"......I know."After a long while, Abbaccio spoke.

Since Polpo took over the casino business, he has become a prominent figure in Naples. As Polpo's most trusted member of the organization, Bucciarati also has a certain reputation in Sicily.

At least Abbaccio, who is not blocked from news, has heard of Bucciarati's name from the people before his visit.

"Then you should know why I came to see you."Bucciarati said lightly

""Why should I help you?" Leo Abbaccio asked.

After the death of cadre Lodz, the boss gave the task of finding the real murderer to another cadre, Polpo.

Because of his body, Polpo could not leave the prison, so he would definitely delegate this task to his capable subordinates.

In the whole of Naples, no member of the organization was more trusted by Polpo than Bucciarati, so Abbaccio understood the other party's intention after a little reasoning.

So he asked this question.

"Reason?" Bucciarati was not surprised. Everything needs a reason, but he had already prepared his"reason" long ago."Because this mission is very dangerous."

"Very dangerous?" Leo Abbacchio was a little surprised, he didn't expect that this would be the reason from Bucciarati's mouth.

In the organization, in addition to fixed teams, there are also members like Abbacchio who act alone, but sometimes, the tasks assigned by the organization cannot be completed by one person.

In order to complete the task, other members who act alone will look for Abbacchio who can serve as a companion and also act alone to form a temporary team.

Their [reasons] are varied.

Some say it is for the organization, some say it is for money, and some say it more bluntly - to climb higher.

But none of them has a reason as straightforward as Bucciarati.


It's just danger.

If He was an ordinary member of the organization. When he heard Bucciarati say the word"dangerous", he would probably have rejected Bucciarati on the spot.

However, what a coincidence!

Leo Abbazi is not an ordinary member!

The reason why he fell into the [darkness] and chose to join the [organization] was because he had accepted bribes and indirectly killed his colleagues. This remorse for his conscience was the main reason for him to join the organization.

Because of this, when Abbazi heard that the mission was dangerous, he did not show fear and fear like other people.

On the contrary, the more dangerous the mission, the more it can help him temporarily forget the unbearable memory.

This is him, Leo Abbazi, an [obedient soldier].】

"Interesting, I promise, I will come to see you at this time tomorrow." Abbaccio said, and took another sip of wine.

Then he staggered back to the apartment.

Bucciarati frowned slightly, but soon relaxed, and then turned and left.......

July 25th, Sunday.

In the restaurant"Libeccio",

Bucciarati sat on the sofa as usual, holding a diary in his hand, recording some plans for the future.

As a member of the organization, he regarded the boss who accepted his organization as the"absolute righteous man". This idea has not wavered since he joined the organization at the age of twelve, until a year ago, when his father died of sequelae of gunshot wounds.

But not long after his father's death, when he was dealing with a gang commission, he found the"white powder of desire" on the man who was forced into a desperate situation by him.

Bucciarati hated the"white powder of desire" that disrupted the lives of both father and son, and vowed not to tolerate it.

But in his subsequent investigation, he found that the master behind the evil transaction was the"absolute righteous man" he once believed in, which made it difficult for him to accept.

At the same time, for the first time, a yearning for power arose in his heart.

"If you want to climb to a higher position and have more say, you need a trustworthy team."Bucciarati murmured, his eyes full of determination.

As long as he successfully completed this mission, he would have the power to form his own team!

So, no matter what, he must complete this mission, even at the cost of everything.

"Mr. Bucciarati."Just then, a waiter knocked on the door, followed by a white-haired young man.

The young man was wearing a cross-strap ripped-chest outfit, purple lip gloss on his mouth, and a hat on his head that served as a headband looked like the top of a broken eggshell.

"You are here, Abbacchio." Buccellati sat up from the sofa and nodded slightly.

"Clues? We need clues to investigate the cause of Rhodes' death." Apaccio said, sitting opposite Bucciarati and asking the waiter for a glass of white wine.

"this......"Hearing Abbaccio's request, the waiter at the side hesitated.

After all, he could smell the alcohol on Abbaccio from a distance. It was obvious that he had been drinking all night last night. If he continued to drink and something went wrong, they might get into some trouble.

At this moment, Bucciarati said,"Give it to him."

He understood the real reason why Abbaccio drank, so he did not stop him. Moreover, the past that he could not bear to look back on could destroy a man's body and mind more than alcohol.

Choose the lesser of two evils.

Moreover, in some places, if people feel uncomfortable after a hangover the day before, they will choose to have another glass of white wine the next day. If Bucciarati remembers correctly, people there call this method"through it".

Although there is no scientific basis, this method is indeed useful for some people.

Soon, the white wine was served. Abbaccio took the glass from the waiter's hand and just sniffed the aroma of the wine with his nose. He felt a lot more energetic.

Then he drank it in small sips. His brows were not as tightly furrowed as when he first came, and gradually relaxed.

Bucciarati then took a document from the side, placed it on the table, and slid towards Abbacchio.

"That's all the clues." Bucciarati said calmly,"This is the record of the last flight that Rhodes took before his death, including the destination of the plane and the passenger list......."

""These are enough." Apache interrupted.

He only needed to know the location of Ross when he died.

Other information, such as the time of death, the means of killing, etc.......

Nothing can escape his ability!

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