In the morning, Jiang Zhou changed into Xin Hong La Jiao's disk again.

Then, he took out another [substitute disk] and a [command disk] with pre-written commands from his clothes and handed them to Xin Hong La Jiao.

"I didn't expect to need you so soon."Jiang Zhou sighed.

This might be fate.

Then, driven by Jiang Zhou, Xin Hong Lajiao followed the electric wires and returned to the old apartment building where Yin Shiming lived.

At this time, Yin Shiming was lying on the bed in a daze.

The contribution of the stand-in to his life is not small. The ability to transform into electric current and travel freely through the wires can bring him countless wealth.

Now that the stand-in has been taken away by Jiang Zhou, he is just an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary.

"Damn it! I should have moved away from Morioh Town earlier. Since I came back, few good things have happened here!"Otoishi Akira clenched his fists, and his knuckles turned slightly white.

But he quickly loosened them.

He had lost his stand ability. If something happened to his hand again, his life would really be meaningless.


"In general, there was no loss, except for two beatings......."Yin Shiming consoled himself.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of electric current flowing in his ears.

"Masaka!" Yin Shiming turned his head away, and the old landline phone on the table was shaking slightly.


He carefully picked up the microphone.

The next second, a bright yellow electric current flew out of the microphone and formed a humanoid substitute in mid-air.

"pungent..."Xinhong Lajiao!" Yin Shiming's voice was trembling, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

But after confirming again and again, he knew that the Stand in front of him was indeed Xinhong Lajiao.

But he soon calmed down again.

In the few months since he awakened his Stand, he has tried his best to study the types of Stands.

Although Xinhong Lajiao's range is top-notch, it is not a fully automatic control Stand.

"You bastard, what are you doing here, are you here to laugh at me?" Yin Shiming said, his joints were once again pinched until they turned white.

But this time, he didn't let go. He was furious!

He wanted to risk being electrocuted and hit the other person hard.

But he couldn't do it. Although he could still see the existence of the stand-in, he had lost the ability to attack the stand-in.

Most of the stand-ins can only be touched by the stand-in without launching an attack.

And now he is just an ordinary person who can see the stand-in.

Helplessly, he slumped on the bed again, picked up a book on music theory at random, and then said lightly:"Tell me, what do you want to see me for, or I don't think there is anything you are interested in now, right?"

At this time, Xin Hong Lajiao also smiled and waved her hand,"NO~NO~NO~, now you have something that I don't have"

"What is it?"Yin Shiming's eyes were still on the book, but his ears were perked up.

He understood that the"thing" the other party was talking about might be his last bargaining chip.

Even if he couldn't get his substitute back, he must get some benefits from the other party.

Then, Xin Hong Lajiao said leisurely:"Identity"

"Identity?" Yin Shiming was stunned.

He was just a 19-year-old rock singer who played guitar very well.

Is there anything special about this identity?

Just when he was confused, Xin Hong Lajiao laughed again,"Yes, an identity that justifies a crime!"

Upon hearing this, Yin Shiming sat up suddenly and stared at Xin Hong Lajiao with wide eyes.


To be precise, looking at Jiang Zhou

"You, you should know what you said, right?" Yin Shiming licked his lips, and his lips were chapped unconsciously. It's not that he hasn't committed crimes before. Before his substitute was taken away by the other party, he used spicy red peppers to steal about 500 million yen.

But that was based on the premise that he was sure that he would not be discovered, and even if he was discovered, he could escape safely.

But now......

He is just an ordinary person without the ability to stand.

If he goes out to commit crimes with such an identity, he will probably be caught by the police before he can get the goods, right?

"You are kidding me, aren't you?!" He stared at Xin Hong La Jiao, as if trying to read something from his expression.

Unfortunately, he had not learned anything about this, and even industry experts probably couldn't read the micro-expressions of Pachycephalosaurus.

"NO~NO~NO~I will certainly not let you fall into a trap. During this period, I will temporarily return the spicy red pepper to you. After the matter is completed, I will give you an extra sum of money, plus the opportunity to send you to the world's top music school for further study. How about it? Do you want to consider it?"

"you......Will they really give me a large sum of money and a chance to study there?" Yin Shiming's eyes widened, filled with longing for the top music school.

As for the spicy red pepper, since the other party said that it was temporarily handed over to him, it would definitely not remain in his hands when the matter was over.

However, although it was impossible to get the spicy red pepper back, the opportunity to study at a top music school alone was enough to make him excited.

"Why should I believe you?"Yin Shiming was not stupid enough to ask such a question."We are not close friends for many years. How can you be so kind?"

Jiang Zhou did not deny it."Of course, you have no choice. Have you seen this disk?"

As he spoke, Xin Hong Lajiao raised his palm.

At the tip of the middle finger nail, a silver-white disk was spinning.

On the surface of the disk, a puppet could be vaguely seen.

"What is this?"Although he knew it was not a good thing just by looking at it, he still asked.

"It is also a kind of substitute, called [Puppet Show】"

"I can let my spirit descend upon you, so that I can also use your identity"

"Oh, then there is nothing to talk about, I agree!"

Yin Shiming said, stood up, and then asked again:"What do you want me to do? When will the spicy red pepper be returned to me?"

"Don't worry." The spicy red pepper in front of him suddenly laughed sinisterly.

"I don't trust you completely. If you tell others about my affairs, I will be in big trouble."

"We need some insurance measures......"

As soon as the words fell, Xin Hong La Jiao made a lightning-fast move and sent the [Command Disk] to Yin Shiming's brain.

Then it turned into electricity again and drilled into the phone.

"The replacement disk will be delivered to you tomorrow morning. Before that, please be prepared!"

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