"Hey, you did this on purpose, didn't you?!" Doctor Nohara glared.

If he had a substitute for the Hanged Man, Jiang Zhou probably wouldn't know how many times he'd been killed by him.

"No way, I just met a warm-hearted nurse and wanted to treat her to a meal to express my gratitude, don't you think, Dr. Nohara?" Jiang Zhou deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of"warm-hearted".

And Nohara obviously heard this.

But after seeing the other person's height of 1.85 meters, he finally chose to swallow his anger.

Then he said impatiently:"The person you are looking for is on the fifth floor, ward 504"

"Thank you very much, you are such a kind-hearted doctor." Jiang Zhou did not forget to disgust the other person at the end, and then took the elevator and pressed the button to the fifth floor.

"You bastard!"

After Jiang Zhou left, Ye Yuan could no longer suppress his anger and tore the medical book in his hand into pieces.

Then he looked at the elevator with a bad look.

"You are here to visit the patient, right? After you leave, I will definitely take good care of your hospitalized friend!"Yohara said with gritted teeth.

However, if Jiang Zhou heard what he said, he would probably laugh out loud.

You can play with Angelo as much as you want, even if you pull out his oxygen tube.

Jiang Zhou would only applaud from the side. But Nohara obviously didn't think so.......Poor Angelo, maybe this is karma


Soon, the elevator stopped on the fifth floor. Because of the door number, Jiang Zhou quickly found the ward where Angelo was.

"504......This is it."

After confirming the door number, Jiang Zhou pushed the door open and walked in.

In the room, besides some instruments, there was only a bed and Angelo, who was wrapped like a mummy on the bed.

To be honest, if Angelo had not subconsciously summoned a substitute the first time he saw Jiang Zhou, Jiang Zhou might not have recognized him.

"Woo, woo......"

Angelo wanted to say something, but because of his injuries and the bandages on his face, Jiang Zhou didn't hear what he wanted to say.

However, even if Pi Yan thought about it, he knew that Angelo would not be able to say anything good.

"Well, it's a pity to give you such a nice room."

Jiang Zhou did not take away Angelo's memory directly, but walked to the window.

Because Angelo's injury was serious, the hospital specially selected a ward with the best ventilation.

Feeling the breeze, Jiang Zhou even envied Angelo for a moment.

Living in such a clean and tidy room, everything in life is taken care of by beautiful nurses.

Even going to the toilet is......

"You, what are you doing here?" Jiang Zhou shook his head.

However, Jiang Zhou did not come to the window just to get some fresh air, but to create a blind spot for easy disk replacement.

Platinum Star replaced.

White Snake appeared!

""Woo! Woo!"

Angelo's eyes widened as he looked at the philosophical stand in front of him.

This guy, at first glance, is not a good person!

""Ugh?!" (I'm seriously injured and in the hospital, and you're still doing this to me?!)

""Woo?!" (Do you still have a conscience?!)

Listening to the whimpering sound beside his ear, Jiang Zhou pointed to his ear, then smiled and said:"Sorry, I can't hear what you are saying."

"White snake, take action!"

"Don't worry about me, it's this guy, right?" White Snake smiled strangely, and then slowly approached Angelo who was lying on the bed and unable to move.

""Woo!" (Water necklace!)

As Angelo's eyes widened, a substitute with aqua blue liquid and many pairs of eyes on its body blocked Angelo's way.

"You, what do you want to do?!"Shui Necklace said in panic.

Since the status of the stand is linked to the status of the stand user, he doesn't have much power now.

What's more, Shui Necklace itself is not a stand that is good at strength and speed.

"Of course, I'm taking something from you." Baishe said with a sinister smile.

The distance between him and Angelo narrowed a little.

After hearing what the other party said, Angelo's pupils shrank suddenly.

【Take away] something?

Just from the tone, it doesn't sound like taking away anything in the physical sense.

"You guy, wouldn't you......!!!"

Shui Necklace subconsciously covered her back garden.

At this moment, the white snake dressed in philosophy seemed more frightening than Star Platinum.

Even Jiang Zhou beside him felt a chill.

"White Snake, this guy, doesn't really have any special hobbies, right?"At this moment, Jiang Zhou even thought about whether to cut off the spiritual connection with White Snake.

He didn't want to experience such a disgusting experience himself.

But then again......The little nurse should clean it more thoroughly than Angelo himself, right?

"No, that's not right! What on earth am I thinking about?!"

He shook his head frantically, as if trying to get rid of all the philosophical images from his mind.

At this time, the water necklace also took the lead in launching an attack.

"Go to hell!"

The water necklace turned into liquid and instantly flew towards Jiang Zhou's mouth.

However, in the next second, his body gradually became transparent.

"How, how could this happen?"The water necklace was puzzled.

Finally, it disappeared completely one meter away from Jiang Zhou.

At this time, the white snake also threw a disk to Jiang Zhou.

"This guy's ability is quite interesting, but a bit ugly."

"Then keep it."

Jiang Zhou took it, but there was one thing he didn't say.

""Woo! Woo?" (My double, why can't I feel my double?)

Angelo was shocked.

After all, on the boring hospital bed, the only way for him to pass the time was to rely on his double ability to peek at the male patient next door taking a bath.

Now that he has no double, he can't even do the last entertainment activity.

"Don't worry, you won't remember all this."

The white snake's palm passed across Angelo's forehead, and a memory disk was extracted in an instant after a simple arrangement.

"This should be what Jotaro wants. I didn't expect that there would be an"arrow" in such a small place."White Snake threw the memory disk to Jiang Zhou, and then smacked his lips.

After all, according to his understanding, things like"arrows" are not common goods.

"Who knows?" Jiang Zhou said absentmindedly.

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