【Side Quest 1: Find the"Magic Crystal"! Just like the beautiful poisonous mushroom, the Magic Crystal has deadly radioactivity, which makes monsters extremely afraid, but it contains mysterious energy. It is known as the"Rose" in the mineral family."——Please find the mysterious ore sealed deep underground】

【Reward: Natural Uranium Ore!】......

【Side Quest 2: Find the whereabouts of the"Seal Stone"! The Sealing Stone is a mineral that can isolate magic power and seal powerful monsters. It has radioactive energy that is hundreds or thousands of times more powerful than the Magic Crystal. Find it and absorb it.】

【Reward: Enriched Uranium Core Cube!】......

At this moment.

There seems to be something like a radar in Godzilla's mind, just like looking for the Dragon Balls, it will beep when it gets close to the target.

This makes Godzilla's sensitivity to radiation and radioactive materials much stronger than any great magician's perception of magic.

The closer to the nearby radioactive site, the stronger the radar will react.

Godzilla uses this method to find the whereabouts of his exclusive experience stone.

《Proficiency reaches a certain level. Skill 〈Detection LV9〉 is upgraded to 〈Detection LV10〉〉》

《Proficiency reaches a certain level. Acquired skill"Divine Domain Expansion LV1"〉》

The moment it started to detect, all the information in the space it could perceive seemed to be gathered together.

The flow of radiation, the structure of matter, the flow of air......All kinds of information flowed into my mind.

It was as if a sense of omnipotence surged from the bottom of my heart.

At present, there are about 100,000 skill points left.

Consume some of them, fill up the detection points, and start helping Godzilla find the surrounding radiation and expand the search range.

After all, as a newly promoted mythical monster"Diablo Godzilla", he has a large number of skill points stored in the system to prevent unexpected needs.

At the critical moment of the battle, it is simply awesome to use up all the skill points in one go and point out the ability to specifically restrain the enemy.

"Didi - Discover the whereabouts of the"Seal Stone"......Target location: unknown island!"

Godzilla's huge body swam in the sea water, and his huge dorsal fin emerged from the water like a shark fin, like mountain-like thorns, rushing towards the direction of the human island.

A distance of hundreds of kilometers is nothing to Godzilla.

Soon, it came to this unknown island.

There are very few creatures on this island, and even the plants are sparse. When Godzilla's huge figure swam under the sea, a skinny human saw it, fear appeared in his eyes, and fled towards the direction of the fishing village one by one. They ran into the house, notified others, and shouted that the monster is coming.

"What kind of monster is this? Ah, help, help!"

"Oh my God, is this a dragon?"

""Help! Run! The monster is coming!"

The crowd screamed in panic, followed by an earthquake.

After Godzilla landed, every step he took shook the beach, and countless smoke and dust exploded in all directions, and the thatched houses where the villagers lived were also shaken down.

"This is......What kind of monster?"

Even the oldest witch in the fishing village didn't know Godzilla, but she didn't dare to use identification magic for fear of causing misunderstanding.


Compared with those humans who fled in panic, Godzilla saw a scene that surprised him.

There were not many young people in the fishing village, most of them were old people and children, but they were all very strange, as if they were sick, and there were deformed tribesmen everywhere.


Godzilla is a reincarnation, he couldn't be unaware of this situation.

Behind the old witch were several thin and yellow middle-aged people, as well as some congenital diseases, such as brain deformity, limb deformity, slow growth of young boys and girls.

「Human: LV1 Name: Alan」

「Status: Cancer」......

「Human: LV1 Name: Ding Lin」

「Status: Cancer」......


At this moment, Godzilla looked down at the entire fishing village. There were about a hundred households living here.

But they were all suffering from cancer.

No wonder they only knew how to yell when they saw him, but didn't know how to run away.......

It turned out that they were too weak to run away.

All of them were exposed to nuclear radiation. There was a seal stone somewhere on the island. For some reason, it began to appear in the outside world, perhaps because of an earthquake or other reasons.

The humans living there suffered from radiation sickness due to the influence of nuclear radiation. This disease is symptomatic and will cause nausea and vomiting within a few hours, followed by diarrhea, headache or fever. After the initial symptoms, there may be a short asymptomatic period, but new and more serious symptoms will appear after a few weeks. The most serious aspect of the long-term impact of radiation on human health is that it can cause cancer.

Generally speaking, once a normal cell reaches the end of its lifespan, it will"commit suicide" and die to make way for new cells.

When cells lose this"suicide" function, cancer occurs.

This cell becomes"immortal" and continues to divide and proliferate out of control.

Those deformed humans, their cells have been severely damaged, and errors began to occur in the process of cell repair, resulting in changes in the original genes, so some look like undead, and there are also deformed genetic children who have mutated and grown a third hand.

It seems.

There really are strong radioactive materials on this island that are constantly emitting nuclear radiation!......

(PS: Does anyone want to see a slime that has been fighting for 300 years?)

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