand was still a mystery.

"Anyway, let's go in and see if there are any clues."Joseph said, and walked into the room.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhou felt that this house was a little strange, but he still followed.

After entering the house, Jiang Zhou's nerves became tense. At the same time, the Platinum Star appeared behind him. His super eyesight allowed him to not miss any details.

However, Jiang Zhou looked around the house and came to a conclusion that made him look a little weird.

"Mr. Joseph, no matter how I look at it, it looks like no one has lived in this house for a long time. Are you sure that Mr. Polnareff once lived here?"

"I am very sure."Joseph said seriously. The photos he took with his telepathic ability could not be wrong. At least this morning, Polnareff was still living here.

"That's strange." Jiang Zhou frowned. Even if the enemy's stand-in arrived here before them, he could at most take Polnareff away.

But now he concluded from the information on the scene that no one had lived in this house for a long time.

Could it be that something went wrong?

While Jiang Zhou was thinking, Joseph suddenly noticed a camera in the corner of the room, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"I think I can confirm his location again."Joseph walked to the corner and picked up the camera. After a quick inspection, although the camera had not been used for some time, there was still film in it.

"Hermit Purple!

Purple thorny vines grew out from Joseph's wrist, and then Joseph swung his arm down and suddenly split the camera in half.


The sound of an object falling to the ground interrupted Jiang Zhou's thoughts. He turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

As a result, he only found a camera broken in half.

Joseph's voice disappeared without a trace.

"Mr. Joseph? Jiang Zhou frowned and called out tentatively.

However, he received no response.

"Broken!" Almost instantly, Jiang Zhou realized that Mr. Joseph might have been attacked.

However, he was not sure about the method of attack.

At this moment, a photo was spit out from the camera that was broken into two pieces.

"That is......"Jiang Zhou saw the photo, but did not go over to pick it up. Instead, he stood there and used the powerful vision of Star Platinum to check the content of the photo.

Mr. Joseph was attacked from there. He was not sure of the opponent's ability yet, so he could not act rashly.

The photo showed a dark space, nothing but darkness.

There was no other color on the whole photo.

"What is that?"Looking at the photo, Jiang Zhou was a little confused. Is there such a dark place in this house?

After a moment, he looked at the house again, trying not to miss any corner.

People can't disappear out of thin air. There must be other secrets hidden in this house!

And this secret is likely to be the key to his victory!

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou walked quickly in the room. While keeping alert, the fist of Star Platinum began to pull madly.

Bed board, pull!

Table, pull!

Cabinet, pull!

Anything that blocked his sight was destroyed.

Soon, the room became empty. Except for a few pipes on the wall, there was nothing else.

At this time, some small traces on the ground caught Jiang Zhou's attention.

"This is......Rat footprints?"Jiang Zhou's tone was a little uncertain, because from the shape of the footprints, it should be a rat's, but there was only one S-shaped mark missing in the middle, which was a trace left by the rat's tail.

And there was another thing that made Jiang Zhou a little confused.

That was that the rat's footprints seemed to start from the wall, but Jiang Zhou did not find a rat hole on the wall.

"What on earth is going on?"Jiang Zhou had a hunch that the appearance of the rat's footprints was definitely not a coincidence, and it might be related to the enemy's stand ability.

"......"After a moment of silence, Jiang Zhou summoned the Platinum Star and punched the wall.


A punch landed, and a big hole suddenly appeared on the wall. Behind the hole was a rat's nest, with some coagulated blood and some food with tooth marks.

"I think I roughly know what your stand ability is."Jiang Zhou's mouth corners slightly raised. As long as he knew the ability of the stand, he would have a way to target the enemy's stand and make the most reasonable choice.

Then, Jiang Zhou walked to the center of the living room and leaned against the wall casually.

"Rats are animals that love to dig holes. Generally speaking, they will dig three to four holes in their nests. On the one hand, it is for grinding teeth, and on the other hand, it is also for escaping from other holes if one of the holes is blocked."

"Moreover, mice are very cautious animals. Before leaving the hole, they will stretch out their two front paws and lie down at the hole, looking around, and only move out after making sure it is safe."

"So the footprints couldn't have started from the wall. After all, no mouse would be stupid enough to wait for others to cut off its retreat before running away."

"The only explanation is that someone wanted to block all the exits of the mouse in a very short time while the mouse was still hiding in the hole, and the mouse could only choose to escape from the hole closer to itself while the hole was not completely blocked."

"That’s why the rat’s footprints start to appear at the base of the wall!"

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