"Okay, let me take a look at your memory next."

Kishibe Rohan said, and walked to Mata Toshikazu's side.

He squatted down and started reading.

"It's all my fault....If Teacher Jiang Zhou comes later, it will probably turn out like this......."Hirose Koichi looked at his body which had turned into a page of a book and could not help but blame himself. In the room, there was no other sound except for his voice blaming himself, the sound of Kishibe Rohan turning pages, and the beeping of the phone.......He fainted just now because he saw his small penis turned into a book page.

The next second, a fourth voice appeared in the room.

It was the voice of Kishibe Rohan. It was one of his habits to read the words on the pages of the book when flipping through it.

"Bullying kittens and birds from time to time will make you feel refreshed and comfortable."

"He wanted to assault Junko from Class 3-E, but he couldn't because he was a coward."

"Eggs often���I was sweating so much that I would use my hands to adjust my position during class, but I didn’t know if others would see me, so I felt inexplicably nervous. It was really cool."


After just flipping through one page, Kishibe Rohan lost interest in reading any further.

Even if such a bad character was drawn in a comic, no reader would like him. Even as a villain, he was too disgusting and did not match his comic style.

Thinking of this, Kishibe Rohan looked forward to Jiang Zhou's memory even more.

"His words will surely provide me with excellent inspiration."Kishibe Rohan murmured.

At the same time, behind him, Hirose Koichi stood up. He still looked like a book page.

But there was a firm look in his eyes.

"Mr. Rohan Kishibe, I'm warning you for the last time. If you don't remove our abilities, I'm going to attack you!"

"Oh, whatever you want." Kishibe Rohan didn't care at all, and didn't even bother to turn his head.

However, the next second, he heard the sound of pages tearing.


At the same time, Hirose Koichi's firm voice also reached his ears

"Indeed, as long as your ability is still there, I will not be able to attack you, but......"Hirose Koichi said this, his voice paused, and then the sound of pages tearing suddenly accelerated.


The page with Kishibe Rohan's order had been torn off by Hirose Koichi and was held in his hand.


Blood dripped slowly along the end of the page.

Hirose Koichi was also affected by the severe pain and trembled all over.

The only thing that remained unchanged was the firm look in his eyes.

"if only...Siha...Just tear off this page...Siha...Your ability is no longer effective!"

The intermittent breathing sound accompanied by Hirose Koichi's firm words made Kishibe Rohan silent.

Then he slowly stood up, turned his head, and looked at Hirose Koichi.

"I really like you more and more, Kangyi.....You are obviously more timid than others, so you are often ignored. But at critical moments, you can burst out with courage that ordinary people don't have. Readers will definitely like such a character!"

"It's really interesting!"

Kishibe Rohan said, tearing off his expensive shirt, and took out a fountain pen with an ink sac.

Then he waved it quickly on his clothes.

A sketch of Hirose Koichi appeared on the paper. A firm look, a page dripping with blood.

And an invisible awareness!

"You! You still don't plan to release your ability at this point?!"Hirose Yasushi's eyes shone, and then he said sternly:"ACT-2. Attack!"

The dark green figure instantly flew into the air, and then took off the pyramid on its tail.

It turned into a three-dimensional onomatopoeia board.


The word board flew out of his hand and flew towards Kishibe Rohan.

Seeing this, Kishibe Rohan couldn't help but frown. The thunder word board just now had made him see the power of this upgraded stand.

If he took it head-on, even those powerful stands would not be able to gain any benefits.

"but...The weakness of your ability is really obvious."Kishibe Rohan suddenly said


I saw several pen tips being caught between Kishibe Rohan's fingers, and then suddenly flying towards the word board in midair.

The next second, the words on the word board were printed on the pen tips.

Kishibe Rohan himself just dodged to the side and avoided the attack.

"What?!"Hirose Koichi was shocked!

Then he wanted to order ACT-2 to retract the pyramid.

However, at this moment, Kishibe Rohan also ran towards Hirose Koichi. At the same time, he swung the pen in his hand.

The black ink spot fell on Hirose Koichi's body, and the pen tip followed closely. In an instant, Kishibe Rohan left a new order on Hirose Koichi's body.

【Unable to attack the cartoonist Kishibe Rohan, and unable to do anything to harm himself.

At this time, Koichi's ACT-2 just touched the pyramid.

"Still, a step too slow?......"

Hirose Koichi slumped down on the ground, his face full of despair.

At the side, Kishibe Rohan breathed a sigh of relief, and when he saw Hirose Koichi's expression at the moment, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Then he slowly walked to the desk next to him and picked up a piece of Kent paper.

"That's it. This kind of expression is real enough. Only when it is real enough can it leave a deep impression on book fans!"Rohan Kishibe's face was full of joy.

On the Kent paper in his hand, he quickly copied Hirose Koichi's expression at the moment clearly.


""Hmm?" The voice coming from the phone made Kishibe Rohan frown.

The voice did not come out suddenly, but has been there since he hung up the phone.

Putting down the Kent paper in his hand, Kishibe Rohan picked up the microphone, then adjusted the position of the microphone and put it down again.

However, the voice did not disappear.

Instead, it became clearer.


"Is there a malfunction?......"Kishibe Rohan frowned.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out in the room.

"You have done very well, Koichi."

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