
Sweat soaked Kobayashi Yumei's forehead.

At the same time, Hirose Koichi, who was standing by, also came back to his senses after seeing this scene.

"Well, you were lying to me!"

When he found out that the cat that he had run over and was bleeding was just a toy, the guilt in his heart disappeared instantly.

The big lock on his body was also automatically unlocked.

""I'll give you the money back!" Kobayashi Yumei said as she took out a few banknotes from her trouser pocket and threw them in the direction of Hirose Koichi.

He took this opportunity to get away.

"What? This guy is really shameless. He actually used a cat doll to cheat people."Hirose Koichi said, preparing to pick up the money from the ground.

However, the next second, he screamed again.


Then he took the money in his hand and squeezed it tightly,"These look like banknotes, but they are actually waste paper cut from book pages!!!" An ugly expression appeared on his face.

"Oh?" Jiang Zhou was also stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction of Kobayashi Yumei,"Even if you are exposed, do you have other coping plans? This guy is really annoying." He took out 7,000 yen from his wallet and handed it to Kang Yi,"It's to pay for the book fee, so use mine first. This guy probably won't let it go. When you catch him next time, just return the money to me."

"this..."I understand. I will definitely return the money to you as soon as possible, Mr. Jiang Zhou!" Kong Yiji said solemnly.

Jiang Zhou didn't care when he saw this. He just smiled and then pointed at the bicycle and said,"Okay, go to school quickly. As for the bicycle, you can ask Josuke to fix it for you when you get to school.""

"I understand!" Kong Yiji nodded, thanked Jiang Zhou again, picked up the bicycle, and rode towards the school.

Jiang Zhou then returned home.

Grape Hill High School.

Hirose Koichi was daydreaming on a chair.

He was thinking about how to talk to Josuke about the bicycle after class.

However, at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the socket not far from him.

Although it was only for a moment, Hirose Koichi really saw a swollen-headed dragon-shaped stand-in from the lightning.

"It's the guy from that night!" Hirose Kang stood up in an instant.

This action instantly caused dissatisfaction among the teachers.

This class was an English class, and the English teacher said in as calm a tone as possible:"Does Hirose want to translate this text?"

"I...Oh, yes, that's what I thought!" Hirose Koichi then realized that he was in class.

Then he glanced at the textbook of the classmate at the table in front of him, and picked up his own textbook.

Using standard American pronunciation, he first read the text, and then translated it skillfully.

The accuracy of the translation was so high that even the English teacher nodded.

Then he said:"Koichi's translation is very good, but next time you want to translate a text for your classmates, you have to raise your hand."

"I understand!" Hirose Yasushi nodded and sat back in his seat.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If it were him a few months ago, he would never be able to read the English textbook so fluently, nor would he be able to translate it so easily.

"You really helped a lot, Mr. Jiang Zhou."

Time passed quickly.

The bell rang for the end of class.

A tall figure walked behind Kong Yiji and patted him on the shoulder."You are a good boy. Why didn't I know your English was so good before?"

"Ah, it’s Josuke, no, that’s all thanks to Mr. Jiang Zhou’s good teaching."Hirose Koichi scratched his head, a little shy.

But he reacted the next second, looking at Josuke Higashikata with a serious face,"Now is not the time to talk about this, Josuke, I just saw the stand that can turn into electricity!"

""Ah?! Are you serious!?" Higashikata Josuke's expression changed.

"That means that guy's true form is also a student of Morioh Town." Higashikata Josuke said gloomily,"I didn't expect he was so close to us!"

"I didn't expect it either......"

At the same time, a pair of eyes were staring at Hirose Koichi through the crack in the door.

"Kang Yijun......"

Beside her, Otoishi Ming also passed by the door, took a look through the crack of the door, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly,"Higashigata Josuke, I believe that with your intelligence, it is impossible to pull me out of the school without external help."

"By then, the task that the man gave me will be completed."

With a sneer, Otoishi Akira disappeared into the crowd again.

Time passed quickly and it was four o'clock.

Hirose Koichi rode his intact bicycle home from school.

When he reached the door, he parked his bicycle first.

Then he looked at the sleeping big dog.

So he walked over, kicked its butt with his foot, and then said,"I'm back, Police."

Seeing that it didn't respond, he stretched his head over and whispered,"Are you still alive? Woof woof."

The police raised his head, gave Kong Yiji a blank look, and then lay down again.

And Koichi was also joking enough, he pushed open the door and walked in

"I'm back."

Just as he was about to change his shoes, he found a pair of unfamiliar shoes on the ground.

At the same time, a familiar voice came from the room.

"Masaka!"Recalling what Jiang Zhou said, Guangse Kangyi quickly changed his shoes and wanted to rush to the living room.

But after thinking about it, the other party was a stand-in after all, so he picked up the landline phone in the corridor and called Jiang Zhou.

Jiang Zhou's residence


The urgent ringing of the bell made Jiang Zhou, who was busy cooking in the kitchen, raise his head.

"Strange, who could be calling at this time?"Although he was a little confused, Jiang Zhou still turned off the gas, wiped his hands with a rag, walked into the living room and answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Jiang Zhou, what can I do for you?"

Then Kang Yi's voice came from the other end of the line.

"Teacher Jiang Zhou, that guy from the daytime came to my house. Can you please come over?......"

Before Guangse Koichi finished speaking, Jiang Zhou said directly:"I know."

Then he remembered something and said to the phone:"Kouyi, judging from the guy's performance during the day, the stand's combat ability should not be strong. The only thing to pay attention to is that you must not feel guilty about this guy."

"You have to remember, even if you beat him up black and blue, just think of it as getting rid of harm for the people, I'll be there soon!"

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